Newbie - FAQ

Sorry bonor but you are the one that is out of line.
Brielledotb See my TER Reviews 862 reads
1 / 14

Still trying to get the swing of things...these review sites are impossible to break into without already knowing somebody.  

Anybody want to get to know me LOL! Show me the ropes, tips, advice....ANYTHING 😂

22 yo Ebony in SFV/LA needing some serious help or reviews ;)

bonordonor 421 reads
2 / 14

Or any sort of web presence? If so, will you reply to this post with a link so we may get to know you a little better?

GQman42 188 Reviews 374 reads
3 / 14

You need to have some type of cyber presence so your gentleman callers will know what you are about, what you charge and what your offer BCD.  

Best of luck!

xyz23 45 Reviews 455 reads
4 / 14

...especially any titled for providers. Then ask more questions here on the Newbie Board.

Additionally I've included a link below that will be helpful. It's a reply to someone with similar questions to yours. It may prove useful to you.

bonordonor 369 reads
5 / 14

If they are on this page, they've already seen the admin post at the top of the page (as annoying as it is). They would rather talk to the people. Isn't that what the "Newbie Board" is all about?

xyz23 45 Reviews 447 reads
6 / 14

read and move on. Encouraging them to read that post is useful especially if it takes a while for others to respond. For years we asked for that information to be more easily found. TER put it there so I'm going to point it out. My experience tells me that many skip that kind of thing when it can be very helpful for them to read it. It isn't insulting to their intelligence to give them a way to help themselves when ever possible. You'll note I also linked where I gave a quite extensive answer.

-- Modified on 1/17/2017 3:37:17 PM

darmody 22 Reviews 343 reads
7 / 14

People miss what's in front of their faces all the time. For instance, I rarely read signs on doors, try ones marked as locked, and screw up the push/pull thing constantly. Doesn't have much to do with my intelligence, I shouldn't think.

Jensen36363 58 Reviews 332 reads
8 / 14

And given the starting point for the OP is "it's so hard to break into review sites...." suggesting perusing the instruction manual given no specific questions for help on were even offered seems to be a very helpful reminder.

Some times I get the impression some come here and just expect to be lead by the hand and spoon fed everything then need to be successful. It's not going to work for them that way.

Now what we can to for newbies -- Welcome by the way! -- is to point them to general information and help address specific questions they have.
Posted By: xyz23
read and move on. Encouraging them to read that post is useful especially if it takes a while for others to respond. For years we asked for that information to be more easily found. TER put it there so I'm going to point it out. My experience tells me that many skip that kind of thing when it can be very helpful for them to read it. It isn't insulting to their intelligence to give them a way to help themselves when ever possible. You'll note I also linked where I gave a quite extensive answer.  

-- Modified on 1/17/2017 3:37:17 PM

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 335 reads
10 / 14

xyz is one of the most helpful members of this board and his advice is sound. Many people glance right over that top post and pay it no mind. It is not insulting their intelligence to point out that thread. Those who have already read it, no harm no foul in pointing it out. Your post on the other hand is insulting to xyz and others and really serves no purpose on the newbie board.

bonordonor 348 reads
11 / 14
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 326 reads
12 / 14


bonordonor 389 reads
13 / 14

Didn't mean to get your panties in a wad.

Brielledotb See my TER Reviews 283 reads
14 / 14

For all of the useful info :)  I've linked my website here.

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