Newbie - FAQ

Thanks for the responses for far definitely helpful...
ratm3108 498 reads

So far it seems like I need to be aware of BSC bitches lol. I'm assuming providing work info to agencies is a no no too. The best bet seems to be set up p 411 and give them my name and number ....maybe a handle or two and should be enough. Unless you already have a provider or two that can vouch for you as well.

ratm31082052 reads

What are the normal question an agency or independent will ask. What's considered too much info? Should I be worried if they call my work? What kind of questions do they ask?

JackDunphy657 reads

That would mean they know who your employer is. Do you really trust a stranger with that info in an illegal activity? Only you can answer that.

Julia is right. There are BSC girls in the biz. Problem is you can't distinguish between who will, and who won't, guard your info and not go crazy on you and potentially ruin your life.

Use a verification site like p411 so you only have to give out personal info once. Some girls may still ask for it even with p411 but I would run from them. Too many girls out there who don't need that much info.

Be safe and good luck

Senator.Blutarsky390 reads

What do you stand to lose if you are outed? What risks are you comfortable with?  

I recommend getting verified by P411, and getting VIP here. With these two tools at your disposal, you will be able to set up many pleasurable encounters with a minimum of fuss and exposure.

Panthera12672 reads

Join one of the verification sites such as RS2K or P411 and yes you should be worried about giving out your work #. Give them (providers) as little as possible and be extremely careful who you give your personal information to.  

Once you have joined a verification service and have a couple of current provider references you should not give out personal information to them at all. You will find plenty of providers who are willing to take that and couple of references and if that is not acceptable to them, skip them and find another.  

PS: Julia. You know that I just couldn't disappoint you my little Cornus florida. :)

-- Modified on 11/12/2014 6:57:01 PM

ratm3108499 reads

So far it seems like I need to be aware of BSC bitches lol. I'm assuming providing work info to agencies is a no no too. The best bet seems to be set up p 411 and give them my name and number ....maybe a handle or two and should be enough. Unless you already have a provider or two that can vouch for you as well.

DamienScott379 reads

Agencies are worse. Always a target of LE and they rarely dispose of client data regardless of what they tell you. A huge % of gals aren't BSC but if you find one who is, and she has your data, your life can be a living hell.  

P411 is awesome.  

Posted By: ratm3108
So far it seems like I need to be aware of BSC bitches lol. I'm assuming providing work info to agencies is a no no too. The best bet seems to be set up p 411 and give them my name and number ....maybe a handle or two and should be enough. Unless you already have a provider or two that can vouch for you as well.

ratm3108296 reads

So I looked into p411 and they say you can call in your info if you don't want to submit it through the web. They claim they will shred your info once confirmed if you call it in. They ask for your work info too. Do you guys trust p411 with your work information? What else do they ask for aside from name number work info???

Better to give your information once to a company based outside the US than give it to multiple people whenever you get the urge to play. P411 is considered by many to be a safe and trust worthy operation, it's the main way I screen with and meet new ladies.

Some guys would be able to withstand the most batty of BSC girls and be fine, others wives check their emails and are the reason (quality) providers won't contact you unless you contact them. Only you know your situation and can be the judge of the risk you want to take and with whom.  

There are valid reasons for each approach on both sides. Don't let anyone tell you it's end all or be all ;-)

JackDunphy564 reads

Do you even know what some girls are capable of in the "most batty" category. Hmmm...I don't think so. Well at least you said "some." "Some" may translate to less than .001% however. lol  

But then you went on the "I can speak for all quality providers and they wont contact you"...blah blah blah nonsense.

You mean YOU wouldn't do it. Don't speak for others. MANY "quality" girls contact guys in the biz unsolicited. I have several in my inbox from the last 8 or 9 days or so and I only see quality women.  

Most of the experienced guys here know this to be true as well as we get hit up for advice, special offers, just to chit chat, give us info, etc. Yeah, it really does happen Charlie.

Paloma gets in trouble here from time to time speaking for others. My suggestion is to just speak for yourself and all would be good.

Okay, you recognized that Charlie said "some" and not the "most" you put in the subject line. Perhaps you can also recognize that there's no "all" in her OP. YOU read it as an universal statement, but it also reads as a statement of etiquette. Her generalization is only off the mark for someone with an axe to grind

JackDunphy397 reads

as that is what a board for beginners is exactly for, to get accurate info, both big and small. What she said was factually inaccurate because she is young and inexperienced.

She, and now you apparently, would like to leave the newbs here with the impression that girls don't send unsolicited emails to guys and the ones that do, are not "quality" providers.

You are entitled to that opinion, even though it is not based in fact.

I have received unsolicited emails and texts(!), so I know, and I would argue that it is bad form for a "quality" provider to do so unless it has already been cleared with client. Indiscretion is not an attribute of a Quality Provider. Disagree?

The point of Charlie's OP was clearly stated in her subject line: "do what you feel comfortable with." Tell me what is inaccurate about that.

If I had said "providers", it would be NOT ALL PROVIDERS!!!

If I had said "most providers", it would be YOU CANT SPEAK FOR EVERYONE!!

If I had said "providers shouldn't", it would be SOMETIMES THEY SHOULD!!

If I had said "some providers do", it would have been BUT THEY SHOULDNT!!!

And we would go round and round the way we always do because no amount of clarification or "now remember kids, everyone and every situation is different so you have to figure out what's ok for you" is ever going to be enough.

client_number_9454 reads

Like Jack, I have at least 4 pending unsolicited emails; all from top-shelf women, all of whom I've previously seen. They're simply doing what high-end girls do, nurturing the relationship and getting a customer touch. They're not running 2:1 specials or begging for business, they're just reminding me why I happily do business with them.

It's the little things that separate good from great.

For me, getting screened by P411 was the one risk I was willing to take (and it was surprisingly painless).  I might be missing out on a few great providers who require direct verification with them, but I figure that if I play only with providers who take P411 and who therefore are themselves participating in P411 then I am comfortably playing in the fat part of the bell curve.

Here's something else that could make some folk paranoid:  Let's say you go to visit a provider who accepts your P411 screening. Her meeting place is in a townhouse.  She tells you to park in her designated parking spot or else you will be towed.  Fine.  Now she has an opportunity to record your license plate #  ........    I do not recommend burner tags!! :-)

I was new to this a few months ago, thankfully my first provider suggested I register with TER and P411 she did ask me a few verifying questions once I did see her she gave me an ok. Since then no problem each provider has their own comfort level as you should. Do your due diligence on the provider also.  Also watch your handles as they can be searched on Google so don't use something your friends or spouse would check out

This is good advice.  After registering with TER and P411, I found an established provider (actually top-15 in her large metro-are market) who would see me on that alone.  Then I reviewed her and started the process all over again.  The second woman that saw me gave me a P411 OK and I haven't had to answer a lot of intrusive questions since.

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