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Thinking About An Agency
MaxineMonroeofChicago See my TER Reviews 1844 reads

Lately, the whole independent thing is starting to really wear me out. I have been going back and forth thinking of joining an agency. When I do take the time to look I get a little discouraged because on most of the forms they clearly say..."we are only looking for women of european descent or asian".

Now today I tried not to let that get me down and reeeeally searched and I'm not having any luck.  

I would just like to know, am I kidding myself thinking that there is an agency out there that works with women of color? Do any exist?

You can email me if you don't want to answer on this board. I can't read pm's.
[email protected]

Thanks for your time and have a great evening.


I don't use agencies very much now, but back some years ago I did, and I often met up with AA gals from them, and they were excellent sessions too.

Keep inquiring about them and I would think sooner or later one will respond favorably

Squeezetheorem596 reads

I usually travel for work and I'll send a message with cities I've noticed having pretty diverse agency lineups.  

I can't fathom how discouraging it must feel to see employment ads like that. But, there are agencies that would love you.  Especially with such good reviews.

-- Modified on 2/5/2016 6:46:10 PM

Thank you. I'll keep hope alive. LOL

But seriously, thank you so much for responding.

GaGambler342 reads

and if they do, it's their loss.

I really can't imagine not being able to find an agency who covets women of color in a city the size of Chicago.  

That said, I think Jack has a point about simply hiring an assistant, especially at your price point. I think it might be hard to go from collecting $500 hr, all for you, to getting $3-400 hr and only walking away with a little over half that much. Of course I know that $500 is less expenses, which can be considerable, but speaking from experience, it's still tough to go back to working for someone who controls not only your schedule, but puts their hands deep into your pockets as well.

Thank you. I guess my frustration is just getting the best of me and it seems perhaps a assistant is the best thing for me.

Hire an assistant. There are many good ones out there that work with many ladies.

They take the scheduling, verification, advertising/marketing, etc off your hands and allow you to focus your energy on the sessions.

You won't have to concern yourself about race, you remain the boss and you would get to keep more of the money than if you work for an agency and possibly work less, keeping you fresher as well.

I am sure one of the ladies here can instruct you better on all these issues and of course, there is some downside, as there is in any new direction you choose.

For many gals, hiring an asst is a happy medium between doing all the work themsleves and giving up so much control and money to an agency.

CharlesV300 reads

Dear Maxine,

you look wonderful, have great reviews (6 times two 10s), and I would visit you immediately except for your location (city). You do not need an agency; have an assistant or share her with a colleague, and you will be fine.

Thank you Charles. I appreciate your input.

I am baffled why agencies aren't begging you to work for them.  I'm in Tampa, FL, and we do not have many agencies, if any, active here, so I have no experience with any as to what type of ladies they have in their stable.  If the daily grind of being independent, answering the phone, talking to potential clients, screening them, and keeping track of your scheduled dates is really getting you down, I agree with above posters that seeking an assistant would be the way to go.  You can work out a rate to give that person, once you have agreed on their job responsibilities.  IMHO, that would be financially more beneficial to you than going with an agency.

You can advertise here and on other sites that you are looking for an assistant to handle the business end of escorting so you can enjoy the benefits of your job w/o having to worry about the drudgery of business......

Wish I could offer more, but my knowledge of and experience with. agencies, is very limited.  Good luck.


I really appreciate you taking time out of your day to answer. It seems like my best option would be to get an assistant. Thank you so much.

have a proven review history with outstanding reviews, you are very attractive, etc. Just get an assistant to ease the burden of the business part of P4P and relax and enjoy.

Good luck to you.

Thank you. It seems everyone agrees that I should just get an assistant. LOL

Thanks so much for responding.

I personally prefer to be Indy. Before becoming an Indy I tried joining an agency and 9 times out of 10 they weren't interested in hiring me because of my skin colour. I'm not saying so to be petty, they simply and almost always state that they are only hiring blondes, brunettes and Asians. But that's just one of MY personal reasons for not joining an agency. As for you? I suggest getting a pen and paper and list all the pros and cons of both that you can find or think of. From this list you will be better able to decide in your heart what's best for you.

