Newbie - FAQ

There is no way to know
DJ1985 21 Reviews 410 reads

Even if someone gets a negative test result doesn't mean they haven't been infected since the test. There is risk in everything, if the risk is to great for you should avoid the activity.

Do anyone know if the agency girls or strip club girls gets tested? I love DFK but must admit it can be a bit scary. Thanks for any info.

If they do, it's probably on their own.  But, I'd be really surprised if any of them, esp the strip club girls, do get themselves tested.


are legal brothel workers in Nevada and porn stars. Ladies who work for agencies are escorts, and sell their time, not sex. So it would be legally tricky for an agency to mandate testing for their ladies.  

I'm sure agency ladies would take it upon themselves to get tested. Most sexually active ladies involved in the industry do, as their bodies are their livelihoods.  

But I caution anyone to take the fact that someone gets tested regularly as a sign they are not infected with anything. You should play with the assumption that anyone you play with could have something, and take necessary precautions to play as safely as possible. Knowledge is power in this regard, and one would be wise to become familiar with STI info- photos, symptoms, what to look for, etc.  

I can tell you that even though brothel workers are tested regularly, they are not tested for Hepatitis, HSV, or HPV.

Also, porn stars test regularly and look at the problems they've had. :( Testing is not prophylactic.

Even if someone gets a negative test result doesn't mean they haven't been infected since the test. There is risk in everything, if the risk is to great for you should avoid the activity.

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