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XOCompanions bans you for negative reviews
Craig87654 15 Reviews 2755 reads

I wasn't sure where to put this, but I thought this was the best spot. I was recently banned by XO Companions for a "fake review", but my review was real. And negative. Originally they apologized and offered me a discount on my next appointment, but after a few weeks they decided to ban me instead. I reached out 3 days ago and they never got back to me.

So I just wanted to warn everyone that if you have a negative experience with XO but still want to see other providers from them you should hold off on leaving a negative review.

such as banning reviews for agencies who behave this way.  

How about it, TER? XO Companions provider just so you can stay in their good graces to be able to see their other providers.  It's more important to help your TER bros out - there are many other reputable agencies that won't pull that bullshit that XO Companions did with you.  And there are many, many, many more independent providers to choose from.


AFAIC, you should tell everyone about the shit XO Companions did to you.  The sooner they're out of business, the better.

GaGambler182 reads

He is telling us, isn't he? and he's doing it using his "real" handle and not hiding behind an alias. I think he deserves kudos.


That said, I COMPLETELY agree with you that  his advice is bad,  Maybe this is a case of "do as I do, not as I say" lol

As for the agency itself, I have no personal experience with them either positive or negative, I have been tempted a couple of times, but truth be told, I don't care much for large, national agencies, and this gives me just one more reason not to dial their digits.

Whether it's a provider, a client or an agency, this kind of bad behavior should be exposed, NOT condoned!

The main reason any of us clients are here is to gain accurate intel about whether to see a provider or not. This kind of BS from an agency should NEVER be approved, implicitly or explicitly.

Really, you want to CONTINUE to give your money to a business that so blatantly disregards your worth as a client? Too many other options available to do that.

DO write negative reviews when necessary. That is why TER was created. Do not reward bad behavior!

XO is really down the tube by such immature and unprofessional actions.  

Don't know who is running that agency but the agency with its "genius" brains behind these actions needs to be banned from TER.

OP - You're not the only one. I've heard from other people as well. Look at the following as well:

Could someone from XO come to this board and explain himself/herself WTF are you guys upto? Girls seem to have an attitude, provide crappy performance and then agency bans them when CASH paying clients complain? WTF? Who pays the bills? People like OP.

There are ways to write a bad review...  but still protect yourself from blow back.
While I start a draft immediately...  I save it in my hobby email drafts...  
I wait a bit before posting.  I'll probably edit a couple of times too.   A bit of time (a couple of weeks) makes it harder to be sure which client wrote the review.
Don't give details which make it easy to identify you.    
Post under your alias.  

You might be right that it might be "preferable" to have written the review under an alias but it still does not excuse XO to ban a client just because the client wrote a bad review.

As I mentioned, there is another person who was treated similarly (he cancelled the session within their time limits) and was also banned.

Don't know the thinking of the "Einstein" running the show. He/She keeps it up and XO will go the route of some other agencies - CLOSE for good.

As far as I can tell (somebody help me out if I'm wrong here) when somebody posts a review in alias, it looks to everyone else as though it's that person's only review. That brings in a credibility issue. Still better than no review, but I think we can all agree that brand new reviewers, positive or negative, are often ignored.

Am I right about not being able to see how many reviews that person has, when they use alias?

then it will show up as one review. If he wrote multiple reviews under that alias then the multiple reviews will show. The reviews written under the handle and those written under the alias will not be mixed up or added together.

I wouldn't advocate banning them, it is absolutely their right to say no to my business. But the way they did it was unprofessional.

If they would've emailed me and said simply we don't want your business I'd move on. But instead they accused me of doing something I didn't do and shut me off. But they did leave me on the notification list so I get emails I can't log in to opt out of.

If the provider had a complaint about me I doubt she would've waited weeks to mention it. I like to think I'm a good guy but it's possible she didn't like me, which btw in my review I say it might've just been she didn't like me.

In my review I tried to be fair, I waited several days to think about the experience, it didn't improve with age.

The reason I suggested waiting is because just because one provider at a service didn't have a good day doesn't mean you shouldn't try other providers from there. Even if the service itself is behaving badly.

