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Vaccine and research
bonobo1948 362 reads

I am far older than the cohort that the HPV vaccine was tested for. But there is no downside and Mr said it would probably work. So I got the HPV vaccine at Planned Parenthood. It was simple. I have also done a lot of research on STDs and oral sex. I suggest you go to Westover Heights web site for HSV info And to American Sexual Health Association for all STDs .  What I have learned is that almost every site says STDs are transmitted orally. evenASHA in the general info area says that. But go to Ask the Experts and brows the Q and As. Read about who the experts is impressive. You can pay a few dollars to get your specific question answered. The Drs know what they are talking about and are good about getting back to you. They go beyond the “abundance of caution” answers from the CDC and others. My comfort level was increased. But, do your own research there.  

dp44255778 reads

Hello, I'm new to the hobby and am a bit concerned about transmission of HSV and HPV (the two diseases that can be transmitted with condom use).  From everything that I read, it seems that HSV and HPV are very prevalent, and if so, it would seem that a provider would likely have both HSV and HPV (due to the high number of partners), correct?  As a result, is it likely that a hobbyist would get HSV and HPV?  Is there any way to protect against it?  Do any of you that regularly see providers have confirmation that you have not contracted HSV or HPV?

As an FYI, I'm interested in seeing VIP/more expensive providers that charge high prices (not sure if this makes it less likely to contract).  I would also shy away from bbbj and daty.

Do most providers get checked for HSV and HPV regularly?  I assume they don't like to share results?

Thanks for all of your help - I appreciate it.

If your going to stress that much about it, I would abstain, or at least only engage in massage type HJs.

Posted By: dp4425
Hello, I'm new to the hobby and am a bit concerned about transmission of HSV and HPV (the two diseases that can be transmitted with condom use).  From everything that I read, it seems that HSV and HPV are very prevalent, and if so, it would seem that a provider would likely have both HSV and HPV (due to the high number of partners), correct?  As a result, is it likely that a hobbyist would get HSV and HPV?  Is there any way to protect against it?  Do any of you that regularly see providers have confirmation that you have not contracted HSV or HPV?  
 As an FYI, I'm interested in seeing VIP/more expensive providers that charge high prices (not sure if this makes it less likely to contract).  I would also shy away from bbbj and daty.  
 Do most providers get checked for HSV and HPV regularly?  I assume they don't like to share results?  
 Thanks for all of your help - I appreciate it. reads

I see provider about once a week. I get fully tested regularly (every 3-4 months) and I have not contracted HSV or HPV or anything else for the past 5 years (length of my hobby in U.S.).

In theory, high end providers may have a lower chance of having STD due to lower number of sexual partners, but I am not sure it's true in actual practice.

In theory, high end providers may be more likely to get tested on a regular basis. Again, I don't know if it's true in actual practice. It's a bad idea if you ask for test result because it may be misunderstood that you are looking for BBFS so don't ask for it.

You can't do much about things that's not in your control so I would suggest you only worry about things that you can do something about (like protect yourself at all time). If it worry you too much then I suggest you not to do it. Unless you forsake sex with another person, I don't see the logic in that decision because civie sex might be more risky.

Good luck & enjoy life

Not sure how you can say you get tested and have never contracted hpv.

Way too late to edit, once I saw it. Hope everybody figured out what I was trying to say.

JakeFromStateFarm656 reads

So, especially on a "smart" phone, it's really important to proofread a message before sending.  As you know, I've been really embarrassed when I fail to do this.

That being said, I'm also a newbie.  What is the etiquette? When meeting a provider, do they ask for STD test results? And should you ask for one too? Thanks

I've never had an escort ask me for the results of an STD test.  As far as asking them for one, if they are going to risk your life for a few bucks, they are either going to lie if you ask them or show you a counterfeit test result.  So not much point in asking (and a few will take the question as an insult.)

In addition to no testing for men (for the HPV infection), I'd point out that damn near every sexually active person will have HPV at least once, so unless you're a virgin, starting to worry about it now because of jumping into the hobby is a little silly.

PS's article links to other articles about HSV that you should read. I had a great article a few months ago about HSV 1&2, how each is contracted, how easily spread, how they behave and effect the body, and how having one effects the logistics of contracting the other. If I can find it I'll post it.

medical sites on the internet (not forums) and educate yourself and decide how much risk you are willing to accept. The only fool proof method to not get anything is to be celibate, and do not kiss or have physical contact with anyone. Anything other than that is a matter of your risk tolerance and minimizing (but not eliminating) risks. You can start with the link I provided in my other reply on this thread.

