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thats rediculous
sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 1083 reads

serving someone at a lunch counter or allowing someone to ride the bus, thats nothing at all like being intimate with a person. God this is so rediculous.
Its highly personal and no if it were legalized you still have the right to choose who you wish to see for what ever your reason.
I hold no illwill towards anyone who sets their preferences at what makes them comfortable. These are woman we are talking about. Just because they choose to be in this business it does not mean they have less rights that you or anyone else. You choose who you wish to see, so can they.  
Being paid for your time is no reason to be treated less than anyone else.  This whole topic is always a waste of time. Its a personal preference, that about this business legal or not, will never change. Next thing you'll want to demand we see men of what ever age no matter what Our preferences. We are woman, we have choices, and to choose what makes us comfortable. I am sorry you feel its not fair, thats life honey. Life isn't fair.

Dave733027 reads

Serious answers only please!

Seriously, I'm wondering if girls would accept any race as long as he's a gentlemen? Does race play any role in the whole picture?

girls, please do share your opinion!

Thank you!


regional boards, and the consensus is that Race does play a role with some providers due to personal preferences on whom they have sex with.  Whatever the basis of the bias, it is a reality that should be factored in when making any decision regarding which provider you try to see.  

Good luck

I have no limitations as to who I will see concerning race. As long as the man is a gentleman and treats me with respect, I could care less his color.

However, I have been told that some providers won't see them if their of a different color. IMO, I feel that those limitations should be displayed on their webpage.

It's weird but that's how it is. Race is everything and nothing.

Providers should clearly state whom they are willing to see.

The ladies who provide services are people with (good, bad or indifferent) feelings about all kinds of things.  They do not have to 'service' everyone that has the required fee, they still are people and can say NO to anyone for ANY reason, even if that reason is not politically correct.  As a 'hobbist' I can shop to my hearts content through the ads etc till I find exactly the lady I'm looking for. How would we like it if the tables were turned and we had to advertise 'x hundred $$$ for 'services'' and then shell out to whoever showed up?
Without some humanity, the hobby is just a massively expensive way to jack off.


It's nice to see a little realism and common sense applied to this recurring question. How many times do we have revisit it? Sorry, but I mean really...

its not as simple, and sorry for the cliche, as simple as black and white. Noone should feel they have the right to impose their values or preferences on anynoe else.
Really, look through the pages of even one month back. This is a very hot topic and is brought up constantly. Mostly by one who feels they are being discriminated against.  Noone forces you to see who you don't want to and neither should we. Being paid has nothing to do with it in the end. Its all about preferences. Race, color age...all preferences.

Not every woman is comfortable seeing men of varying racial or ethnic back grounds.  It's a very slippery slope to start suggesting that you should let a gal know if you are Black, Hispanic, Asian or whatever. It's up to the fellow booking the appointment weather he informs the lady of his heritage or not during screening but the reality is that there are ladies out there will not even open the door or, at the very least, send you away if you arrive at appointment and you happen to be of a racial back ground that she is not comfortable with.

Is it right or wrong? Frankly I'm not here to debate that. The answer is going to depend quite a bit on which side of the fence you are debating the question from. Sex between two people is a very intimate act. Regardless of weather or not there is money on the table any woman has the right to see who she wants to see.

-- Modified on 9/7/2008 5:17:59 AM

Providers should post their preferences on their sites or email them to prospective clients. What is the point in not clearly stating what ones preferences are?

Dixie_whip1224 reads

I have been interviewed by two agencies and one said that "You are a beautiful girl but your skin is darker and it's hard for me to find you clients...". The other hired me a week ago but I have yet not done anything for them.

I understand this gentleman's question and I understand the ladies having a choice and being up front is best.


Hi - In this area (DC), darker skinned ladies seem to do very well. As it happens, my current favorite is a delightful ebony. If you don't find demand in your area, perhaps a discussion with ladies of color from other areas might lead you to an area where you might be better appreciated. Good Luck - Gregory

famkejensen1409 reads

Because if they do, then some men will not even contact them on that information alone(stating a preference) whether they are of the race or ethnicity.

