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What does the red font on the TER Discussion Boards indicate?
Doc.Holliday 24 Reviews 656 reads

When I see a user's name/handle in red font, I think it means that user is the board moderator (or the TER admin).  Is that right?

Also, I often see the time stamp for the post in red font.  What does that mean?  There is an edit in process?  Or that post is under review by TER, perhaps because of a report or challenge of some kind?

Just curious about how these things work.  Thanks in advance for any helpful info.

NoYellowEnvelope271 reads

From what I can tell from inspection of some posts, 0-30 (?) hours old is bold black, then the 24 (?) hours before that is red, then before that it changes to regular black.  It's a visual clue to let you tell at a glance the latest posts.

-- Modified on 8/20/2016 2:06:31 PM

It is a time tool as NYE said. I always thought it was bold black for 24 hours, then at 24-48 hours it's red and then after 48 hours, it's regular black. NYE said it turns red at 30 hours. He may be right. I haven't looked at the hour by hour detail, but anyway in general, figure red time stamps are a day to 2 days old, and regular black time stamps are more than 2 days. As BP said, it was a tool for moderators. They could glance at a board and quickly notice if new posts were added to old threads. There are no volunteer member moderators now, but TER staff moderates the boards, and it is possible they still use it as a tool.  

As to the names  in red, I believe I am the only regular TER member with my name in red, but that is only when I post here on the newbie board since I am the host here. Prior to my taking over a couple months ago, Swimtreker was host, and if you look at threads from a few months ago you will see his name in red. Any other red names are official TER staff members and you will see names such as TERAdmin, DiscussionBoardAdmin (or DBA sometimes) SportsAdmin, MediaAdmin, and TERSupport.

GaGambler213 reads

I simply read every post on every board I moderated, even the ones that had "eom" at the end of them. Partly to check and see if some "sneaky bastard" had posted an actual message despite the "eom" and partly so the post would change color after I clicked on it. Anything "red" was old, anything green, aqua, or what ever the fuck you call that color used today was a new post that needed checking.

The only posts I would not click on were my own, a habit I still have not clicking on my own posts they don't turn red and are easy for me to spot on a crowded page which makes it easy to see if anyone has replied to my posts.

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