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Why are you expecting the first few sessions...
xyz23 45 Reviews 126 reads
posted not go well such that an exaggerated review would be needed. My first few sessions went quite well.

You are correct references are important. You are also correct regarding what I think of your advice, it's wrong.

HappyChanges2301 reads

I'm going to say it any way. References are important. Most providers will not see you if you do not have any references.  A provider is taking a chance seeing you without references because you are new.  Most likely, you gave her your personal information for her to be willing to see you.

Here is my advice: It's ok to exaggerate your first couple of reviews or not post a review at all if it was that bad.  A provider probably will not give you a reference if you give her a 3/4 score.  Most likely, your low scoring review is based on unrealistic expectations due to being new.

Consider giving a descent review your first couple of times. Especially if you want to ask her for a reference.  Most guys only pay attention to reviewers who are well established anyway.  Your fist couple of reviews do not matter.  After establishing references, write honest reviews. I always read reviews before booking a provider, but I also check out the reviewer to determine his credibility, thought and scoring process. not go well such that an exaggerated review would be needed. My first few sessions went quite well.

You are correct references are important. You are also correct regarding what I think of your advice, it's wrong.

HappyChanges128 reads

There's others but I'm not posting them. Read back.  

-- Modified on 6/15/2017 6:42:48 PM

Great in baseball, not great on the Newbie board.

No one is required to write a review.  So I don't have a problem in general with your suggestion that someone with no reviews shouldn't write a bad review for the first couple of reviews.

But it's bad advice IMO to tell anyone, including newbies, that it's ok to be dishonest in reviews.  Sure, a lot of reviews here are "exaggerated". But that doesn't mean it's right, nor should we tell newbies that it's fine to do it.  

A better suggestion I think is to wait to post the negative reviews.  Reviews can be submitted up to 3 months after a session.  Once the reviewer is established, he/she could post the bad reviews then, using an alias if desired.  

HappyChanges133 reads

I'm glad you brought that up. Newbies, who happen to be reading this post, will find out soon enough why I used the word "exaggerated". Again, some will balk at this.

Newbies AND experienced reviewers should NOT be encouraged to write exaggerated or dishonest reviews. Not writing a review at all is perfectly fine. Nobody is required to write a review, but encouraging people to exaggerate a review is not a good thing.  

On the other hand, newbies should be encouraged to follow the advice that is always given on this board. See well reviewed providers. Do your research. If they follow that, they shouldn't have a 4/3 session! Also why would anyone who had a 4/3 session expect or want to use that provider for a reference?

-- Modified on 6/15/2017 4:43:46 PM

juicy details in reviews, you need to have TER VIP. Just looking at a provider's profile without VIP is useless. Also, do not rely on the provider profile, read the reviews. Profiles are set by the first reviewer and often times not very accurate.

..excellent point: the profile is set by the first reviewer and the provider.  Who came up with that idea?  Obviously, the provider sets his/her own profile, duh!!!  The first reviewer sets it as well...ok.  That's it?  Why exactly does it stop there?

"Obviously the provider sets his/her own profile, duh"  

Really dude? WTF are you talking about? First of all there are no providers on TER who would fall under the "his" pronoun. Secondly no, the provider does not set her own profile. The first reviewer sets the profile and it has always been that way since TER started in 1999.  

Who came up with that idea? The founder of TER. Why is it still that way? Because it works and subsequent owners and admin decided to keep it that way.  
Why does it stop there? It doesn't. Profiles are changed and updated all the time via problem reports by the providers and TER members.  

Look, you are a newbie. You should stick to asking questions here, instead of stating incorrect facts and trying to teach other people what you don't know.

Posted By: Paydirt123456
Re: Piggybacking on what  keystonekid said above....
..excellent point: the profile is set by the first reviewer and the provider.  Who came up with that idea?  Obviously, the provider sets his/her own profile, duh!!!  The first reviewer sets it as well...ok.  That's it?  Why exactly does it stop there?

GaGambler134 reads

If you don't know the answer to a question don't just take a wild ass guess about it and then try to pass it off as "advice" to the other newbies.

Providers do NOT set their own profiles, they NEVER have, and hopefully they never will. The first reviewer creates the profile and if he/she makes any errors in the profile it usually gets fixed in time via problem reports, either by the provider herself or subsequent reviewers. So it doesn't "exactly stop there"  

Now please just stick to ASKING questions until you get a clue as to how things work around here, i have better things to do than clean up after your messes, as does PS and everyone else who genuinely is here to help.

Lastly, what KK said was all completely correct, I doubt he appreciated your "piggybacking" a bunch of dumb shit you obviously just pulled out of your ass onto his helpful and accurate post.

and I think yu are saying not to review so harshly with the hindsite that your expectations may have been unrelistic and influenced the overall satisfaction OR perhaps YOUR performance in those first meetings.  I certainly have met newbies that were so nervous and excited that they  were, let's say not on their A Game.  I found it charming, but they may interpret it later as SHE did not get me going even with all those fab reviews.  We are not magicians, lol, but most of us can get you to relax and vibe.  

And certainly I agree that the first few reviews being awful does not motivateusto take a chance on a potentially overly criticial new friend who is just not to be pleased.

Have told me not to write negative reviews if it was my first time. I say fuck that. Its my hard earned money and if i had a less than stellar experience i am going to write about it. Maybe its because time was shorted, her performance left a lot to be desired, or she didnt deliver as promised. This is still a community and frankly i think the trash needs to be honestly weeded out with transparent reviews. Plus, if you are personable and honest, you should be able to get an appointment as a newbie, OR find providers that are well established and newbie friendly, and build your book of references. Anyone with common sense can do that. Dont muddy the waters with bogus and superfluous reviews because that fucks shit up for other hobbyists as well as the provider who will want to use reviews as a way to teach herself that A) how to improve or B) tell her get the fuck out of the industry because she doesnt belong.

If I see a provider profile on TER, and it lists services provided, are they accurate?  Can anything be done to improve the system?

GaGambler106 reads

but if she lists a particular service that is very important to you and you don't see it mentioned in her reviews, and only see it in the profile, Lets say "Greek' is that's important to you, the best way to be sure is by "back channel" which means to PM her reviewers and ask them.

That's just one of the reasons not to be a total douche bag on the boards, you might want to ask someone for a favor, or some specific info on a provider someday and you don't want to be told to "fuck off" lol

But seriously, that is the best way to be sure, under no circumstances should you contact a provider with the question "your reviews indicate "anal" is allowed, is that something I can expect from you when we meet?" lmao. The ony thing that will accomplish will be to ensure there will NEVER be a meeting. lol an aside, shout out to "anonymous" for good looking out, saw something fishy and PM'd me for it

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