I feel that those very same men have an issue with a provider stating a preference in the first place although the very same men would be peeved and understandably so, if they were turned away. Damned if they do, damned if they don't.

Here is where TER could be of some help. The TER could create a new category for each provider that indicates races/ethnicities the provider will not entertain. In many instances it may be unknown, but that is no different than some of the less common services. If a provider refuses someone based on their race this information could then easily be shared with other hobbyists.

It is the responsibility of the provider to let the potential client know if she discriminates on the basis of race. On some girls websites, you will clearly see a space for "race" on their contact form. This is a good indicator that race is an issue. It's not on my form because for me it's not a factor at all. I also heard this sort of discrimination occurs a lot more in the South. Being born and raised in the North in a big city, and attending college with a very diverse group of people it's hard for me to imagine people still think this way. However, the poster who said this is America is correct and people absolutely have the right to discriminate. Why would a client want to see a provider who has these views anyway? I would politely say "Thank You" and move on... quickly.

The arguments on this board - that providers have the "right" to see anyone they want, and that as a business owner they can deny service to anyone for any reason - are the same arguments used by Southern business owners throughout the 20th century.

It's MY bus company - I can make you sit in the back or give up your seat to others, if I choose to...
It's my lunch counter - I can deny service to you if I choose to...
It's MY store - I can make you enter through the rear entrance in the alley, if I choose to...
It's MY hospital - I don't have to treat you if I don't want to, even if you are in imminent death.

A heart surgeon does not have the "right" to deny service because of race. And I would venture that nothing is more "intimate" than having my chest cracked open with someone elbows-deep inside!

Please remember, if prostitution were to be legalized (which most on this board would want, as it would eliminate the risk of arrest), that "right" you proclaim to be able to deny service based on race, would disappear.

famkejensen1277 reads

Hey Pitt, You maybe right. I will add that if there is a fear factor or she has had a very bad experience, she might institute some safety measures if she is forced by law to see everyone that comes a knocking.

I have iterated this before and I will repeat my example. I will not see heavily accented men from the middle east....why? A VERY bad experience(due to the cultural views on women in general and then the views on escorts) and considering the fact that I would be alone with this man, it would make me fearful.

Therefore, to protect myself I would have security standing within earshot, should anything happen or his attitude take a turn for the worse. How comfortable would this be for the gent?

Dave731400 reads

Just back to town, thank you for all your input! As a matter of fact, I have no objection when provider doesn't like certain race/ethinity because of watever reason (bad experience, prejudice, or simply discrimination), but I would like them be up front and I would accept that.

I believe America is a great country, as racial issue has always been there, OR "never been there". Eitherway, it all depends how you understand it.

I haven't seen any provider yet in USA yet, and just in the stage of learning all the basics, but I look forward to do so very soon.

I believe as long as I am patient, being a gentleman as I alway did, I will eventually find my favorite. It may take time, but it is an exploration worth jumping in! Please wish me luck!

God bless America!


Dixie_whip2470 reads

Welcome back. Being a gentleman will get you far when you finally choose.


You see no difference between:
A lunch counter
A bus
A Store
A hospital
and (I presume) a public toilet
and a lady's bed?  
Have a nice day.

serving someone at a lunch counter or allowing someone to ride the bus, thats nothing at all like being intimate with a person. God this is so rediculous.
Its highly personal and no if it were legalized you still have the right to choose who you wish to see for what ever your reason.
I hold no illwill towards anyone who sets their preferences at what makes them comfortable. These are woman we are talking about. Just because they choose to be in this business it does not mean they have less rights that you or anyone else. You choose who you wish to see, so can they.  
Being paid for your time is no reason to be treated less than anyone else.  This whole topic is always a waste of time. Its a personal preference, that about this business legal or not, will never change. Next thing you'll want to demand we see men of what ever age no matter what Our preferences. We are woman, we have choices, and to choose what makes us comfortable. I am sorry you feel its not fair, thats life honey. Life isn't fair.

