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Help Please with getting listed
ajoi2you See my TER Reviews 1677 reads

I have a friend girl who is expanding her horizons and decided to start posting on TER. I've been a member forever and I was showed my reviews by a client so that's how I knew about TER and I had a profile already. She registered but it said they blocked her account almost immediately. How does a provider get listed without having a review? Especially if she, in fact, does not want reviews either.

Thanks in advance
Love, Joi

If she doesn't want reviews, then she doesn't want to be listed on TER. Her profile gets created by the first person that reviews her. No exceptions, because the whole point of this site is the reviews of the providers. I don't know why she had trouble registering, as a basic-level membership is free.

Posted By: ajoi2you
I have a friend girl who is expanding her horizons and decided to start posting on TER. I've been a member forever and I was showed my reviews by a client so that's how I knew about TER and I had a profile already. She registered but it said they blocked her account almost immediately.
Blocked her account? Can you clarify? My first thought is: TER tries to prevent users from creating multiple accounts or committing other kinds of fraud or deception. One way that they do that is via checking IP addresses (and maybe other technical stuff) associated with the login. If she used your computer to sign up, TER might have thought it was you trying to create a duplicate account. Hence, the blockade. Post more info to help us to make better guesses.  She (or you, if it was your computer) should contact TER Admin and ask for an explanation and how to unblock her new account, once proved to be legit.
How does a provider get listed without having a review? Especially if she, in fact, does not want reviews either.
By "listed", do you mean get a "Profile"? Profiles are only created by Reviewers. The first Reviewer enters her info into a blank Review Submission Form and writes his review. Once approved, the Profile and review are created and posted simultaneously. Nothing is automatic. A new Provider can join TER and start posting to the boards and ad boards but still not get her first review, hence Profile, until many weeks have passed. Patience is a must!  
If she does not want reviews, she will have to watch for a Profile. Once created (with a first review), she can ask TER to remove the Profile and not to post more reviews.  If she changes her mind in the future, she can ask TER to restore the Profile and reviews.
Search or scan the Newbie board for "Help! I'm new!" or "How do I get my first review?" kinds of posts and the helpful replies.
(It might be something subliminal, but for some reason, I'm craving a candy bar right about now. Sometimes you feel like a nut. Sometimes you don't.)

-- Modified on 9/11/2017 6:24:55 PM

in TER trouble as well.

You may want to "Contact Us" ASAP and explain what happened and beg forgiveness.

Whether a girl is wanting reviews or not does not matter. Once a person creates the the first review she then has a TER ID number. I have only done one first review ever and it is that simple.  

If she does not want reviews then I would her proceed having her profile taken down.  

In any case looks like your having issue that only the TER can help you with at this point.

If she has a no review policy she is automatically delisted. This sounds like the case according to what the OP stated. Why would someone who doesn't want reviews want to be on a review site anyway?

Your friend has the wrong idea about reviews. Without reviews, she will be seen as just another cheap BP girl. Customers will expect a lower price, in return for the risk of hassles like upselling, misleading pictures, double-booking, etc. With good reviews, she can place free weekly ads here at TER, charge a higher rate, and see a better class of clientele.

NanaRaven131 reads

So maybe she only wants to advertise here? You can advertise here if you are a member, don't have to be a listed provider.

GaGambler129 reads

TER has a policy, one of the handful that actually make some sense, that If you do not permit reviews you are not permitted to advertise on THEIR review site. lol

Yes, you can advertise on TER without having any TER reviews, but that is only if you allow them, but just don't have any yet. If you have a posted policy "anywhere" that could be your website, any of your ads, P 411 or anywhere else that you do not permit reviews, TER will not allow you to advertise here.  Their site, their rules.

The OP has a no review policy on her website and yet she's here. Kind of funny that she has a section dedicated to how to STFU and lists reviews within it.

So it kind of flies in the face of TER rules.

I was focusing on the unnamed Provider-friend whose basic membership was blocked and who doesn't want reviews. Since we don't know who she is, we can't see her current ads and policies. But you're right about the OP. In her FAQ section, it says #noreviews and similar lingo on her TER ad.

Posted By: AHappyCamper
Re: Are you certain of that rule?
The OP has a no review policy on her website and yet she's here. Kind of funny that she has a section dedicated to how to STFU and lists reviews within it.  
 So it kind of flies in the face of TER rules.

She's not the only provider I've seen have a no review policy clearly stated on her website and yet the have ads posted on a weekly basis.  I've even seen a few that have this policy, yet they receive reviews and even post them onto their Twitter feeds.  

That if you send in a problem report they get de-listed?

GaGambler103 reads

any doubters now?  

I bet PS got the plus two. lol

Was not aware of that, but honestly if a provider chooses not to want to be reviewed then it's up to her to delist herself.  I don't have a dog in this hunt and I'm not interested in playing TER police.  I'm just merely pointing out what I've seen/read.  

As a new provider myself, I would advise against it.. I just recently got my first review ( FINALLY) and I've already noticed a change.. Obviously, it is hard to know the legitimacy of someone without knowing or hearing anything about them. Providers ask for full name and details to have some assurance and I would think hobbyists need the same. Of course, when you are established and have developed clientele you can maybe afford no reviews but starting out I would advise against not allowing them, especially if they are honest reviews.. someone lying about things is another story.

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