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You win the award for understanding perfectly!teeth_smile
ontheprowl14 18 Reviews 433 reads

Honestly, I thought my OP was sufficiently clear but apparently not.  It was intended to be a much simpler question than it turned out to be, considering all of the confused souls here.  

Thanks, too, for your insights...your reply addressed my question head on and it's much appreciated!

Just wondering if seeing two ladies at the same hotel incall (as doubles) could, in some cases, be more cost effective than seeing them individually considering the hotel savings?   I've never noticed this in doubles ads, but I'm curious about the experiences of others.  

Of course there are two kinds of doubles.

In one, which I'll call a tag-team, only one gal at a time is involved with you.

In a real double, both gals take care of you at once, which is a lot more fun.

I suspect you'd get some discount for the former, but not for the latter, though I could be wrong.

Why would the cost be different? Either way you are seeing two girls (which each need to be paid) at their location (the incall) what would make the session more cost effective in your mind?

The difference is the hotel room cost for incall (one session vs two sessions at different times).

Posted By: MarieLuscious
Why would the cost be different? Either way you are seeing two girls (which each need to be paid) at their location (the incall) what would make the session more cost effective in your mind?

In cost. Why would you incure more hotel costs if you're seeing doubles? Can you clarify?

For incall, the lady obtains the hotel room and the hotel cost is ultimately part of the cost for the session.  Doubles sessions would have less hotel costs because only one room is rented.  If a gent sees the two women individually at different times, then two rooms are rented.

The hotel cost is not necessarily part of the cost for the session, or at least not enough to affect the price. Unless you know for a fact that she's buying the room just for you. The way lots of girls do it is to spread out the cost over multiple clients.

I don't remember ever paying an inflated rate to see a girl at a hotel incall. I always pay her standard rate. Could be that their standard rate would be lower if they had their own non-hotel incall, but I doubt it.  

VOO-doo423 reads

One of the women may have obtained the room to see other clients that day (not just you).  

Say the room is $100. Say the woman staying in the room has seen 4 or 5 clients that day. She already HAS the room, whether you show up or not. It's a cost of doing business. You don't ask a Chinese restaurant to give you a discount because your business is helping pay their rent.  

It's an outcall for the other woman... or, maybe she has her OWN hotel room, and has to purchase $10 worth of gas (or cab or Uber fare) to travel to her partner's room, and tip $10 for valet.  

Why do you assume they're saving money with this arrangement?  

Also, if one woman *does* get a hotel room just for you... are you seriously going to try to press her for a discount, on top of her offering that convenience??

I wouldn't necessarily expect a discount in this situation...I'm just wondering if others have noticed (or experienced) this type of arrangement for the reason I mentioned.  Yes, it's true the hotel cost to a provider is often spread out over several clients (maybe more often than not); obviously this leads one to view the situation from a different perspective.

Posted By: VOO-doo
One of the women may have obtained the room to see other clients that day (not just you).  
 Say the room is $100. Say the woman staying in the room has seen 4 or 5 clients that day. She already HAS the room, whether you show up or not. It's a cost of doing business. You don't ask a Chinese restaurant to give you a discount because your business is helping pay their rent.  
 It's an outcall for the other woman... or, maybe she has her OWN hotel room, and has to purchase $10 worth of gas (or cab or Uber fare) to travel to her partner's room, and tip $10 for valet.  
 Why do you assume they're saving money with this arrangement?  
 Also, if one woman *does* get a hotel room just for you... are you seriously going to try to press her for a discount, on top of her offering that convenience??

You would still pay each lady's individual rate unless they have a specified rate for doubles listed.  

Were you considering seeing each lady individually and therefore worried about the incurred hotel costs that they and/or you were going to shoulder? I think you may need to ask the question again with a bit more clarification and detail.

LJ, xox

I know that I'm supposed to nice since this the newbie, but I've read your post and still can't figure out your reasoning for the post. Can someone help?

our rates are the same. Sorry, we don't offer  "discounts" for doubles. The time spend with YOU is the same as I was by myself. Double is a fantasy of yours.. shouldn't affect my income.

-- Modified on 4/6/2017 9:53:28 AM

OP is suggesting: assume the room is 100  

She sets a rate on the assumption of 100 for the room + 200 for her = 300.
If a duo and they BOTH get (100 + 200) x 2 = 600 then the extra 100 isn't going to the hotel, it's going to them, above their normal profit of 200 for solo sessions.

If the duo wants to, they can adjust the total to reflect the shared room: 100 + (200 x 2) = 500 total. The hotel gets their 100 and each girl still gets her 200 above costs.  

Having said that, when girls are out working, they sometimes take separate rooms anyway, so they can work solo on their own schedule w/o having to have conflicts with their friend's schedule.  

In this case, their rates might be: assume 100 for the room, in order to make the money I want to make, I have to see at least 4 guys that day, etc., etc. In THAT case, the duo session still has to cover her room cost, even tho' only one of the two rooms is being used.  

I see the OP's point but I can see it working both ways. Because I am on the client side, I think there should be a discount for a duo: shared room cost, less work, ... but I don't call those shots.  

My duo experience was fun but not worth it. Some double BBBJ but the rest was tag-team and too strenuous trying to be nice all around even tho' I wanted to give more attention to one than the other. I might do it again, but only I knew it was going to porno quality.

Posted By: ontheprowl14
Just wondering if seeing two ladies at the same hotel incall (as doubles) could, in some cases, be more cost effective than seeing them individually considering the hotel savings?   I've never noticed this in doubles ads, but I'm curious about the experiences of others.  

