
Cleveland vs. Columbus
osumi427 4 Reviews 536 reads

I don't pay attention to Cleveland much because it is a bit away, but when you have a line up of Nikki Haven, Eva Loren, Marilyn Maxwell, Kate Hawn, Gia Munro with frequent visits from Paula Allen, Leanne Bangkok and Allene Diamond makes me wonder why anyone is griping.....  

that kind of selection has made me poor...  lol    That's not counting the touring Apres Vous women.

I am actually closer to Cleveland, but why does Columbus get bashed so much?
I actually saw my 1st lady there and their are many more there, I would like to see.

Reading this board can be so depressing sometimes because so many guys complain about Columbus.  One thing I have noticed is that the gentlemen that tend to complain the most have a somewhat limited or specific type of lady they are interested in.  I think it's a huge exaggeration to indicate that an entire city is bad, when you only partake in a small amount of what's available.

I'll make some generalizations of my own to explain my take on it.  They typically want young, hot, great skills and attitude and inexpensive.  When a girl is young and hot, they are typically not in this business because they love it.  In most cases there was some dire financial need that drove them to it, therefore attitude and great skills may not be as good as desired.  When someone is hot and has great skills and attitude, they may start with a lower rate, but as they learn what they are capable of, they will typically increase their rates.  Young, hot, and inexpensive will typically not have the greatest attitude or professionalism.  

While these are generalizations and certainly may not always be the case (I'm sure there are exceptions), IMO, it's just a matter of unrealistic expectations, and/or a limited perspective based on self-imposed criteria.

I guess for the guys who P4P a lot, their choices of truly beautiful ladies they haven't seen yet,  would get pretty thin. ( if only looking for ladies in Columbus)
I have the pleasure of moving around the country for my work, so I have a greater opportunity than some, to see more beautiful women.
Good point though Eva......thanks.

...told in various permutations.  The way I first heard it...had to do with a young lady that lived near a military base.  To be clear, she was a civie.  As she came of a certain age, she began to mingle with the boys from the base.  One thing lead to another, and it soon became known that she was an easy target for a new recruit.  Her reputation soon grew to having slept with the entire base staff.  Most certainly, that was an overstatement of reality...but not by much.  

Well...the shit hit the fan as they say and this lady, let's call her 'Boot Camp' (you do her in your first two weeks in the military)....suddenly stopped offering basic training.  Her reputation reversed completely and she would thereafter only date civie men.  Well, one night at a local watering hole...a group of rowdy young men were trying every trick in the manual with her to no avail.  It finally escalated to a confrontation.  When asked why she suddenly stopped horizontal maneuvers with the greenhorns on the base...Boot Camp exclaimed that every single army boy was a lousy lay!  They threw it back in her face, claiming that other ladies seemed quit pleased with the products of military training.  Maybe the real issue in all her encounters was her.

Well, Boot Camp hurriedly left the bar, tears streaming down her face in embarrassment.  Firstly at having publicly admitting her familiarity with all the boys on base...and secondly at realizing she was the lousy lay...not them.  

The moral of the story being...if you keep having bad experiences with other people in any aspect of your life...maybe you should consider that you're the common thread to each encounter.  Stop blaming others for your life and take responsibility for yourself.

These whiners that constantly moan about the poor 'product' in Central Ohio are just like Boot Camp.  They think the problem is not them.  Someday, they will realize the truth and remorse will hit like a ton of bricks....mainly because they have been wasting so much time bitching when they could have been having a great life.  



-- Modified on 12/24/2013 1:50:22 AM

And we can't help who we're attracted to. If I go car shopping I don't buy something just to buy something or buy on a trial n error basis.

My worst experiences(in professional demeanor) were in Columbus.

What kind of moron contninues to walk through an area where-in he gets mugged each time?

Its just a "piece of turf"(warriors), you all. At what point do you decide to drop the Thelma n Louise relationship with geography?

Save for one or two bad apples.

We just need to ignore them.

Outside of them....I don't see the Colmbus bashing...is there another board where that happens?

Anyone who can't see that there many very desirable ladies in CBUS is blind.


Posted By: lungman
I am actually closer to Cleveland, but why does Columbus get bashed so much?  
 I actually saw my 1st lady there and their are many more there, I would like to see.

I don't pay attention to Cleveland much because it is a bit away, but when you have a line up of Nikki Haven, Eva Loren, Marilyn Maxwell, Kate Hawn, Gia Munro with frequent visits from Paula Allen, Leanne Bangkok and Allene Diamond makes me wonder why anyone is griping.....  

that kind of selection has made me poor...  lol    That's not counting the touring Apres Vous women.

read it - and I come to Columbus privately even not advertising here - may be I should next time say when I be in Columbus
 and why I am there 3 times a year ? I think there  more intelligence then in Cleveland soryyy but it s soo truth .. Cleveland .. how to say so not to provoke fire?? I better let you thin yourself -
" Columbus is home to the world's largest private research and development foundation, the Battelle Memorial Institute; Chemical Abstracts Service, the world's largest clearinghouse of chemical information; NetJets, the world's largest fractional ownership jet aircraft fleet; and The Ohio State University, one of the largest college campuses in the United States."

Posted By: Belebeu
read it - and I come to Columbus privately even not advertising here - may be I should next time say when I be in Columbus  
  and why I am there 3 times a year ? I think there  more intelligence then in Cleveland soryyy but it s soo truth .. Cleveland .. how to say so not to provoke fire?? I better let you thin yourself -  
 " Columbus is home to the world's largest private research and development foundation, the Battelle Memorial Institute; Chemical Abstracts Service, the world's largest clearinghouse of chemical information; NetJets, the world's largest fractional ownership jet aircraft fleet; and The Ohio State University, one of the largest college campuses in the United States."
I don't disagree with your Columbus vs Cleveland comparison.  I also don't agree with it.

Your experiences in the two cities may color your opinion...and that is valid.  It's completely okay for you to say "I have experiences with (to me) smarter guys in Columbus relative to Cleveland".  

But to say one is smarter than the other based on a few companies that exist in one and not in the other...that seems a bit of a reach for me...bordering on a generalization.  Cleveland has the R&R HOF, more pro sports teams, high grade airplane (parts) manufacturing, a top health clinic in the world, and probably other factors.  

I think it wouldn't take a lot of effort to find examples of highly intelligent people in both cities.  

For the record, I live in Columbus.  

-- Modified on 12/29/2013 12:21:21 AM

... anyone who bashes a city with Eva in it is a fool.  Having said that, from a provider's perspective, I have heard a lot of no-show stories with touring providers, and there is a well-known guy here with a history of stalking.

From a hobbyist's perspective, there are certainly a lot of providers here in a variety of price ranges, so I can't see why the guys who do their research would be complaining too much.  Old-timers will always complain about how much better it used to be, but I don't know.  I always thought it was Cleveland that was the wasteland for quality providers (not speaking from personal experience, so no offense intended)

The guys that bash are the guys trolling BP for cheap action.  The ladies here are fine .... in fact wonderful ..... are there ladies in other cities as good or better?  All in the eye of the beholder as every city has the same situation ...... if you want quality then do your research and you will be rewarded ...... continue to chase $60 quickies and you will continue to be disappointed.  There are several top notch woman (hi Eva) in this city and many more that provide wonderful service at fair prices ...... and if your really lucky you find a few UTR ladies that blow your mind .... be lazy and post bullshit and your reputation will keep you from seeing the fine ladies of our city

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