Newbie - FAQ

craunico 1900 reads
1 / 5

what does this mean?

wizard1565 3 Reviews 1032 reads
2 / 5

Your mileage may vary

shudaknownbetter 1576 reads
3 / 5

The key to abreviations & most all of your questions is on the "Newbie Manual" at the top of this board.  You really need to read it all...  then several pages on this board, throw in a couple on the other boards...  It's part of getting an education.  Look for info on:
the 2 call system
hobby phones
secure email
being discrete  

TER is a great resource.

mattradd 40 Reviews 1132 reads
4 / 5

"YMMV -- Your Mileage May Vary, a catch-all phrase to remind that tastes differ, and experiences may vary from person to person." This is the translation from the Newbie Manual, but what is the meaning? Well, you will learn that it can mean various things, but it can help you, at times to make a decision as to whether to see a lady. If you see a significant variation of performance scores, from high to low, and with a significant number of review descriptions saying "YMMV," there's a good chance you want to stay clear of her. If her performance scores are consistently high, and it's used, then it's usually just the guy trying to make himself look studly.

hiddenhills 143 Reviews 1268 reads
5 / 5

What you can't find in the newbie manual usually can be found in the urban dictionary. Good luck

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