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Working under an alias
licia2023 2558 reads
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How do you feel when your provider friend makes a decision to use another online name until thing blow over. Say a new job or maybe something has come up that requires a certain type of privacy?

Your thoughts as client.


Cyrus747 12 Reviews 252 reads
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It wouldn't phase me. I've noticed providers changing names sometimes and always figured it was a marketing thing, kind of like trying on a new hairstyle. It could also be like you said, to protect their privacy or maybe even because another provider is using a name similar and my friend provider wants to avoid confusion. I know I'm coming to the conversation late but hope that helps.

Sweet.rain See my TER Reviews 274 reads
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As a provider, there have been times I felt like someone was following me virtually , (the city).  Everytime there's a new girl posted the city does make a file and note on each and everyone.  

They usually pin girls who are obviously working in groups and they look at photos and the back grounds to match them up  

I main on Sweet Rain ,

But under my very old alias, for 8 years prior,  
whenever I felt like someone was getting closer to their catch , I'll post something obvious, like "it's my last day , catch me before I leave for good"  to throw them off , and purposely not work that day, and sure enough LE had shown up on my camera where my old name was working. Luckily NO ONE WAS THERE ! I tested this twice at more than one location.  

Towards the end of using my last alias,  
I was beginning to  alternate between two spaces,  
my clients where getting confused on my location, so I came up with a second name.

This ended up working out to my advantage , because people had already started to notice Sweet Rain , but they didn't know  where she was yet. Everytime I felt scared for my old alias,  I turned to Rain, but I was also starting Rain more cautiously.  
My old alias I had since I started when I was 19-20

Until one day I felt them following Rain only months later, they were on it   Sure enough I did the same thing and switched back, turns out I had regulars who were looking for the sweetheart. And again they had shown up at my other old location for Rain.  


That time they caught onto rain,  I wanted to make things different, I waited about 7 months and I had this planned out, THAT LONG, pre written email and sceduled . but because i didn't want them knowing exactly who was emailing them.  

Anonymously, I emailed from a library, brand new email made right at the computer (gosh im so paranoid, but after knowing that TER  saw my history via IP address , I know they do this for safety, so I'm okay with that I can only imagine what others can do)  

i emailed that one lady we all gotta look out for, I hope it got to her , and let them know that I did see them in my space within that year (6 years ago now) that I was a consensual worker, and everytime they're trying to look for me or other consensual workers they're FAILING their job to find someone who NEEDS them, who actually doesn't want to be in the industry , I asked them to do better research on which sites actually screen their providers and verify us , and which don't and told them to work from there.  . There are people actually dying out there and it's not on me or anyone one who is a consenting adult that they're failing to do their research and not finding those people who desperately need help. This was a very heartfelt email . I do genuinely care about everyone  involved,  even the ones who don't realize it , like my landlord who has no idea but im doing my best to keep him out of things too.  

Clients: Please just screen and listen to our instructions. It's never to scare you off.  It's to protect
New names are sometimes a buinsness pitch, but sometimes it's something else. Like someomes baby's dad trying to take children away from perfectly good moms , sometimes for financial gain.  

 Always trust your gut , red flags , things can be made up another day.  

If you must cancel Just do it respectfully a ahead of time. And if it's last minute , respectfully pay the deposit , even a smaller but fair amount than what is asked shows principal in respect and just rebook when comfortable.  

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