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TER Reviews & FBSM in DC
godaddy1 2469 reads
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Help Needed!
I am brand new to the hobby and want to wet my feet with a FBSM.  I have been checking out the reviews of a couple of specific
providers I am interested in.  
I've got a few questions for the Discussion Board:

1) Are massage services illegal?  Does the legality depend on whether the provider is licensed CMT or if the services offered are FBSM or just massage or not?

2) If a provider is well reviewed, does that ensure that she is not LE?  Being a well reviewed provider seems to be the seal of approval here. How much trust can I have in this TER review thing?

3) Is it correct or incorrect protocol to use the provider's name on this discussion board if I wanted to inquire as to her reputation amongst the community?

Please help me out here!
I appreciate the Discussion Board's patience with us newbies.  

chiguyscorpio 9 Reviews 1156 reads
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1) Massages are not illegal, sex for money is.

2) Nothing is absolutely foolproof or a sure thing, but you decrease your chances greatly by sticking to well-reviewed providers

3)For information on individual ladies first check for reviews, or post on your local board. Look to your left, click 'Choose One' under Regional Boards, and ask there.


chiguyscorpio 9 Reviews 862 reads
3 / 9

Sorry couldn't edit.

1) 'Generally Speaking' Massages are not Illegal, but Laws do vary from State to State.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 2135 reads
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many states require that anyone who offers a massage be licensed to do so.  Some gals get around this by offering "body rubs" instead.  In any case, you as a client, are not subject to prosecution because the practioner is unlicensed.  If anything, you might have a cause for action against them.

It is almost 100% certain that a well reviewed provider is not LE, but nothing is ever 100%.  There was a case recently in Chicago where a provider "flipped", i.e. she got busted and in order to reduce the consequences for herself, she cooperated in stings that netted several clients.  Shit unfortuately happens.

You can inquire about a provider if you wish, although this is commonly done using the PM (private mail) system here on TER.  You will need to be a VIP member to do this.  As long as you have no qualms about have your TER identity out there as someone inquiring about a certain provider, then there's no problem per se.  The responses you get on a board may not be as candid as what you may learn throught the PM, however.

You ask very good questions, by the way.

Bootzie58 1220 reads
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This is how I got started and still use.  I enjoy massage. Use the tantra massage sites.  These ladies don't offer full service.  Some go with HJ or BBBJ as a finish.  You can use TER  and look for massage.  Buy a VIP membership.  Think of it as an investment in satisfying activities in the future.    Depending on where you live coastal areas give you the most selection. New York, California and Florida have the most selection.  As far as a reference I don't  that would be a problem if you asked in an email after a session.  D.C. has alot of choices by the way.

Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 902 reads
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It is perfectly acceptable to ask about a lady by name on your local board. Do not do it here on the newbie board or on the National board.  It may also be a good idea to PM the guys who have seen her assuming you have VIP status.

ItalianGabriella See my TER Reviews 1213 reads
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I found out that my ex roomie got busted back in december for doing massages. She isnt licensed, and was also doing more than just a massage. So I guess at least here in NC you have to be licensed. Probably varies state to state.

AdvocatusDiaboli 1025 reads
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The question was originally about full body sensual massage. In many jurisdictions, a FBSM would qualify as sexual conduct and exchange of money for a FBSM would be illegal. For example, in Washington D.C., D.C. Code section 22-3001(9) defines sexual contact as "The touching with any clothed or unclothed body part or any object, either directly or through the clothing, of the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks of any person with an intent to abuse, humiliate, harass, degrade, or arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person." So a masseuse rubbing her breasts against your back would qualify. So would lapdances. So please don't think that because it's called a "massage" that a law enforcement officer won't arrest you for prostitution.

godaddy1 1384 reads
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Thank you all for the information.

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