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There is a reason for that scenario, which I learned the hard way...
Tabu See my TER Reviews 481 reads

I went to an hotel outcall years ago, with only the guy's first  name and a room number. When I got there, there was no such room. I'd been had.

Now, I get a full name and call the hotel to confirm that Joe Hobbyist is actually registered there. Since I implemented that policy, I have never been tricked again.

Posted By: InLustOfBigBust
Is when I visit a city and have been screened by a provider through p411 and TER and have exchanged multiple emails and arranged on an appointment.  So far so good.  Then the day of the appointment either she or I will call to confirm.  So far so good again.  What really pisses me off is when they call about five minutes before the appointment and say "I'm close, just give me your room number and full name and I'll be right up".    
 I'll never give my full name.    
 If a provider at any point in the process wants a full name they should clearly state it on their profile and p411 page.  To spring this on a hobbyist at the last moment is way out of line.  
 This happened to me on two occasions.  The first time I told the provider my first name only and she was cool about it and we had a great session.  The second time I told the provider I would under no circumstances give my full name.  She told me she would not see me, even though she was at the hotel, and I said fine.  She seemed real pissed, and I get that, but I was pissed that this crap was sprung on me at the last moment.  
 I completely understand why some providers feel the need for safety sake in requiring a full name.  If you do, then simply state that fact on your verification site (P411, DC etc.)  


I'm trying to get through screening for a provider and have been asked to provide some info.  One of those things is my name.  I'm wondering is first name sufficient or is it expected to provide first and last?

I usually use P411 so I don't have to worry about that type of stuff but they aren't on that site.


GaGambler437 reads

Some, not all, but many providers do INSIST on knowing your full legal name as part of their screening. It is up to you whether or not you feel comfortable giving out this information, and of course it is up to her if she decides NOT to see you if you refuse.

There are several sides to this debate, my advice to you is to only give out the information that YOU feel comfortable giving, but keep in mind that some women will not see you without it.

That way she has access to a wider market of pre-verified clients, and you get to keep your full name just between you and P411.

....P411 as a sole means of verification; it's just an extra layer of security for many ladies.

   While I appreciate the fact that a gentleman is a member of P411, I still require the completed appointment form my my website.  I enjoy another profession as well as this one, and can never be too careful.

Hugs and Kisses,

-- Modified on 8/23/2014 5:03:31 PM

InLustOfBigBust519 reads

Is when I visit a city and have been screened by a provider through p411 and TER and have exchanged multiple emails and arranged on an appointment.  So far so good.  Then the day of the appointment either she or I will call to confirm.  So far so good again.  What really pisses me off is when they call about five minutes before the appointment and say "I'm close, just give me your room number and full name and I'll be right up".  

I'll never give my full name.  

If a provider at any point in the process wants a full name they should clearly state it on their profile and p411 page.  To spring this on a hobbyist at the last moment is way out of line.

This happened to me on two occasions.  The first time I told the provider my first name only and she was cool about it and we had a great session.  The second time I told the provider I would under no circumstances give my full name.  She told me she would not see me, even though she was at the hotel, and I said fine.  She seemed real pissed, and I get that, but I was pissed that this crap was sprung on me at the last moment.

I completely understand why some providers feel the need for safety sake in requiring a full name.  If you do, then simply state that fact on your verification site (P411, DC etc.

I feel your pain.  Some providers forget that safety/security is a 2-way thing.  Hobbyists also need to feel safe to schedule a visit.  In a perfect world, our info will be shredded and discarded upon verification, but the world is not perfect.  Sure, you can argue that since providers are doing this for a living, they won't do anything like that which will affect their business.  However, what about a few years from now when her "time" is over?  When one is desperate enough, blackmailing is the obvious choice.

Back to topic, if you really really need to give out name, consider changing your name to something common.  I have a fairly common name, no social media account except FB, and on my FB all my info is incorrect.    

Stay safe

...being asked to see my room key, or the name of the guest I am visiting.  I highly doubt that security would accept a first name only.

   As for changing your name; will you be obtaining a fake id, as well?  

