Newbie - FAQ

Urgent help needed
CoolHobbyist 8090 reads


Two weeks ago I read a review and made e-mail contact with a provider. When I realized the rates were $$$$$ (count them)I inquired about any specials or discounts there may be available and shared that I was new and not a "regular hobbyist". I also made contact with two other providers by cellular telephone and inquired about gifting and such.

The series of e-mails I began receiving from this provider were chastising, rude, insulting and arrogant. I shared that unless she backed off and left me alone that I would post my experience on the board and she taunted me to do so which I did.

Consequently, I began receiving threatening cell phone messages alleging someone would be visiting my home and business in a negative manner. Anonymous telephone calls continued and I have now been issued 24 hours to remove the posting or worse would happen. This provider got my cellular telephone from one of the only two other providers I spoke with. Shame on me for not going with my gut and calling from a payphone.

Last Friday I wrote the moderator and asked him/her to remove the challenging posting and have heard nothing. I then went into the contact portion of this site and sent a few requests to please remove the posting still with no success.

How do I remove a posting and today.

My largest fear is this provider will attempt at making contact with me at home or my place of bussiness. If that becomes the case, I will respond accordingly and I simply want the situation to go away.

Let me know the post and the board and I will foward a note to the appropriate moderator.

CoolHobbyist8373 reads


Based on my experience, this would perpetuate the situation so I will leave her name & info out.

Something I learned through this process, another coined well in this thread after you wrote. When a Provider publishes or conveys her gifting info, we are best at accepting that as face value. There is nothing wrong with inquiring ONCE about any specials she may have had recently, yet that is the end of that stretch.

It is a very safe statement to make that in the Seattle Market Place.......what you see and hear is what you get.

Unless you have had experience with a provider or agency that publishes a "gift list" and that experience was completely pleasing, move on from any website or ad that has a gift list posted.
The provider that you encountered appears to be rotten, she particularly hurts legitimate providers that request verification information from potential clients.

CoolHobbyist5329 reads


Thank you for assisting in the solution. The Moderator in Seattle did get involved as the messages are no longer posted.

In addition, regardless of my feelings on the matter, this was a huge lesson learned on my part and I will excersize much more common sense in concert with stepping back and doing a little more research before I engage in something which I have no experience.

This experience was not good for her, myself, the hobbyist's in my marketplace nor the providers.

Thank you again and subsequently I wrote her, shared what efforts I had made to remove the posting and she responded curtly yet insinuated there would be no more contact.

YouReadMyMind6305 reads

Your mistake was asking for discounts and specials. The one thing we hate is when a guy does that. Unless there are specials or discounts posted, don't ask. If the provider doesn't offer any deals and the price is too high then please move on to a provider that you can afford. Granted the provider you are dealing with is over-overreacting and she shouldn't have taken it this far. She should have just said that she doesn't have any specials or discounts. Her behavior is unnecessary and shocking. Good luck in resolving this situation.

CoolHobbyist8486 reads

Dear "YouReadMyMind",

Thank you for sharing your perspective and the other side of the coin from a Providers stance. Because this is the "Newbie" area, I would like to ask you a question, however, in no way am I attempting at arguing or anything else. If this were my regional board, I would not take this route what so ever. My lesson was learned; trust me.

I whole-heartedly agree with your statement, however, do you really feel it is inappropriate for someone to inquire about a special? Let me share why with an for example:

I am an ejukated professional (wink) who is cash poor this close to the holidays yet have what most Providers in my market offer as a special by way of an "Ben"gie in my wallet. Rather than wait another month and secure another bill, I would gladly accept 30 mins of French Lessons than wait. Had I not inquired about any specials that someone may have run, we would both be out and that relationship may have never started.

I whole-heartedly agree that Hobbyists have NO business asking a second time or in such a fashion that it makes the Provider feel cheap. That is NOT the way to start a GFE thing or an ongoing situation.

Your input is appreciated and thanks in advance!

YouReadMyMind7788 reads

The reason I said it is inappropriate to ask for a special is because me being a provider have seen how pissed off and upset it makes providers. It makes them feel cheap and not worthy since there are many providers charging as much as six bills and they aren't porn stars or even semi famous. Whenever I have any specials or discounts going not only is it stated on my website but I also mention it on the phone. Most of them aren't willing to barter as they need the money to keep up their lifestyles and downgrading just isn't something they are willing to do. I still agree this woman is unstable and nutty and way way over the line. This situation has been resolved, yes?

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