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That's my take on it too
little phil 37 Reviews 1434 reads

If a guy has written plenty of reviews, and a discount has been offered to TER memebers, it's a reasonable bet that he'll write one.

With that guy, mentioning that it's tough getting started without your name out there is usually enough for him to connect the dots that you're looking for reviews without actually asking for one.

I've been a provider for the past 6 months, and have had several reviews -- one on another site, one that wasn't accepted on TER because it was submitted by a new member, and another that was mysteriously deleted several days after it was posted.
The reviews were good, but, needless to say, my experiences in the entire review process have been miserable.

I've decided to start flat-out asking gentlemen to post reviews -- I figure, if I throw enough spaghetti at a wall, something will stick, right?

How common is it that a provider will ask you to post a review? How is this usually done? Do you think asking for a review at the end of a session is tacky, or just part of the process?

Any advice on how to get reviews to "stick," or reasons as to why profiles sometimes disappear would be good too.


shudaknownbetter1789 reads

I've not been asked to do reviews but I've reviewed ladies here & elsewhere.  If you knew that a gentleman had contacted through a site, about the time you say "I'd like to see you again"...  mention you'd like an honest review on TER site.  

Reviews are good advertizing & I often check out ladies who "new reviews" come up for.  

-- Modified on 9/5/2008 6:46:05 AM

I'm a fairly new member (less than a year) who has had much success with the TER process.  I've managed to get a previously unlisted provider listed who now has 2 great reviews (besides mine) listed here. She didn't outright ask that I review her but she did mention close to the end of our session (which was terrific, btw) that she "wished I could get listed on TER".  When I offered to see if I could get her listed here she was VERY appreciative - and she let me know it in a very physical way :-)

Perhaps a similar plan would work for you - make mention to your clients of your appreciation of honest reviews.  I personally wouldn't be offended if a provider mentioned "feel free to submit an honest review of our session on TER" at some point during our session.  I would, however, not appreciate being hounded after the session with email or phone calls demanding "where's my review?".  

Just my opinion.

I've had several ladies ask if I intended to write a review. They usually mention it in a casual way. One evening was a comedy of errors with hotel problems and the lady said, "You're not going to put this in your review, are you"? There are ways to ask without being demanding. I'm sure you'll come up with the right words.

Ask clients and see what they say.

I would definitely ask for a review if you know the client found you on TER and you felt like you and he really "clicked" (He made another appointment with you before he walked out the door).  Just remember, it is human nature to just sit back and absorb other people's experiences by reading reviews, and some people don't feel comfortable doing the actual reviewing.

A gentleman offered to give me a review here on TER if I would give him a discount in exchange.  However, I thought I had read somewhere that this behavior is expressly prohibited.  Can anyone enlighten me?

I believe that any exchange of that nature is against TER rules. I see nothing wrong with offering some incentive as a "thank you" gesture AFTER a review has been written, maybe a little extra time on a second visit.

As for the gentleman who made the offer, he sounds like a bargain hunter to me, and should know better in my opinion.

I did a quick search here on TER and direct from the words of Jazz the Mod God here from a previous post:

"If you want to meet TER guys, you may want to give TER guys an incentive to see you.  Some new gals offer a discount to verified TER members (guys willing to share there "real" TER id).  This tactic is most effective if you are a VIP ($25 per month well spent) so you can see the reviews, or in other words, the hopes and expectations of your potential clients."

So I believe it's permissible to offer a discount to TER members but just not a good idea to do it in exchange for a review in and of itself.

If anyone has additional insight feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here...

EDITED to add that hungry beat me to it... LOL


-- Modified on 9/5/2008 7:09:08 AM

If a guy has written plenty of reviews, and a discount has been offered to TER memebers, it's a reasonable bet that he'll write one.

With that guy, mentioning that it's tough getting started without your name out there is usually enough for him to connect the dots that you're looking for reviews without actually asking for one.

and have done so on request once or twice.

One was from a local board and she new my handle and knows that I do write reviews and asked if I would write one for her.  I think she said "I'd love it if you would write a review of our time together".

Another just said she would appreciate a review if I was inclined.  

I will always honor a request for a review as well as a request to not review (the latter presupposes that there was nothing like a rob, upsell or any seriously issue that fellow hobbyists would need to be aware of).

So go ahead ask for a review just don't link it to a write me a review special.

On your part, please White List in exchange....

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