Of course they have the right to say no to your business and your money. But if you honestly did nothing wrong other than writing a negative but honest review, then TER has a right, as a business, to say no to them. TER is trying to have good intel here, and your side of the story certainly sounds like review manipulation. The catch-22 is that by banning them, TER would deprive everyone of this intel. It's possible that leaving these types of comments, along with "negative" reviews, in place will hurt their business more than erasing them from TER.

Nothing wrong with being honest in your reviews.  That's how we make good decisions on who we want to see.  I know evey review and experience can be a YMMV, but we need to be able to keep it real on this board without fear of retribution.  My hats off to you.  It's actually their loss and not yours.

XO Companions reached out to let me know I was blocked in error and they've unblocked me.

However, it also could have been because of this thread and others like it.

Does seem to be coincidental, eh? More likely a case of the squeaky wheel getting some action. I'll be interested to see if anyone else who writes a less-than-stellar review also becomes "mysteriously" restricted in their access.

HappyChanges189 reads

and never had any problems. I haven't wrote a bad review of one their girls though. I'm glad the OP posted this.

When I first thought of drafting reviews I didn't want to post a negative one because I needed that provider as a reference.  If they found out the review was from me they may not be a reference.  However, I've met several amazing ladies so now I'd be more open to posting a negative review.  Luckily, I haven't had to :). In fact, I've been extremely lucky lately.

souls_harbor181 reads

Getting "banned" from a restaurant because you say the food is bad ... seems redundant.    As the joke goes, "The food was awful, and such small portions."

OP - Glad to know that XO has rescinded their ban.

The fact that they were willing to admit that a mistake was made and corrected it is commendable. Its not easy to accept that one's made a mistake (just look at a ton of posts where this happens all the time). Hence a shout-out to XO for a great job here. If I can call them out when they make mistakes, certainly have no problems giving them credit where it is due.

However, I'm still uncomfortable with the fact that it happened in the first place to multiple people recently. Wish XO would look at the ban process again and make sure that it is fair to "Paying Clients" as well and not skewed towards their employees.

Like others have mentioned, perhaps this post and others like it just in recent couple of weeks might have caused them to look at this again.  But all's well that ends well.

Would highly recommend people to bring it to the community's attention whenever such a thing happens. Could be wrong but I think chances are higher that most people who report like this are really in the clear. Don't think 'undeserving' people would post like this.

rather than trying to BS their way past it.  I don't believe it fools anyone.  Instead, I find the admission takes all the fire out of the situation, especially if the offender asks "How can I make this right?"  Often, the injured party wants less than feared.  
Learning from the mistake, not repeating it moving forward, is the way to put it in the rear view mirror.    

StanleyKowalski199 reads

If this were an independent provider that you were claiming wouldn't see you because you wrote a bad review on her, then surely everyone would be telling you to just move on.  With an agency I feel that the advice should be the same.  I am assuming that you must have screened with your handle.  Maybe you should rethink that approach or keep the review process separate from the verification process.  In some ways you were lucky that you even got an appointment given that you haven't rated any of the ladies that you have seen higher than either an 8 in the looks one performance departments.  If the agency screened you with your handle then they saw your review history.   Many highly rated indies would have passed over you for that and no explanation would have been given.  If you whined about that happening with an Indy everyone would be telling you to move on and stop harassing her you aren't entitled to anything.  Again, you were lucky.  You saw one lady from XO had a bad experience and wrote an honest review and were banned (your initial story).  Move on should be the advice.  In these sorts of situations the agency might ask the provider about the appointment and the provider will probably say something negative.  The provider has several solid reviews and yours appears to be the outlier.  Would they be wrong in thinking it is a fake?   Did you provide your handle as screening?  It is pointless to claim that all of this is because you wrote a bad review.  There could be a whole bunch of reasons.  It doesn't matter.   Move on should be the advice.  If the agency made an inquiry and had to make a credibility determination you would lose.  Senior S. and others have written positive and negative reviews.  Right now it doesn't matter because you got lucky again.  But yes write honest objective consistent reviews.  

-- Modified on 3/17/2018 5:53:25 PM

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