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Wedding Ring
sqr336 9 Reviews 8902 reads

Hmm.  How many of you take your ring off before visiting your provider?  Have you ever come across a provider that cared if you had your ring on or treated you any differently?  
Thanks guys,

Gothicman9878 reads

Keep it on. Most providers expect to have married men as clients. The risk that you run taking the ring off is that you will loose it, then you will have some explaning to do.

yeah - loosing it was my biggest concern - kept it in my shoe under the padding.  But I figure that most providers woundn't care, just wanted other opinions as well.

gusty 556862 reads

I always keep it on but mainly it's because I don't want to lost it. And if you're going somewhere where you think your ring could be stolen, well, maybe that's a risk not worth taking.

I think the provider is going to feel better if she knows more about you and frankly, unless you're just married a couple of weeks, the ring has probably left its mark.

SweetTina8142 reads

We don't care. Honestly I think it's sexy sometimes. I don't know why but I do.

It also gives a message to the provider that you don't want to walk away with anything unexpected.

...It gives you something you know you shouldn't be having.  I'm not married so I don't have this dilemma.

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