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What does a LE check consist of?
cloudnine1234 2966 reads

Just curious

It varies by provider, but one or more of the following are SOP:

Provider references, often two.

Your full name, address and home phone.

Your workplace name, address and phone number.

Cell phone number and internet address.

If you are a member of TER or similar review site, your handle.

If you instead are asking how to determine whether a provider is LE, your only real means of doing that is to check out that she has several reviews by board members who themselves have posted several reviews.

Also its the street ho LE check. You grab a part of her body and she grab your privates.  Apparently if you are the LE, then if you touch someone before a verbal propostion its LE because otherwise it entrapment.  For me, its a total turnoff! So I agree with the adice above!

T-ferg1187 reads

accomplishes nothing. Don't worry about it, it has no use. It will NOT save you from a bust.

-- Modified on 1/10/2009 7:44:05 PM

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