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You have awfully good reviews for a 63yr old man lol eom
GaGambler 1558 reads


mr_smith3164504 reads

is this review site real

AWomanLikeNoOther1651 reads

Define "real". Are any of us really "real"? What does it mean to be "real"? How do you know if you are real or if you are not? How do you know if something is "real" or if it is just a figment of your imagination? Do we exist? What does it mean to exist? Does an inanimate object exist if it has no method of realizing it's own existence (or lack thereof)?

To answer your question, no. This site is make-believe. You dreamed it all up. (And you should probably bring it to fruition because you could probably make some money from it!)

-- Modified on 1/15/2008 11:56:38 AM

sleepydasher1287 reads

All fictional stories for entertainment purposes.  Period.

Everything you read here is fiction.  I have never met ANY of these people and don't even know for certain that they exist.

Someone didn't read the manual.

Its a virtual reality game online.  All the players have secret identities, of their choosing, and we meet online so that we can discuss our fantasies.

The gentlemen here, and we can't be sure they are gentlemen as we have never seen them (they could be ladies in disguise), correspond with the ladies (again, we can't be sure if they are ladies), for the purpose of erotic fantasies.  

I'm actually at 63 year old man, retired from Catepillar Corporation, living out his fantasy of being a hot and sexy woman.  Just getting in touch with my feminine side.

I hear that Jazz is actually a 25 year old college student, who is studying "philately" with a minor in "astrobiology"

I believe Mr. Fisher is a former Chippendales Dancer, who is no longer dancing having made his fortune in tips.  Balthazar is really a photographer for Playboy magazine, but he doesn't like to brag about it.

Sinfully Sinthia (my online "alter-ego")

PS if anyone else wants to come clean for the benefit of our newbie... feel free to post your "real" vitals.

-- Modified on 1/15/2008 3:29:27 PM

-- Modified on 1/15/2008 3:37:41 PM

I was going to add a wise remark, but I can't stop laughing long enough to string two coherent thoughts together. The Sinful One strikes again!

Well, since Sin is blowing all of our covers, I guess I have to finally come clean.

I am a pig farmer in Mongolia.  I have my PhD in 'Renaissance literature relating to the Spanish Inquisition and it's eventual re-emergence in the American Idol reality TV series.'

I have achieved my seventh degree blackbelt in eraser clapping.  I taught Chuck Norris everything he knows.

In the world of romance, I have inadvertently incapacitated dozens of women with my cunniligus technique that sends them beyond the eleventh plane of heaven.  (But no money has ever been exchanged except for time and companionship).

I can levitate.

I am 16 years old, but am very mature for my age.

I cannot wiggle my ears, but I can voluntarily invert my nipples.

I speak 18 languages, including Harpy Eagle.  But I am severely dyselxic.

I am humungously humble, but I am aware that I can yodel better than anyone on my block.

Ok, that about does it.  I can't give away all my secrets.  It does feel rather refreshing to be able to unburden myself from all these hidden issues.


Gazorbch n?ch corr$ctit zomfraggle gack bzzarp

Hybrid Picture intercepted - Screen cleared....

Darn it!! The universal Translator is not functioning at optimum levels again.

I'm a quazi-demensional being from the Planet Tabganiz. I'm here in your dimension studying your people for my, now how do you say it? Degree? That's it!! Degree. A Degree in "Pan-dimensional Non-monetary Social Intercourse" (Sorry that's as close as the translator can get..)  
I most completely enjoy the many stimulating and obiously true exchanges I have observed here. Please keep up the good work and many thanks for all the help in getting my degree!!

Actually I'm Pussy Galore from the James Bond Movie in the 60's "Goldfinger"

wanted me to post her (actually his) real identity.  He is actually a 40 year old motorcycle mechanic, named Ernie, a lifetime member of HOGG, and boasts more tatooes on his body (including one on his schlong of a giant boa constrictor) than anyone else on this board!  Ernie enjoys chugging beer directly from the keg, bouncing at biker parties, wetting girls at wet t-shirt parties, making the trip each year to Sturgiss.  But he has a sensitive side, he also helps little old ladies across the street, enjoys Japanese Flower arranging and has a zen garden in his back yard.  He even owns a copy of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, autographed by the author!!!

You got it that would be me the one with all the Lube...

After taking the time to post his query, he has disappeared.  Oh well.  I heard he was a "banana gasser" living in South America, who quit his previous job as a "snake milker" after seeing a double feature of Anaconda and Snakes On A Plane.  

I'm disappointed because he and his wife (Mrs. Smith) were going to be team players in our virtual reality game and add a little espionage to our play.  

Sorry I couldn't resist!!!  lol (I think by now everyone knows I have a wicked sense of humor.)

-- Modified on 1/18/2008 10:52:59 PM

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