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You have reached out to 4-5 pros.4- 5 pros not taking your business.
Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 432 reads

Posted By: ANiceGuyToHookUp
I am a very busy person.  But I am also a very spontaneous person.  I am interested in perhaps gaining a few insights into the best way to obtain a provider the same day as compared to booking in advance.  Admittedly, I seem to struggle to find a quality provider on a few hours notice.  Briefly:  
 1) What needs to be true for a lady to screen you based on your TER handle?  
 2) I want to avoid reaching out to too many ladies at once, making an appointment with one of them, and then having to tell the rest of them that respond later that I just made an appointment because I don't want to get classified as a time waster with someone who I will want to see in the future.  Any thoughts?  
 3) In general, any advice related to developing a respectful, efficient approach is appreciated.  
 I would love to hear from the providers on this topic.  Incidentally, I am looking for someone today.  I reached out to about 4-5 providers, but I am reluctant to reach out to anymore.  
Move on find another professional on here.

I am a very busy person.  But I am also a very spontaneous person.  I am interested in perhaps gaining a few insights into the best way to obtain a provider the same day as compared to booking in advance.  Admittedly, I seem to struggle to find a quality provider on a few hours notice.  Briefly:

1) What needs to be true for a lady to screen you based on your TER handle?
2) I want to avoid reaching out to too many ladies at once, making an appointment with one of them, and then having to tell the rest of them that respond later that I just made an appointment because I don't want to get classified as a time waster with someone who I will want to see in the future.  Any thoughts?
3) In general, any advice related to developing a respectful, efficient approach is appreciated.

I would love to hear from the providers on this topic.  Incidentally, I am looking for someone today.  I reached out to about 4-5 providers, but I am reluctant to reach out to anymore.  

Posted By: ANiceGuyToHookUp
I am a very busy person.  But I am also a very spontaneous person.  I am interested in perhaps gaining a few insights into the best way to obtain a provider the same day as compared to booking in advance.  Admittedly, I seem to struggle to find a quality provider on a few hours notice.  Briefly:  
 1) What needs to be true for a lady to screen you based on your TER handle?  
 2) I want to avoid reaching out to too many ladies at once, making an appointment with one of them, and then having to tell the rest of them that respond later that I just made an appointment because I don't want to get classified as a time waster with someone who I will want to see in the future.  Any thoughts?  
 3) In general, any advice related to developing a respectful, efficient approach is appreciated.  
 I would love to hear from the providers on this topic.  Incidentally, I am looking for someone today.  I reached out to about 4-5 providers, but I am reluctant to reach out to anymore.  
Move on find another professional on here.

To clarify - that is the problem - I cannot predict my schedule a week in advance.  Too volatile.  I get paid a lot of money to manage risk and to adapt to changing requirements.  

Also, the issue is NOT that 4-5 providers are not taking my business.  The issue is that I end up reaching out to 4-5 providers and then 4 hours later I hear back from one of them who wants to schedule an appointment.  Then there is the back and forth of trying to schedule the appointment.  Meanwhile, maybe 2 of the other providers might get back to me when that is going on.  And I want to be respectful to all while still ensuring that I take care of myself.

GaGambler253 reads

many of us have petitioned admin to not allow her to infect this board, but to no avail.

I completely get your situation as I am in the same boat. The key is when reaching out to these ladies make sure you are as respectful of their time as you want them to be of yours. Usually I send something like this.

"I know this is short notice and I completely understand if you are unable to accommodate me this quickly, but I saw your P 411 ad and I would love to meet you, today if possible. Please feel free to check out my profile and okays before getting back to me. I can make it anytime this afternoon/evening  and can work around your schedule. If you are unable to see me on such short notice I completely understand and perhaps we can make it another day.

A couple of tips to tilt the odds into your favor are to only contact providers that are either "online", have checked in recently or have "available now" ads on P 411.  

Yes, you do need to reach out to several ladies to have much of a shot at getting a same day session, but don't just send out 5 messages in a ten minute period. Give each woman at least 10-15 minutes to respond to you before contacting the next as it would be kind of rude if two women were to get right back to you and you would have to decline one of them.