Honestly, I thought my OP was sufficiently clear but apparently not.  It was intended to be a much simpler question than it turned out to be, considering all of the confused souls here.  

Thanks, too, for your insights...your reply addressed my question head on and it's much appreciated!

Yes, I got what you were asking but you oversimplified based on the simplest assumptions and the associative law of arithmetic:  (a + b) x 2  =/=  a + (b x 2)  

We don't know their actual costs and how they are factoring everything in.  Each case is different (e.g., two touring ladies; one touring lady + one local lady; two local ladies with a duo routine; w/o a duo routine; ... ).  

If you enter into a duo situation and are thinking "I'm double paying for the room. Grrr." it will eat you up and ruin the whole experience. Read the reviews. Check your wallet. Decide if it's worth it to you. Go for it. And hope that everything works out well with no disappointments. ("Not only did I have a lousy tag-team time, but I paid double for the room! Aaagggh!")

Posted By: ontheprowl14
Honestly, I thought my OP was sufficiently clear but apparently not.  It was intended to be a much simpler question than it turned out to be, considering all of the confused souls here.    
 Thanks, too, for your insights...your reply addressed my question head on and it's much appreciated!

The reason why most people were confused (I'm assuming cause this is why I was confused) is because I don't know any provider that charges their client for their incall. We have a fee, incall/outcall. It doesn't vary on the cost of the incall or how many clients we see in that incall or if we are sharing that incall. the fee is set. That's why I was confused. Also you asked about a double, their rate is set.

We generally don't change rates according to how much we pay for a room...unless of course we are touring because rates need to be increased according to location  (like NYC).  It would be one thing if two women booked an incall solely for you and asked to be compensated for going out of their way to pay for a hotel room specifically for you but I don't think that's what you are referring to.  Ladies I know who do doubles generally have two separate hotel rooms because not all of their business consists of doing doubles.

To be a bit more clear, the associative properties apply to either addition OR multiplication... but not both at the same time.  For example, (2 + 3) + 5 = 2 + (3 + 5) and (2 x 3) x 5 = 2 X (3 x 5) demonstrate the associative properties of addition and multiplication, respectively. I suppose you could say addition and multiplication DO NOT associate with each other....that is the relevant point as it relates to your first post.  I was confused by your homemade "not equal" sign in your last post (and initially overlooked it), but I believe this is probably what you were trying to say.
To further emphasize the point of my original post.... I wasn't suggesting doubles providers should necessarily offer a discounted rate.  My intention was only to make the observation I did, then let others comment.  Honestly, it doesn't matter to me what rates doubles providers charge.... I tend to prefer seeing ladies individually (rather than together) as you do.

Posted By: impposter
Yes, I got what you were asking but you oversimplified based on the simplest assumptions and the associative law of arithmetic:  (a + b) x 2  =/=  a + (b x 2)  
 We don't know their actual costs and how they are factoring everything in.  Each case is different (e.g., two touring ladies; one touring lady + one local lady; two local ladies with a duo routine; w/o a duo routine; ... ).  
 If you enter into a duo situation and are thinking "I'm double paying for the room. Grrr." it will eat you up and ruin the whole experience. Read the reviews. Check your wallet. Decide if it's worth it to you. Go for it. And hope that everything works out well with no disappointments. ("Not only did I have a lousy tag-team time, but I paid double for the room! Aaagggh!")  


Posted By: ontheprowl14
Honestly, I thought my OP was sufficiently clear but apparently not.  It was intended to be a much simpler question than it turned out to be, considering all of the confused souls here.    
  Thanks, too, for your insights...your reply addressed my question head on and it's much appreciated!


-- Modified on 4/6/2017 11:33:21 PM

-- Modified on 4/7/2017 12:51:34 AM

see one lady in the evening and then see another lady the following morning. Then, you get to use the hotel room for two outcall dates and thereby reducing you costs 50%.

I usually prefer to spread my dates out over a longer period of time, at least most of the time.  Also, an outcall date typically costs at least as much as incall (and usually more, due to the extra travel for the ladies).  Some ladies have a lesser rate for an outcall than incall, but from what I've seen the vast majority do not.

Posted By: keystonekid
see one lady in the evening and then see another lady the following morning. Then, you get to use the hotel room for two outcall dates and thereby reducing you costs 50%.

VOO-doo389 reads

seeing two ladies at the same incall affect the price?  

You don't know if they're splitting the cost, or not. Also, if it's easier/harder for them to travel to you.

Expecting a discount in this scenario is like asking for a discount for an outcall.  

Besides, if you do get some sort of concession... what will it be, like $50? Is it really worth making a fuss over that?

SketchySituation357 reads

Would you rather have 2 x 1 hour appointments with two different providers and pop 2 x 2 = 4 times or would you rather have a 1 hour appointment with two providers at once and pop 2 x 1 = 2 times?  Should guys value these the same or differently?  I would be inclined to value the first one at more than the second one.  So I would have to get some sort of a discount to partake in the latter.  Thoughts?

...and the rate is the same.

I'm seeing two women who play well together, have doubled a number of times and enjoy each other's company. I'm looking at their individual rates for 2 hours, times two -- so no "discount" for a doubles session.  

It's for the experience and for being able to participate in a hot 3-way. I'm not a big fan of woman-on-woman porn (I know, I know, I'm an outlier) but put me in-between two lovely women who interact with each other, seem to enjoy it and I get to interactively participate in as many positions/combos as we can think of? For two hours?

Yeah, I'm not too concerned about a discount at that point, regardless of whether it's one of their in calls or a hotel room.

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