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BrooklynKallway See my TER Reviews 1699 reads
1 / 13

Just starting out with no screening experience is daunting...
Can any of the ladies help with what's safest or what works well
for them? Maybe a little step by step for newbies. Any scary stories, close calls, warnings to share?
What not to do? Thank you in advance - B

harborview 10 Reviews 818 reads
2 / 13

The information you seek should be discussed in private...    Making stratigies public would make it easier to defeat them

BrooklynKallway See my TER Reviews 757 reads
3 / 13

Sorry ! I can't pm no VIP - thanks for response though, appreciated!

impposter 49 Reviews 663 reads
4 / 13

Once you get your first review, you get free limited VIP which does include PM capability.

Until then, you should consider buying monthly VIP.  You'll get PMs and access to other features.  Then you'll know what you're missing when you switch to free limited VIP

BrooklynKallway See my TER Reviews 656 reads
5 / 13

I have one "duo" review - do you know if that would count?
Didn't see the one month VIP option, so thanks for that

xyz23 45 Reviews 566 reads
6 / 13
BrooklynKallway See my TER Reviews 527 reads
7 / 13

Just sent with a pretty please - thanks for helping out - really great that some come by here
to help..... I know I really appreciate all the suggestions!

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 711 reads
8 / 13

While Harbor View Is correct in that much screening info is better shared backchannel, there is also a lot of it that is public knowledge. Different ladies screen differently and many use a combination of screening methods, but here are some basic screening methods which are not "secret."

1) References from other providers. Ask the client for references from 2 established providers, (they should preferably have reviews and a web presense) along with their contact info. Contact those providers and ask about the client.

2) Verification sites, such as P411 and Date-check. These are great resources for provider and client, but you have to be established yourself to be on there so you are in a catch 22 for now. Once you get reviews or get an established current member to vouch for you then you can get membership at the verification sites.

3) Real Info: Ask the client for his real name, phone number, email address, place of employment and work number. Call his work to verify he works there. (You can pretend to be a dentist office reminding him of an appointment (or ask him who you should pretend to be when you call) All this does is prove he does work there and he is who he says he is. It obviously doesn't tell you what kind of client he is. You can also use google to check him out if you have his name phone number etc. Be aware that many clients will refuse to share this info. It is absolutely their right to not give out this info. It is absolutely your right to refuse to see them if you can not verify or screen them in other ways.

4) Blacklist sites: There is a notorious national public blacklist site which I wouldn't trust as far as I can throw an elephant. However there are some other more private provider only blacklist sites which may be useful.

As to your VIP status, xyz is right in that you should ask admin if the duo review can get you the Limited Provider Membership, but my guess is that the answer will be no. The limited Provider VIP comes when your reviews profile is linked to your username. (if you look at posts by some other providers here you will see a line under their username that says "see my reviews"). Only solo reviews are linked to usernames. I have never seen doubles reviews linked.

The monthly paid VIP at 30 bucks is very reasonable and probably a wise investment for a lady starting out.
Good Luck.

-- Modified on 7/24/2015 11:04:18 AM

BrooklynKallway See my TER Reviews 714 reads
9 / 13

Wow! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much. Very helpful!  
Rough starting out new, so very kind of you :-)

alittleoffcenter 689 reads
10 / 13

it was you certainly impressed johenry.

BrooklynKallway See my TER Reviews 765 reads
12 / 13

Yes! We had a blast - left him breathless 😉

swimtrekr 58 Reviews 554 reads
13 / 13

are not going to discuss their individual screening process in public.  Look at the providers in your area with plenty of reviews and PM a few of them and ask.  You are more likely to get some ideas in addition to the ones in responses here.


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