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What To Wear Question For Providers
roadstravelled50 3 Reviews 4759 reads

This has probably been answered but I am in a hotel room bored, in cold cold Buffalo, and would like to know the opinion of the ladies on a request for a sundress sans the panties.  Is this asking too much?  Being crude?  There is simply something delivilishly scrumptious about knowing your date has nothing under that cute sundress. opinions?

Well, if it is cold cold cold in Buffalo, then yeah, I am guessing most ladies are not going to be willing to walk into your room wearing a whimsical sundress - even if they are wearing a heavy overcoat over it.

That doesn't mean she can't arrive dressed appropriately for the weather, and carry a pretty little dress with her that she can change into once she arrives.

lol  Not for Buffalo tonight,  I am speaking of a normal situation, say in vegas when I come there in April?

You may need to make a special request if you want her to wear panties.  Sundress, with nothing underneath isn't a stretch for April in LV.  Just recognize that for those of us the live in LV, April is still spring to us, in spite of being warm by visitors standards.  We've gotten climatized to not think 80 degrees is hot.

If the clothing you are asking for - sundress - is appropriate to the current weather and place, then there shouldn't be any problem at all in asking the lady to show up dressed that way.

I was envisioning some unfortunate lady trying to brave subzero temps while wearing a flimsy little dress! Definitely not fun lol!

WhereTheSunDontShine1597 reads

OK, seriously... it must be like 10 below zero in Buffalo right now.


Let's try not to attract attention...

How about your provider shows up in a parka, hat, scarf, gloves, and snow boots?

Give her something hot to drink... chat a little... turn up the thermostat in your room, and then get naked, hot & sweaty.

Sundress?  Are you suffering from hypothermia??? or just temporary insanity?

LOL you did not read my reply.  I am not talking about right now in Buffalo, I am talking bout in geneal, Somewhere warm. aye yi yi

You don't want to ask a lady to wear something that will attract unwanted attention.  A sundress in Buffalo in early March would not blend in.

To not wear panties is not an unusual request. About the same as please wear panties. No big deal.  I would like to point out that some touring ladies living out of a suit case are limited to that one bag of freakiness. You're request may not be in that suitcase and not all of us can easily buy from the rack.  I am slim but extremely busty and have a heck of a time finding cute little dresses that I don't have to have altered.  I could buy in XXL just to fit the girls and I could wear a shower curtain and look about as good :)

Now Erica from viewing your website I would say you caould make anything look good...either on you..or on the floor :)

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