Hugs and Kisses,
PS: Edited for typos

-- Modified on 8/24/2014 5:50:36 AM

-- Modified on 8/24/2014 5:51:53 AM

IsorokuYamamoto326 reads

Oh ya and that happens how often? Like never?

Posted By: BeautywithBrains
...being asked to see my room key, or the name of the guest I am visiting.  I highly doubt that security would accept a first name only.  
    As for changing your name; will you be obtaining a fake id, as well?  
 Hugs and Kisses,  
 PS: Edited for typos  
 -- Modified on 8/24/2014 5:50:36 AM

-- Modified on 8/24/2014 5:51:53 AM

Depending on the time of night it can actually happen alot. The only way i myself ask for your full legal name is if you don't have references, or are staying n a hotel that i know keycards. If your not willing to give that info and your not willing to meet me outside then its not wroth the trouble. I always listen to my gut not my pockets.  :)

usually at the Hard Rock Hotel, where casino security is much tighter than normal.  

Another good reason to have the full name of the client, or you really look like a gal for hire!


Posted By: IsorokuYamamoto
Oh ya and that happens how often? Like never?  
Posted By: BeautywithBrains
...being asked to see my room key, or the name of the guest I am visiting.  I highly doubt that security would accept a first name only.  
     As for changing your name; will you be obtaining a fake id, as well?    
  Hugs and Kisses,  
  PS: Edited for typos  
  -- Modified on 8/24/2014 5:50:36 AM  
 -- Modified on 8/24/2014 5:51:53 AM

I highly doubt that security would accept BeautywithBrains or Kelly.

GaGambler246 reads

and I would love to hear the answer from either "Kelly" or "Tabu" since they think it is so important for them to know before heading upstairs for an appointment. After all "what's good for the goose...."

Or should I anticipate a double standard here?

I went to an hotel outcall years ago, with only the guy's first  name and a room number. When I got there, there was no such room. I'd been had.

Now, I get a full name and call the hotel to confirm that Joe Hobbyist is actually registered there. Since I implemented that policy, I have never been tricked again.


Posted By: InLustOfBigBust
Is when I visit a city and have been screened by a provider through p411 and TER and have exchanged multiple emails and arranged on an appointment.  So far so good.  Then the day of the appointment either she or I will call to confirm.  So far so good again.  What really pisses me off is when they call about five minutes before the appointment and say "I'm close, just give me your room number and full name and I'll be right up".    
 I'll never give my full name.    
 If a provider at any point in the process wants a full name they should clearly state it on their profile and p411 page.  To spring this on a hobbyist at the last moment is way out of line.  
 This happened to me on two occasions.  The first time I told the provider my first name only and she was cool about it and we had a great session.  The second time I told the provider I would under no circumstances give my full name.  She told me she would not see me, even though she was at the hotel, and I said fine.  She seemed real pissed, and I get that, but I was pissed that this crap was sprung on me at the last moment.  
 I completely understand why some providers feel the need for safety sake in requiring a full name.  If you do, then simply state that fact on your verification site (P411, DC etc.)  

In my early days, there was a well-reviewed lady I really wanted to see.  I emailed my info (no last name), D-C, a few recent references for her to pick from, etc. We spoke on the phone a couple of times.  She was touring in Boston and I reserved several days in advance.  I traveled quite a distance to get to her place and, as instructed, call when I'm close.  NOW!, only just now, on the phone, does she start asking for additional info: full name, employer, ... favorite color and zodiac sign.  It got to be too much and I protested that she told me that everything was OK as of several days ago.  

Then she hung up on me and wouldn't answer my call backs.  :-(  

I PMed other reviewers and many confirmed that full name was not required of them.  

Go figure.  YMMV.

On the other hand, I have been approved by some who are not on D-C but who have good friends who are so their friends (and occasional duo partners :-)  ;) can check for them.  

Posted By: Real808Style
 I'm trying to get through screening for a provider and have been asked to provide some info.  One of those things is my name.  I'm wondering is first name sufficient or is it expected to provide first and last?  
 I usually use P411 so I don't have to worry about that type of stuff but they aren't on that site.

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