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This is what they said
mufflover2014 58 Reviews 661 reads

An update on a provider that you have already reviewed and posted is acceptable, however it will replace your old review and you won’t be credited for an additional 15 days.

We hope we have cleared things up for you.

Thank you for the support,
--TER Support Staff
Mind you, it doesn't bother me, its just a review, not like I am keeping count but...

And no, it was not an update, it was a whole new review

-- Modified on 2/3/2015 10:24:56 PM

I'd like to delete an old review I wrote from a provider's profile.  Can I do that?  And if so, how?

Under very rare occasions, and with good cause, they may remove your review, but they have to do it, not you. All you can do is contact admin (use the "contact us" button on the bottom of the page), and explain to them why you think the review should be removed. If they agree, they might remove it.

Or did you lie about the date? TER rules are specific that to review a provider, the session had to have taken place within the last 90 days. Of course you just told them now.

Rule 9 from TER review policies:

Each review must recount a visit that took place within the last three months in order to be timely. A lot can change with a provider - even in this relatively short amount of time.

An update on a provider that you have already reviewed and posted is acceptable, however it will replace your old review and you won’t be credited for an additional 15 days.

We hope we have cleared things up for you.

Thank you for the support,
--TER Support Staff

Mind you, it doesn't bother me, its just a review, not like I am keeping count but...

And no, it was not an update, it was a whole new review

-- Modified on 2/3/2015 10:24:56 PM

The guidelines specifically state that reviews can only be written within 90 days of a session.

The review was written 2 days after the session, but it was not written within 90 days of the last visit which I understand from the rules is a no no and will cause the old review to be removed.


Your review of Claire was approved correctly.  
First time you reviewed her on 10/18/2014 and now you reviewed her on 1/21/2015

and your PM to me about it as I replied with earlier confirms it.

Thank you again for verifying though. ;)

...what we thought you said. er...oh, nevermind.

It sounded like the second review you submitted for that provider was submitted more than 90 days after the session you were reviewing. That would have violated TER policy.

We now understand that you meant it had been more than 90 days since the first session and subsequent review. Therefore TER accepted the second review and replaced the first one with it.

I'll try to choose my words more wisely next time.

It is a strange policy though, if under 90 days or whatever set amount, I get it.

I do not understand removing the old one though after that set date unless it is just a database maintenance reason.

Would it also be removed if over a year, or 2? I do not remember seeing anything about that, so should I assume it would be?

...a provider you have already reviewed the old review is replaced by the new one. Makes some sense. The new one being up to date would be more accurate in helping others know what to expect.

The 90 days has nothing to do with old or new reviews for the same provider. If you write a new review for the same provider you already wrote a review for, the old review will be removed and replaced by the new one. Doesn't matter if it was two weeks, or ten years! Also you don't get VIP credit for the new review.

The 90 day rule is for any review. Each review has to be for a session that took place within the previous 90 days.

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