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That wasn't remotely my point...
jelloman42 10 Reviews 391 reads

Read it again please...

...but it's always been my understanding that a client may be asked to provide proof of ID that matches his user name...

babes_only435 reads

At the time of visit??  They want it before the visit.  They already have the ability to view your profile, which you don't have to use a real name.  Is it normal protocol to disclose your real name?  Seems like a liability to any hobbyist.

Posted By: jelloman42
...but it's always been my understanding that a client may be asked to provide proof of ID that matches his user name...

Yes, at the time of the visit...

When a client establishes his confidential username, which is only visible to providers he has requested an appointment with, he uses real, verifiable info in it...real first name, date of birth, city where born, and a 4 digit number that matches one of his ID's, usually his driver's license...

Providers booking through P411 have the right to verify a client's identity...if the client is properly prepared he will have taped over his last name and address so the provider can see his pic, his first name, and the 4 digits he used...

...guidelines as perfectstorm posted. It's very simple do as she asks or don't do as she asks. Be polite when declining if that's what you choose to do.

A lot of guys won't.  My policies regarding real name & ID are stated very clearly, but I still get plenty of  P411 guys contacting me who won't give that up.  

If you are comfortable with showing your ID to a provider, then do so. If you're not, then don't......but please please please do not do as so many others, and give the lady a hard time about her requirements. 😀

Not saying YOU would, but it happens a lot. ;-)


babes_only424 reads

If one party asks for ID, shouldn't that be a two way street?

I don't...

If you prepared properly for the date you looked at her pictures and know her basic physical description...height, weight, eye color etc...if you see anything you don't like you walk before anything has a chance to happen...

babes_only384 reads

Not about looks, it's about vulnerable personal info.

It should be whatever is comfortable for both parties involved.

Again, only give out what is comfortable for you. There are many ladies whose company you will enjoy who do not ask for ID.

Have fun out there!!! 😉


That doesn't mean I never will be asked.  All of us that participate in this hobby have something to lose, some more than others.  I am retired, my kids are grown, and I have no SO, so I basically have no one to hide from.  However, I don't go out telling everyone what I do either.  Lots of providers know the first name I go by, some even know my last name, but not many.

I have never asked to see a provider's ID either, and probably never will, I really don't need to know.  I will admit, I do know the real names of many providers I've seen, but do not share them.


Senator.Blutarsky333 reads

...there are several ladies who I know require it, and I would for them. 😎

On one occasion provider had me confused with someone else so I voluntarily showed it or the session would not have happened. At that point she was frazzled enough that the session should not have.
I will produce it if necessary but will NOT send it electronically in any form

As Debbie said, you are free to either comply, or move on to other providers who don't require it. Why make a big deal about it? Why start a rant on the newbie board?
 P411 actually suggests that providers ask for your ID, since your P411 ID is made up of parts of your real ID.  

From the P411 website:

Q. A provider asked to see my identification... whats that about?
A.  Your Client Id is made up of small bits of real info that can be verified by the provider, by looking at a couple of pieces of identification carried in your wallet.

John is a name showing on drivers license.
01 is DAY of birth showing on drivers license.
0000 is last four digits on something you carry in your wallet.

I often recommend that gentlemen temporarily cover the other private information with tape or whiteout, leaving only the photo, matching name, and DAY of birth (on drivers license) and last four digits (on something in wallet) for the provider to check. Of course, its always a good idea to let the provider know you are going to cover the other information, in case her personal policy would not allow for this.

If you schedule an appointment via P411 and upon arrival refuse to show identification to confirm you are the true account holder, please understand that your provider may exercise her right to refuse to see you. Also keep in mind that your provider has an obligation to report this to P411. Depending on the circumstances, P411 may suspend the account under which the appointment was made until the situation is resolved.

We have a terrible problem with people sharing client ids, sometimes to book appointments and sometimes to rip the provider off, or worse. These situations are becoming more common, and can be easily prevented if the provider takes a moment to confirm that the person before her has identification to match the client id.

I strongly encourage the ladies to check identification to make sure it matches the client id, and we are seeing more and more ladies following through, so be prepared! If your client id doesnt currently match your identification as indicated above, please contact us and we can fix it.

Posted By: perfectstorm
 As Debbie said, you are free to either comply, or move on to other providers who don't require it. Why make a big deal about it? Why start a rant on the newbie board?  
  P411 actually suggests that providers ask for your ID, since your P411 ID is made up of parts of your real ID.  
 From the P411 website:  
 Q. A provider asked to see my identification... whats that about?  
 A.  Your Client Id is made up of small bits of real info that can be verified by the provider, by looking at a couple of pieces of identification carried in your wallet.  
 John is a name showing on drivers license.  
 01 is DAY of birth showing on drivers license.  
 0000 is last four digits on something you carry in your wallet.  
 I often recommend that gentlemen temporarily cover the other private information with tape or whiteout, leaving only the photo, matching name, and DAY of birth (on drivers license) and last four digits (on something in wallet) for the provider to check. Of course, its always a good idea to let the provider know you are going to cover the other information, in case her personal policy would not allow for this.  
 If you schedule an appointment via P411 and upon arrival refuse to show identification to confirm you are the true account holder, please understand that your provider may exercise her right to refuse to see you. Also keep in mind that your provider has an obligation to report this to P411. Depending on the circumstances, P411 may suspend the account under which the appointment was made until the situation is resolved.  
 We have a terrible problem with people sharing client ids, sometimes to book appointments and sometimes to rip the provider off, or worse. These situations are becoming more common, and can be easily prevented if the provider takes a moment to confirm that the person before her has identification to match the client id.  
 I strongly encourage the ladies to check identification to make sure it matches the client id, and we are seeing more and more ladies following through, so be prepared! If your client id doesnt currently match your identification as indicated above, please contact us and we can fix it.  
Good advice ranting on newbie board.Good advice about P411.