Posted By: dp4425
Hello, I'm new to the hobby and am a bit concerned about transmission of HSV and HPV (the two diseases that can be transmitted with condom use).  From everything that I read, it seems that HSV and HPV are very prevalent, and if so, it would seem that a provider would likely have both HSV and HPV (due to the high number of partners), correct?  As a result, is it likely that a hobbyist would get HSV and HPV?  Is there any way to protect against it?  Do any of you that regularly see providers have confirmation that you have not contracted HSV or HPV?  
 As an FYI, I'm interested in seeing VIP/more expensive providers that charge high prices (not sure if this makes it less likely to contract).  I would also shy away from bbbj and daty.  
 Do most providers get checked for HSV and HPV regularly?  I assume they don't like to share results?  
 Thanks for all of your help - I appreciate it.
clients and escorts need to stay tested. Enjoy hobby!

-- Modified on 12/18/2016 12:02:54 PM

VOO-doo708 reads

Yeah, I get it. She sees fewer guys, is 'upscale,' 'highly reviewed,' etc. etc. etc.  

But you don't know what she's doing in her personal life... or, who she sees/what she does in the hobby world. Besides, it only takes ONE guy... even if that's the only guy she sees that month.

Ask if she'll use female condoms, as they cover more skin around the groin area.  

As for your other questions, there's no way to answer them. There are tons of people (myself included) who will asseverate that they've never tested positive for an STI while hobbying. However, the ones who have contracted something likely will not speak up.  

As others have said, read up on the risks, and decide for yourself what you're comfortable with

Hi, I'm also a newbie and I have exactly the same concerns as dp4425.While I realize that STDs are an avocational risk to the hobbyist, couldn't we look out for each other? I mean, if such an unfortunate event as contracting an STD were to happen to a hobbyist, tracing back to the most likely source is not rocket science and warning the community seems like the decent thing to do. We don't have to be unkind about it (maybe something the order of if you have been with provider 12345, you may want to see your doctor) but in this way we're really helping each other, client and provider alike.

Just my 2 cents,
Sonny Toranaga

oldwarrior655 reads

I had a date with a provider with clymidia.  She posted it on her twitter site reccommending her clients get checked out. I thought that was classy.

Posted By: oldwarrior
I had a date with a provider with clymidia.  She posted it on her twitter site reccommending her clients get checked out. I thought that was classy.
At lease professional was honest about it on her marketing ad.Need to worring about ones don't say nothing.I never thought any professionals could work in the business. At brothels can't work at all.I agree clients and professionals need to looking out for each others in illegal biz....

Not advisable because you cannot prove it, and people make assumptions preventing them from really tracking down the real 'ground zero'. People can and will use an assumption to discredit a girl out of spite or being mistaken.

Also, in the case of HPV, the latency period is really quite long, i think can be 9 months or longer?? You would have to check. But that could be with anything as some guys (i've noticed) only go to the doctor for that stuff when they are paranoid. not for a check-up, and may actually miss/ignore a symptom or sign for months. Some STIs have no symptoms or are the same as the common cold and will be excused as nothing more than that. Some, when going undetected for too long, will manifest in muscle and/or joint aches. Most people would not suspect STI in those cases.

There is no way to prove it, that is why, if diagnosed, your doctor/public health associate will advise you get in contact with anyone you had contact with, to clear up a potential public health risk. Even they know how difficult it can be to identify 'ground zero'.

So trying to blame one person for something is actually a fault of your own (denying your own personal responsibility). And it does nothing to solve the predicament.

Posted By: sonny_toranaga
Hi, I'm also a newbie and I have exactly the same concerns as dp4425.While I realize that STDs are an avocational risk to the hobbyist, couldn't we look out for each other? I mean, if such an unfortunate event as contracting an STD were to happen to a hobbyist, tracing back to the most likely source is not rocket science and warning the community seems like the decent thing to do. We don't have to be unkind about it (maybe something the order of if you have been with provider 12345, you may want to see your doctor) but in this way we're really helping each other, client and provider alike.  
 Just my 2 cents,  
 Sonny Toranaga

I'm replying to a thread that was begun 5 years ago, but this deserves a response. I'm looking out for you when I urge caution around the idea of "outing" someone you think may have given you a STD. Not only can you not prove it, but there's significant potential liability if you made such claims.

You may not have worded some things correctly or you are completely ignorant.

If you have herpes or hpv and they are outside of the usually condom covered area, then yes you can contract them or pass them on. They are not so prevalent that EVERYONE has them (both or one). No, a provider would not likely have both because of having more partners. (chances are MORE likely, but still not COMPLETELY likely, that a provider is more educated as to what to look for in her partners to prevent catching a potential STI. She does the dick check, uses coverage and refuses anyone who has open sores or cuts on mouth, hands, and whatever. She can see a doctor and have regular testing, and be open about number of partners thru doctor/patient confidentiality. Civilian girls can be much less educated as they can lie to themselves and others about the number of partners they have/had. They can be in denial or have shame and refuse to see a doctor, or ignore signs or symptoms that something may be 'off'. Just as clients can and do)

And if you are asking is there a way to protect yourself after declaring that these 2 STIs are contained in EVERY provider, and you say a condom is no good to protect from transmission...
If you believe that every provider has these STI's why would you want to see one? Huh? Makes no sense.  

