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So true about some not checking PMs often.
Alan_Nimm 458 reads

My ATF seldom checks PMs, or hobby emails for that matter (her assistant has a separate email for scheduling). She's a very busy person with a full life. I think sometimes we don't consider that providers aren't sitting around waiting for our messages. So don't feel bad if you don't get a response to a PM. As others have suggested, try another channel--check her web site to see if she has a preferred channel.  

But on the point re all providers not having PMs... actually, all providers who have limited or full VIP, which is all but some newbies who don't have at least limited VIP yet, have PM capability. But some may not realize they have it!

P.S. My ATF finally gave me a personal email to use, which she checks often.  :)

babes_only2891 reads

If you send a private message to a provider and she doesn't reply, is it me or is this rude?  I might be guilty of asking a dumb question but how hard is it to be nice and send a reply?  Do they really get that many messages that they just blow you off if they don't like what they see?

Not all girls have pm capability.

Some don't bother to check.

Some are on break, vacation, recently retired.

Some may not like your approach.

Try again in a few days but don't stuff her inbox with pm's. Two is enough, spread out over a few days.

We don't all get the answers we want in a timely fashion, nor at all sometimes.

babes_only639 reads

This occurred on P411 and I can see when the Provider last accessed her account.  She is highly reviewed and I want to see her but it's not off to a good start.

Since you used an alias, I have no idea if you've written reviews or where you are. If you're in a major city, certainly there are others to pursue.  

Posted By: babes_only
This occurred on P411 and I can see when the Provider last accessed her account.  She is highly reviewed and I want to see her but it's not off to a good start.

babes_only624 reads

I haven't proceeded, that's the reason for this post.  Unfortunately I want to see her despite the snub.  It's difficult to reason with the little head.  My profile on P411 has all the info she needs or wants.  Providers can access your profile any time they want, which she did not.  I receive emails each time a Provider looks at my profile.  The alias is great when posting questions or problems when others are involved.  

Posted By: hiddenhills
Since you used an alias, I have no idea if you've written reviews or where you are. If you're in a major city, certainly there are others to pursue.  
Posted By: babes_only
This occurred on P411 and I can see when the Provider last accessed her account.  She is highly reviewed and I want to see her but it's not off to a good start.

Senator.Blutarsky532 reads

If you sent it on P411, you can see if she's even read it yet. Most of these gals will focus on appointment requests first and get to their PMs when they can, if at all. I even had one respond months later. If I were you, I'd move on. At this point you are too indigent over this perceived slight that chances are you will not enjoy yourself.  

Solo mis dos centavos.

As you sent a date request and have not heard back she may or may not have read it for any  number of reasons.
Suggest sending pm referencing the date request end asking if there is scything she needed that you did not supply.
Can also ask if the time frame would work out or something like that.
The beauty of the pm is you can see if they read it. Now if you are ignored definitely move on.
You have no idea they read your date request unless they access your file or contact you.

GaGambler575 reads

Providers are not obligated to return PMs on P 411, but they are required to respond to appointment requests. I wouldn't do this myself as when things get off to a bad start in this business they rarely seem to get any better.

Personally, I always reach out to P 411 providers through PM's and not by the "request appointment" method as I like to exchange a couple of PMs usually before actually booking an appointment, but if you simply have to see this woman, she is required to respond to appointment requests, even if response is to decline to see you

Senator.Blutarsky523 reads

I think they have 24 hours to respond... It seems that the OP is not willing to wait that long. It appears he thinks they are just waiting around for his

babes_only569 reads

Just like they're sitting around and waiting for your messages Mack.
Do you really think I would of posted this without waiting at least a day?  I shouldn't of implied common sense in the post, my bad.

Posted By: Senator.Blutarsky
I think they have 24 hours to respond... It seems that the OP is not willing to wait that long. It appears he thinks they are just waiting around for his

Senator.Blutarsky577 reads

You sent a PM via P411

You noticed that she logged into her p411 account sometime after you sent the aforementioned PM

You have not heard from her and,

it's been over 24 hours since your PM (BTW, this is not always to be assumed, especially on this board)

Let's assume she did read the PM, then she probably doesn't want to see you for whatever reason... Don't waste any time trying to figure out why, just move on.