The premise that legalization would preclude the woman's right to choose is misguided.  The women in Nevada's legal brothels are under no duress to spend time with anyone that walks through the doors.

It's unfortunate that someone may be looked upon differently because of skin color (or weight, amount of hair, or any other difference) but it DOES happen.  I do it all the time when I'm looking for an on-the-clock companion.  I hope that, since I'm paying, that she'll be less judgemental about me, but it still happens.  And yet, life has gone on.

Read my posting again... Nowhere did I say legalization would remove a provider's right to choose.

What I said is that legalization would no longer allow discrimination by race. Any individual provider could choose not to see someone based on race. The result of that decision may be a civil lawsuit, but you can still choose to behave in that manner.

Or the provider could find another line of work, hopefully where her prejudices will not affect others.

And by the way, if a Nevada brothel hung a sign up saying "No Blacks Allowed," I guarantee you they would get sued.

It's the girl working in it.  They can, and DO choose to see or not, based on whatever criteria they set.  I'm fairly knowledgeable of the brothel business, for reasons unrelated to this issue, and know of not one discrimination suit in their history.

I understand that you're black, and feel picked on by women that don't want to see you.  I've read your posts for a while.  I can't change your view, and wouldn't try anyway.  At the end of the day, you can let it bug you, or get over it and find someone that WILL see you.  There are women that won't see me for whatever reason that they have.  My response is usually along the lines of "NEXT"

First of all, I am a provider and not a heart surgeon. Lives do not depend on what I do. That is a ridiculous comparison.
Secondly, my understanding is that you search for what you are attracted to, right? If you have a thing for BBW, or platinum blonde barbies. You seek out ladies that you are attracted to, most of the time looking to connect with them. Gentlemen usually are very kind and want very much for the lady to enjoy herself because if she enjoys herself then you will have a better experience. I think ladies should be very open and up front about their preferences also, whether is be based on race or what they like or dislike in the bedroom.
If prostitution were legalized would that mean that a provider that is straight would then be forced to see women also, because you cannot discriminat based on race, religion, sex, etc.? I think not. This business is about personal relationships and  personal choices, both for the provider and client.

Everyone - let's be real - we're all only human. I for one find the humanity of the hobby to be the most important aspect - else I would buy a blow up doll ';-0  This is not just a matter of race; not everybody "clicks" for  myriad reasons. In my case, I am a large and somewhat intimidating person in the first place, and have gained un-needed extra weight since retiring from active duty. If a lady told me that she did not want to see me because she was afraid of me, did not want to deal with my being a bit overweight, did not want to see me because I reminded her of an abusive experience, whatever - I'd rather she told me so. I would not want anyone I was with to be uncomfortable, and I'm sure I'd have a better experience with someone who was comfortable with me in the first instance. This is the most adult of all "sports" - let's all be adult about it.

In my personal life, I only date Hispanic's just my preference.

I believe it does. I was with a beautiful, young Black lady a month ago in Vegas and we talked a little about this. I'm White, and while we were talking a couple of Black guys came up to us to be smartasses and ask me if I knew what she was doing. I asked her if they were bothering her and she said no. I could tell she was uncomfortable, so I said I'd knock them on their asses but she told me not to. I know, 2 against 1, I'd probably lose! But the thing was they were disrespecting her and that doesn't sit well with me. She's a lady, and should be treated as such.

My point is, when we walked away she told me that's why she likes White guys. They treat her better, and don't act the idiot like those guys did. That's her preference, and was even more of a turn-on for me!

So if a lady doesn't want to see you because of your race, or whatever, you respect that and find someone who will.

By the way, I'm going back to Vegas in December to see this lady. She told me to call her when I get there and I'll be surprised if I make it out of the McCarren before I do!

Hope this helps.....

A gentleman is a gentleman is a gentleman.

Doesnt matter race, color, nationality...etc etc.

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