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You are correct sir!
inari See my TER Reviews 367 reads

Got it, BBBJ at the door! Thank you kindly for the excuse, my oral fixation is tingling.

And a cop sounds like: oink. Do you have an unduly porcine voice?

-- Modified on 7/7/2015 10:24:38 PM

So I've read about an "LE Grab" in reviews, and I'm fascinated!

Providers, do you employ this technique to ease your mind? What exactly do you do?

Hobbyists, do you have your own version that will satisfy you that your provider isn't LE?

-- Modified on 7/7/2015 9:41:55 PM

Bob.Sugar760 reads

If you're in a room with LE...the only grab will be your hands behind your back getting cuffed.

Do your research...check her reviews...PM recent dudes about her.

I assume you're a newbie...check out the Newbie board and educate yourself.

At the moment asking this type of question means you are a danger to yourself.  Read and read on the Newbie board as this question has been asked and answered thousands of times.

Good luck

Posted By: inari
So I've read about an "LE Grab" in reviews, and I'm fascinated!  
 Providers, do you employ this technique to ease your mind? What exactly do you do?  
 Hobbyists, do you have your own version that will satisfy you that your provider isn't LE?

What sets my mind at ease is a BBBJ. I can recall seeing an attractive young lady once, this was at a location which I should avoid, but didn't. She asked me to grab her something from the convenience store prior to my arrival, the store can be seen from this location. When I get to the store there is Johnny Law.  

I think to my self no big deal, since he was driving his marked patrol car. Once I made my way to her location, I was little nervous since there is the possibility I could be seen with binoculars. I was hesitant to leave the fee upon first arrival, and the young lady refused to touch me minus the condom. I finally gave her the fee by the time the session was ending.  

I like when ladies ask you over the phone, are you a cop? Yep you got me there goes my bust. Like LE is going to say yes. There have been times I said No, I always say NO, I've been hung up on. I think to myself "do I sound like a cop?" WTF does a cop sound like?

Got it, BBBJ at the door! Thank you kindly for the excuse, my oral fixation is tingling.

And a cop sounds like: oink. Do you have an unduly porcine voice?

-- Modified on 7/7/2015 10:24:38 PM

And I've definitely aquainted myself with the legal and newbie boards...I am absolutely doing my due diligence with screening qnd verification...sorry I didn't adequately communicate the nuance of my question!

From the reviews I read, it appears that some people are still doing these LE checks not as a first line of defense, but once all other precautions have already been taken...maybe as a.self-soothing/placebo ritual? (haha)

In any case, I was genuinely interested to know what providers and hobbyists were doing along these lines, partially to  identify ways to make my future clients more comfortable, and partially because I'm a little Margaret Mead-y (ha!)

So yeah, sorry the question is Byzantine...

-- Modified on 7/7/2015 10:25:51 PM

I do have my own version that will satisfy me she isn't LE.

I believe they call it..."TER."

-- Modified on 7/7/2015 10:31:13 PM

...No amount of kissing, grabbing genitals, getting naked, or asking are you a police officer will protect you from what happens if LE is in the room. They can lie. They can grab you or let you grab them you will still be under arrest if that's what they are there for.

I've never read a review where the writer said he or the provider did an LE check. I guess they exist because others have said they have read them. People do them but they are wrong if they think it protects them.

True. Bottom line is to do your homework. If LE wants you they will get you. It's as simple as that my friend.

GaGambler559 reads

Once you are at home writing your review of the experience and you HAVEN'T spent the last night in jail, it's pretty safe to say your provider is NOT LE.

As for some more useful advice, I would agree that spending a bit of time on the Newbie board would be time well spent.

expertiamator221 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
Once you are at home writing your review of the experience and you HAVEN'T spent the last night in jail, it's pretty safe to say your provider is NOT LE.  
 As for some more useful advice, I would agree that spending a bit of time on the Newbie board would be time well spent.

Posted By: inari
So I've read about an "LE Grab" in reviews, and I'm fascinated!  
 Providers, do you employ this technique to ease your mind? What exactly do you do?  
 Hobbyists, do you have your own version that will satisfy you that your provider isn't LE?
I am a newbie and I can tell you that you are making this more complicated than it needs to be.   Do you homework or spin the wheel of luck.

Johnny3Balls502 reads

once you've made you appointment and you arrive and she gives you the room number, call the police and ask them if they are doing a sting in that hotel room. If they say no, you are good to go. If they say yes, run away. Either way you can sleep well knowing you have done your LE check. Report back here after your first completion.

I will definitely impart this wisdom upon my first booking.

-- Modified on 7/7/2015 10:27:21 PM

.....but I'm open to the idea of an "LE Tonguing"! :D

We know that LE will set up a F-cop to sting a guy.
We know that LE will send a M-cop to sting a girl.

Has LE ever used a F-cop to sting a F-friendly girl?  
Has LE ever used a M-cop to sting a gay guy

"Has LE ever used a F-cop to sting a F-friendly girl?"

I don't know, but its very doubtful. We female mongers are so rare that it wouldn't make alot of sense. A few times when I have visited a new stripclub a girl will outright ask me if I'm a cop, and I'll just laugh and tell her how silly it would be to send a female cop alone into a strip club to bust dancers.It wouldn't make much sense.

Posted By: lopaw
It wouldn't make much sense.
Fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency and an almost fanatical devotion ...

-- Modified on 7/8/2015 9:20:04 AM

Gentlemen, you've made me laugh, I really appreciate it! Yep I'm a brand new provider, I've been lurking for a while doing my research, and now I feel truly initiated to the gen discussion board.  

My infinite thanks for making me aware of the enormity of my folly via your holy rage and rapier wit. (but also,, see my clarification upthread, if only so I can save face).

Seriously, guys, I have legit giggle tears. Xoxo

Mostly, it's LFK turning into DFK that is the usual with most providers I've seen, regardless of how many times...first time, or the 20th.

-- Modified on 7/8/2015 2:21:48 AM

Do your homework and this should not be an issue. I would stick with girls who have consistent reviews, websites and a presence on multiple sites.  I think LE stings are more  prevalent on BP and agencies.

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