I do this all the time and as long as you are considerate of the lady's time you should be fine. Like you, I would rather schedule "same day" than be one of those guys who constantly makes, and then breaks appointments.

GaGambler408 reads

The first is to join P 411, they have an "available now" section which, depending on the day will give you a dozen or more providers who are available "same day"

Another is to get pre screened by some of the ladies you don't actually connect with on any given day so you can save time the next time you reach out to them.

Third is to find a couple of reputable agencies for those days that no indies are available on short notice.

One thing you want to be sure not to do as to not ruffle any feathers and this is to send a brief text or email, basically stating, "can I come see you in an hour?" Most girls will simply move your communication to their junk file and put you on their own personal DNS list.

For traveling gals, as soon as they announce their tour dates, generally one to two months.  

I like the anticipation.

schedule a week or more in advance. My P4P time is limited so I want to see the top rated ladies.

-- Modified on 4/1/2017 4:53:20 PM

i also tend to have little time for play.  being a single dad, i don't always know when all the stars will line up.
(kids doing good, babysitters scheduled and caught up with work so i can take a day off)

i have 1 regular i've seen for a few years. i will give her a "heads up" txt when i think i will be in town, the previous week.
she knows my schedule can change and if we can meet when i am there then it's on.

if i find a lady that i like on ter or p411 then i reach out to them and tell them my approximate schedule and try to get the screening out of the way.  some of them want to want to lock in a day and time, but i can't do it.  i am honest with them and don't want to waste anybody's tine (including my own)

there is a great AMP that i can't stop going to because the ladies just keep getting better and better.  hell, sometimes if i have the whole day off, i will go at 9 a.m. just for a fs warm-up before golf.  (life is good!)

also, ask your providers if you can use them as a reference.  this has helped me a couple times saving time.
or ask the provider if she can recommend one of her co-workers.

and lastly, i recently used a service in Vegas that was great.(will repeat)
services in my area seem to be high priced and i haven't checked into them......yet.

good luck and keep on keeping on!

Posted By: ANiceGuyToHookUp
I am a very busy person.  But I am also a very spontaneous person.  I am interested in perhaps gaining a few insights into the best way to obtain a provider the same day as compared to booking in advance.  Admittedly, I seem to struggle to find a quality provider on a few hours notice.  Briefly:  
 1) What needs to be true for a lady to screen you based on your TER handle?  
 2) I want to avoid reaching out to too many ladies at once, making an appointment with one of them, and then having to tell the rest of them that respond later that I just made an appointment because I don't want to get classified as a time waster with someone who I will want to see in the future.  Any thoughts?  
 3) In general, any advice related to developing a respectful, efficient approach is appreciated.  
 I would love to hear from the providers on this topic.  Incidentally, I am looking for someone today.  I reached out to about 4-5 providers, but I am reluctant to reach out to anymore.  
I'm personally quite good on short notice, I just need time to get ready. I'm sure there are others like me in that way. I think someone suggested pre-screening and I think that's a great suggestion. I also think what you said is perfect and you should explain that to the provider upfront so she can let you know if she thinks that will work with her schedule/lifestyle. Once you've spoken with and been screened by a few providers you can tell them your time frame when you contact them and you might have better luck. Hope that helps!

You and I are very much so in the same boat, just on opposite sides of it. You as a client and me as a provider. We both are super busy with all our projects, careers, etc., but love spontaneity. With that, I have learned that even as a provider, pre-screening is amazing for those of us who are busy and want to see one another. We just don't know when. That way, when the time comes, it's just a matter of handling the quick logistics.  

The most respectful and efficient approach is pre-screening and you can use P411 as a way to notify a provider that you want to be a potential client. Also, be forthcoming about your situation. Inform them that you are a busy person and that you want to be prepared for the future. It'll be much more appreciated than a same day request from someone who wants us to expedite their screening.  

Best of luck & have fun!!


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