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Wow...and I am recently on record saying I am not into milfs.
JackDunphy 487 reads

You are making me rethink my position. LOL

Seriously, lovely pics and if they are representative of your real look, you will be a star, provided you take care of a few other things.

I want to give your whole site a review but my first thoughts are great, clear, sexy pics in a number of outfits so A+ there.

The one negative I instantly see is that the disclaimer is way too large and too obtrusive. Most legal beagles will tell,you the disclaimer has zero legal significance but when ladies see other girls sites, they feel like they must have it to.

Do you get pm's? We can discuss further if you wish as some of this carries over from my civie job and would npbe more than happy to help you.

Looking for feedback on my website!
In the Canadian city in which I live, TER is not the primary board for SP's. I am looking for information from other SP's on managing scheduling etc.  
I am also looking for tips on how to utilize TER more effectively.
Thank so much!

Hi there,  
Thanks for your responses!
My website is:

you are a very attractive lady which your pics show quite well. Some guys may be disappointed because there are no x-rated pics but your pics leave just enough to the imagination whereby I can visualize in my head unwrapping you.

Your rates are listed with a $ but is that for Canadian or US?  Do you accept US funds or only Canadian money?

Good luck to you. If I ever get to western Canada, I will contact you.

-- Modified on 1/10/2016 9:03:14 PM

You are making me rethink my position. LOL

Seriously, lovely pics and if they are representative of your real look, you will be a star, provided you take care of a few other things.

I want to give your whole site a review but my first thoughts are great, clear, sexy pics in a number of outfits so A+ there.

The one negative I instantly see is that the disclaimer is way too large and too obtrusive. Most legal beagles will tell,you the disclaimer has zero legal significance but when ladies see other girls sites, they feel like they must have it to.

Do you get pm's? We can discuss further if you wish as some of this carries over from my civie job and would npbe more than happy to help you.

Hi there,
Thanks for the feedback...I don't have pm on here, if you would like you could contact me through email....
I would really appreciate hearing what else you have to say!  
Thanks so much!!!!

Thank you so much for all of your suggestions!

I have added a few more pictures onto the site, however the next time I do a photo shoot, which will be soon, I will be certain to take your suggestions and smile for the camera! :)

I have also made the disclaimer a little smaller.  

My prices are in Canadian dollars, however since our dollar fell to .69 yesterday I would be most happy to accept US currency - hahaha - regardless, with our dollar the way it is, VFM is at a all time high and a trip to Canada (in particular Edmonton!) would be well worth it!

Thank you again and I look forward to having more of a presence on TER!

Shannon Sweet
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

While I agree that the legal disclaimer has no real legal value... and one could quibble over size/font/etc, I personally think it's good form to voluntarily have a disclaimer that a site has adult content.  Not that it will really dissuade a teenage boy, but the extra click to move on to the real content means someone is less likely to be there by accident.  Many web hosts ask for a meta tag to specify adult content so the web-nanny programs can block it.  

And welcome, OP.

-- Modified on 1/10/2016 5:39:34 PM

I am not saying she should remove it entirely if it made her feel comfortable, but it so dominates the very first page you come too, I think it is way over the top.

Tipping off people, or children, that a site has adult material can never hurt.

Good distinction.

Welcome aboard Shannon....

Alberta is fun in all seasons !

Your pics are hot and sexy so no issues there and they show you in different "lights" which is also good. The one thing they don't show is you smiling.

I know that is not considered the "model" way, but many here are not only looking for hotness or sexiness. Some are looking for a "connection."

A connection can be best garnered, imo, by a look of approachability and friendliness. Your pics wreak professional, hot, sex bomb. They are missing warmth.

My opinion would be to add a few, 3 or 4, of you smiling and looking like a person who not only exudes sexiness, but happiness as well. Those two attributes can be an amazing foundation to make sure you are promoting yourself to guys of all different preferences in a lady.

Just my 2 cents.

You are lovely.

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