Thank you Miss Rose. Good point! You most certainly have a point.

Thanks so much for responding.


VOO-doo261 reads

I worked for many agencies during my first year or so as an escort. My experience as an independent has been vastly better.  

It's not just about being able to keep your $$.  

Of the many things that are likely bugging you as an indy (overstaying, copious texts/emails, time-consuming screening and scheduling)... only the last thing will improve with an agency (and you could get the same results w/an assistant). The overstaying will be WORSE (agency clients usually just book an hour, and ALWAYS, you'll likely have other appointments that will cause you to rush/stress/panic more than you would if you were able to set your own schedule). They will STILL want to contact you outside the agency, and will still ask for OTC dates. To an even greater degree, actually, because agency clients have the attitude that they pay for their hour (sex) and everything else should be free. Which I guess is understandable if there is only one standard hourly rate, and no discounted 'dinner date' option of the type you can set as an indy.

While there are some nice agency clients, you'll find a much different (and not better) type of clientele at agencies... the type who books last-minute, asks 'R u avail', asks for specials, tries to short the donation... agencies get all of the rejects who give you a 'bad vibe' as an indy.  

I'd work w/an agency if I were broke, or desperate. Or maybe if I moved to a new area. But otherwise, I'd rather suffer the vagaries of being an independent, than the miseries of working for an agency.  

Just my $0.02, and I do realize that there are likely better agencies out there than I worked for back in 2008-9. But even so, I've personally never looked back since going independent..

Thank you. You mentioned a few things that I didn't even think about. I appreciate it.

When using an agency you are working for them.
When hiring an assistant the assistant works for you.
You are more in control of your situation and environment.
Personally I prefer to have contact directly with provider but totally understand that it can become overwhelming.

They used to be Sexy By Raven. They were a great agency if you are high volume. I am happy with 2 dates in a week, so it didn't work for me.  

They are run nationwide, and have a nice client list. I'm not sure how Chicago is, and they do send you on tours a lot. I'm not with them anymore, but I really liked them. A little expensive, you pay for your own travel, ads, etc etc plus a fee per hour if it's still the same, it adds up to about 50% of your income. If you attract more clients, you make more obviously.

I definitely suggest either them, or jumping onto the PO board to talk about booking assistants. There are a lot of great and reputable assistants that ladies use who would recommend you to some.

Don't just join any agency. ESPECIALLY agencies who make big promises before they've even talked to you or verified you. That's a huge red flag for a scam not only in escorting, but also in many businesses.  

Make sure they interview you, they ask to verify you by reviews, memberships, sites, etc. You don't want to run into an abusive agency leader, a pimp, a madam who will pressure you hard-core to see clients you don't want to see, etc. etc.

I know a lot of people will say bad things about certain agencies or booking assistants, but you really have to interview a few and not feel pressured to join. You want to find someone you click with, and work similar to. In corporate world, lots of managers pick employees obviously based on skill set but a huge part of it is picking out someone with a similar personality, work ethic, communication style. Not all do though - but it works really well. Just go fly Southwest and you'll see that most of the employees act the same. Or to different Starbuck's - and there will be a 'culture mindset' at each location, based on the manager who picks out their employees.

I've had assistants who did not have the same communication style as me, so it attracted a different style of client than I wanted, or even had their feathers ruffled by the time they got to me. Or people I've worked with/for/over who were great people, but they just rubbed me the wrong way.

If you're not satisfied right now, but really want to be more satisfied, and an agency would be a help to get there, just note - it can be worse if you jump in too quickly. Pick someone who will let you do a test run. Some say a week, but I say a month is a good test run, but make sure to communicate you are doing a test run lol. (Even if it's paid. It's worth it, and makes the ties easier to cut at the end of the run.)

Thank you so much for the response Courtney. You made great points and gave great advice. It's always good to hear from someone that has had the experience. I appreciate that you took the time out to really explain it to me. You're very informed. Thank you so much.

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