GaGambler296 reads

A one line post asking about the wisdom of showing ID hardly qualifies as a rant.

As for myself, if the only extra "hoop" I have to jump through is a simple matter of showing ID, IMO that's not too much too ask. OTOH, if a provider expects me to jump through a lot of other hoops or just comes across as bitchy and demanding, I simply move on to the next lady on my list.

But I was more referring to his replies. His OP asked a simple question. He was answered and could have left it at that, but his replies to people that answered the question kept pushing the issue, of "Why."  
My point is, there IS a reason for ladies to ask for ID along with p411, and it is actually recommended by Gina.  Personally I have never been asked for ID in years of doing this, but I wouldn't have a problem doing it if asked. For others that have a problem showing ID, there are thousands of providers out there who don't ask for it. Maybe it wasn't a rant, but he did make a big deal about it.

480funguy267 reads

Hopefully I won't get slammed for beating a dead horse, but I've been wondering for some time about something in much the same vein as this thread. At least a couple people in this thread have said they would physically show a lady their id upon arrival but would never send electronically as screening. What about giving your full name in screening?

A provider I think I want to see doesn't give a phone number and asks that only people she has met email her, so the only option for new clients is the contact form on her website. Said contact form requires first and last name. I figure, if I book with her and I show up, she'd have taken some risk just by communicating with me and opening the door, so if a peek at my id will make her comfortable so we can relax and have a good time, fine. But for the very first contact to be electronic and have my full name? I don't care that she's reviewed, I'm not comfortable with that. But I'm new here, so I have to ask; am I wrong?

Posted By: 480funguy
I don't care that she's reviewed, I'm not comfortable with that. But I'm new here, so I have to ask; am I wrong?
In my opinion, there is no such thing as "wrong" when it comes to each person's comfort level. Especially when it comes to screening or security.  
Some guys go totally incognito and others will give out everything a lady could possibly require. Most are somewhere in the middle, though. ;-)

I require real full names prior to meeting and my methods of contact are via the form on my site, email, text, and PM.  Lots of potential clients simply refuse to tell me their names, however I cannot recall any who asked for an alternative contact method in order to give it to me. So your preference might be different, but that doesn't make you wrong. :-)

If you really want to see this lady, then use her contact form, entering "John Doe" for the name but explain your concerns &  preferred contact method in the Notes section. She might go for it, or she might not respond. :-)



-- Modified to correct typos!

-- Modified on 3/6/2016 10:26:00 PM

480funguy263 reads

Hey thanks for the thoughtful reply Debbie.

Maybe I'm overreacting a little, considering she's p411, and has over a half dozen recent reviews from experienced reviewers on here.

If you don't mind my asking, so you require a real name before booking. How do you figure out if it is his real name?

Thanks again. BTW, you look like exactly my "type", if I'm ever in Chicago...


Posted By: DebbieNoonerGirl
Posted By: 480funguy
I don't care that she's reviewed, I'm not comfortable with that. But I'm new here, so I have to ask; am I wrong?
 In my opinion, there is no such thing as "wrong" when it comes to each person's comfort level. Especially when it comes to screening or security.    
 Some guys go totally incognito and others will give out everything a lady could possibly require. Most are somewhere in the middle, though. ;-)  
 I require real full names prior to meeting and my methods of contact are via the form on my site, email, text, and PM.  Lots of potential clients simply refuse to tell me their names, however I cannot recall any who asked for an alternative contact method in order to give it to me. So your preference might be different, but that doesn't make you wrong. :-)  
 If you really want to see this lady, then use her contact form, entering "John Doe" for the name but explain your concerns &  preferred contact method in the Notes section. She might go for it, or she might not respond. :-)  
 -- Modified to correct typos!

-- Modified on 3/6/2016 10:26:00 PM

Posted By: DebbieNoonerGirl

 If you really want to see this lady, then use her contact form, entering "John Doe" for the name but explain your concerns &  preferred contact method in the Notes section. She might go for it, or she might not respond. :-)
I disagree. Give the information the lady requires or don't waste her time and your own.

Here_I_Go376 reads

One of the challenges in this situation, is that you could be passing along information to a provider who can't even see you due to a schedule conflict.  Why provide personal data in this circumstance?  What I have done several times is to first ask if they are even available.  I give them P411 and TER information in that intro e mail, in addition to a precise time and location.  It has turned out that in 100% of the cases, that if our schedules mesh, that I am asked for no more information.   Even if the booking form asks for first and last name.    

These are TER well-reviewed providers, so I don't think they are short changing the screening process.   I have a personal policy now, that if they come back and ask for my real name, that I intend to decline, but so far over many dates, this has turned out to be unnecessary.  

So even though on the surface it looks like I could be wasting her time, in reality I have not.  With all of that said, at the very outset of my hobbying career I did provide all of my personal info to a well researched and highly respected provider here on TER.  She acted as a reference, and I built up reference pool after that.  Likely because her word and reputation on here were golden at the time.

Yes, I would if asked

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