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You're not my country cousin visiting some big city by any chance, are you?sad_smile
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 299 reads

Just wondering.

Listen. I'm new at this. Need help guys.  

-- Just finished rolling coins. 36-Rolls of Quarters, 7-Dimes, 5-Nickles.  

Never seen a lady before.  

Would it be wrong to pay if they are PRE-ROLLED? (not like taking change outta my pocket).  
Or hit the CoinPro? (SafeWay probably-they don't charge to change to bills).  

Any suggestions on a nice woman?

Thought I better ask first (because of this story)---tried to ask my friend, he just laughed at me.  

Home> Weird News--Woman Pays $200 Bill With Coins, Town Says No More
 A Pennsylvania township is asking residents to keep the change.
Officials in Millcreek Township, along with its water and sewer authorities, have adopted a policy limiting how much change they'll accept from residents paying sewer bills and other fees.

I'm trying to be righteous....seeing how the Government (yet again) gone messed up things..won't take their own coins.she might have problems depositing them. (also saw they charge a fee to BUY coins these days). DANG!

oh, also. Of course I'll shower before I go get her, but should I shave too? (trying to grow a new one)--prefer not why I'm asking. (do they care or is it just really all about money?)

If you do use them, be prepared to run and duck as these rolls of coins will quickly become missiles headed your way.

And yes, do shave.

No one likes the feel of sandpaper against their cheek and certainly not on their nether parts.

story for this board if he tried that!

Regarding shaving - it's your choice.  Do what you normally do to look and feel your best, BUT if you do have some stubble , you will REALLY need to be aware of this when you are DATY.  If you don't want to be distracted by worrying about this, then shave.  I have a very short beard, and have learned from experience myself...

Only if you expect her to shave, too.

I think you just proved that wrong. I'm usually nice on this board but I think you are a troll. (sorry swim, I don't buy this guy as a newbie:( )

....but just in case:
If you are at all for real, take the time to read the Self Help Center, and read back on this board 10 or20 pages. Then come back and ask questions if you still have some (real ones).

Also if you are scraping up coins to see a provider, this hobby is not for you.

This is a dumb one, IMHO.  Who is gonna carry hundreds of dollars in wrapped coins to a provider date?  And what provider is gonna accept them as payment???

WTF is this guy thinking???  Go cash in the coins at a bank and take paper money, duhhhhhh.


Posted By: swimtrekr
This is a dumb one, IMHO.  Who is gonna carry hundreds of dollars in wrapped coins to a provider date?  And what provider is gonna accept them as payment???  
 WTF is this guy thinking???  Go cash in the coins at a bank and take paper money, duhhhhhh.  

What, no pennies, you cheap bastard!

1. She has a LOT more laundry to do
2. She needs to start working out
3. You're playing pranks on her lol.

I'd suggest going to the cute teller at the bank and flirting with her as she spends an hour exchanging your coins. :D

Just remember, if you brought coins, the time taken to count said money, is coming out of your session!  

I don't think there's any reason to be a bitch about it.
However, if you are using change, I would assume that you won't be a repeat customer anytime soon.
No provider is going to go "above & beyond" in her service for a one & done guy, imo.

Dude, just cash the change in. Suck up the 5-15% fee, call it a day.

And stop trolling.


"So baby, I got these rolls of coins over here...."

Posted By: neeed_help_here
Listen. I'm new at this. Need help guys.  
 -- Just finished rolling coins. 36-Rolls of Quarters, 7-Dimes, 5-Nickles.  
 Never seen a lady before.  
 Would it be wrong to pay if they are PRE-ROLLED? (not like taking change outta my pocket).  
 Or hit the CoinPro? (SafeWay probably-they don't charge to change to bills).    
 Any suggestions on a nice woman?  
 Thought I better ask first (because of this story)---tried to ask my friend, he just laughed at me.  
 Home> Weird News--Woman Pays $200 Bill With Coins, Town Says No More  
  A Pennsylvania township is asking residents to keep the change.  
 Officials in Millcreek Township, along with its water and sewer authorities, have adopted a policy limiting how much change they'll accept from residents paying sewer bills and other fees.  
 I'm trying to be righteous....seeing how the Government (yet again) gone messed up things..won't take their own coins.she might have problems depositing them. (also saw they charge a fee to BUY coins these days). DANG!

Should not take but about a month to spend that on gas and groceries a little at a time. You can turn that into folding money if you want to. Many merchants will take a single roll when it involves a transaction.

If it's already rolled up, my bank just wants me to put my acct # on the rolls in case they come up short. Some banks have a free change accepter in the lobby.

I gotta go with other's thoughts here though...either you are not 'hobby material' or you are a troll poster.

It's obvious this is a troll post, so I won't bother wasting any of my good material.

Yes, this is perfectly acceptable.  I saw Kramer do this on an episode of Seinfeld.   On the other hand, I might be having a "senior moment" and he might actually have been buying a calzone.

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