So you assume every provider has these 2 STi's then you wonder if you pay more you and she would be immune? I have a hard time believing that every high priced provider started off that way. So at the beginning they were 'regular' providers at 'regular' in your assumption, she is guaranteed to have those 2 STIs, and once her rate went up she automatically disposed of those STI's?

There are no real tests for HPV and herpes. Just have to keep checking...They can be tested for when they appear but other than that there is no real test for them. Which is why providers do the dick check and look at your lips and genital area, hands whole body etc. To keep themselves safe! Which is what you should be doing when engaged in sexual activity with anyone, not just high priced providers.

'Share results'?? Here in Canada quite a number of years ago doctors no longer gave printouts of STI results as it was found that they could be altered, or passed off by a completely different person, so essentially they are useless. A provider (regular rates or higher priced) has a vested interest in keeping on top of her sexual health. Not to say clients don't, but providers have contact more often than a regular person so their testing schedule is likely more frequent and stringent than the average person.

You say you are new to the 'hobby' but you are not new to life. Educate yourself fully on STI and healthy sexual activities thru your doctor, CDC, smartsexresource dot com is also good as well as public health sites that are up from around the world. Any assumptions you make can only give you a false sense of security.

Posted By: dp4425
Hello, I'm new to the hobby and am a bit concerned about transmission of HSV and HPV (the two diseases that can be transmitted with condom use).  From everything that I read, it seems that HSV and HPV are very prevalent, and if so, it would seem that a provider would likely have both HSV and HPV (due to the high number of partners), correct?  As a result, is it likely that a hobbyist would get HSV and HPV?  Is there any way to protect against it?  Do any of you that regularly see providers have confirmation that you have not contracted HSV or HPV?  
 As an FYI, I'm interested in seeing VIP/more expensive providers that charge high prices (not sure if this makes it less likely to contract).  I would also shy away from bbbj and daty.  
 Do most providers get checked for HSV and HPV regularly?  I assume they don't like to share results?  
 Thanks for all of your help - I appreciate it.

I was always horny as hell, but petrified of all STDs , rightfully so.  
If you look at my earliest posts everywhere I go I would do very little kissing,  
and god forbid I always received covered blowjobs .... But in time and lots of studying  
subject of STDs  you begin to loosen up your thoughts on the matter .
Never forgetting that STDs are real that's why you should always use condoms .
As far as your concern for HPV or HSV my suggestion is go get tested for HSV first , you may find that you already have it as about 80% of the world does , so don't sweat it . Because you have it does not mean you will have symptoms , most people with HSV have no idea they have it  
this also goes for HPV. There are I think over 70 different strains of HPV but only few cause  
genital warts. These are for most part harmless viruses that will not kill you.
Most sexually active individuals carry something, stressing over it is crazy and  
the only way to avoid it is to jerk off in your basement for the rest of your life.  
Most people get infected with things from the people you least expect ,
like girlfriends or one night stands after a hot encounter at a bar.  
Because you are fucking prostitutes does not mean these women are dirty and infected  
with all of the STDs . Do remember they are humans too and are as afraid of an STD as you are  
in their case their lively hood depends on it .  

So relax your mind my friend , enjoy sucking tities , indulge in pussy eating, French kissing  
and getting your pecker wet , but always use condoms for at least the main event.  
And always get tested  2-4 times a year , depending on amounts of fucking that you do

when I went to get tested for HPV my Dr. Told me while there was no test for men but that they could put their penis in a cup of vinegar and spots would show up if they did have it. While I never tested the theory, I did get a new Dr. Lol. Thought that was a bit strange hahaha.  

Testing is important and should be done quarterly, but if you're that worried maybe you should stick to HJ like someone above mentioned. I know it wouldn't be fun for me as a provider to be wrapped in saran wrap and not swap any kisses but to each their own. I think there are plenty of providers who do use condoms and dental dams for everything so just find one that fits within your comfort. I also think you have a much better chance at contacting something from a civvy girl from a provider Just saying. Don't ruin your experience worrying and have a good time. Get tested like an adult and be done with it.

I am far older than the cohort that the HPV vaccine was tested for. But there is no downside and Mr said it would probably work. So I got the HPV vaccine at Planned Parenthood. It was simple. I have also done a lot of research on STDs and oral sex. I suggest you go to Westover Heights web site for HSV info And to American Sexual Health Association for all STDs .  What I have learned is that almost every site says STDs are transmitted orally. evenASHA in the general info area says that. But go to Ask the Experts and brows the Q and As. Read about who the experts is impressive. You can pay a few dollars to get your specific question answered. The Drs know what they are talking about and are good about getting back to you. They go beyond the “abundance of caution” answers from the CDC and others. My comfort level was increased. But, do your own research there.  

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