You'll find once you've been here for a while that there are some ladies who are great at the logistics piece of this and then there are those who aren't. No need to get upset... It's one of those things you just have to accept. You aren't going to change them, so don't waste your time or energy.

Remember the old adage: I'll beg for pussy, and I'll pay for pussy, but I won't beg to pay for pussy

BUT, how hard is a quick reply to a guy? I just do not get it. I think some ladies have had the back and forth f "why" which they kept answering. After a few particularly disastrous back and forths, I now block that guy and refuse to explain any more.  

Come on ladies, just be cool and answer with a simple "I do not think we'd be a good match, but thank you for considering me" and then block!

If she has not seen your profile and not answered your PM she might be away with family or she might simply need some time off.

I can see why there is no response...sometimes even hookers need a vacation and that means not having to answer emails etc

Just seeing those ab bumps is mouth watering and not to mention boulder shoulders and twin peak pecs.  

You never disappoint me Senator.

GaGambler526 reads

The fact of the matter is, some providers on P 411 respond faster to PM's than others. It's not really anything worth getting worked up about. It's like sending a PM through TER, some people get back to you in five minutes, others take five weeks. It is what it is.

and yes, especially during this time of year some hookers just don't want to work that hard returning correspondence that is not absolutely crucial to respond to.

That it is not hard to send a thank you, no thank you email or PM...takes less than 5 minutes, if she sees a red flag etc.

babes_only673 reads

Not the case, her calendar states availability.  I can only assume she is booked up and just blew off other inquiries.  Guess that's what happens when every swinging dick in town wants to fuck your eyeballs out.

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
I can see why there is no response...sometimes even hookers need a vacation and that means not having to answer emails etc.  
-- Modified on 12/30/2015 1:37:45 PM

A lot won't talk unless they know who you are.       They usually have a sheet to fill out to let them know.     You list your references.     Make an appointment when you want it and she will most likely talk to you or tell you what you need.    They don't talk anything on the phone or computer date, hrs. and time.       Use their site to get the information.   After you book.     They tell you a general location and tell you where to go.    When you get there at the time they tell you where to go for service.     Even when you get to know them they don't talk about much for their safety so I don't ask.    One independent told me she gets so many messages , texts, and emails that she pays  a lady to sort out the one's she needs to respond to.   I understood hundreds a day.    Pranks and all kinds.    I think some of the girls don't have access to talk on agency accounts.    I'm  just learning too.

Alan_Nimm459 reads

My ATF seldom checks PMs, or hobby emails for that matter (her assistant has a separate email for scheduling). She's a very busy person with a full life. I think sometimes we don't consider that providers aren't sitting around waiting for our messages. So don't feel bad if you don't get a response to a PM. As others have suggested, try another channel--check her web site to see if she has a preferred channel.  

But on the point re all providers not having PMs... actually, all providers who have limited or full VIP, which is all but some newbies who don't have at least limited VIP yet, have PM capability. But some may not realize they have it!

P.S. My ATF finally gave me a personal email to use, which she checks often.  :)

viously, I am an experienced hobbyist. I know how to present myself to a potential new provider and also to women I have seen prior. And yet, I do not always receive a PM in return. I just move on.  

As Jack pointed out, there are a myriad of reasons why you didn't get a response. Do not worry about an isolated incident with a specific provider.  

Without knowing what you are saying, understand your PM's should not be different from an introductory E-mail. Focus your PM's to requesting an appointment for a specific time and date. Tell her you can provide the necessary screening information she requires. If you think you are asking "dumb" questions, chances are you are asking "dumb" questions. It is better you do research here on the boards then send a PM to a lady asking mundane/mechanical questions that are easy to answer with a little effort. Do not waste her time.

babes_only568 reads

Posted By: ShakingtheSheets
Without knowing what you are saying, understand your PM's should not be different from an introductory E-mail. Focus your PM's to requesting an appointment for a specific time and date.
Yes, that was the nature of the question.  I like to verify info before making a request to meet.  Sometimes info that is posted is contradictory to other info.

Posted By: babes_only
 I like to verify info before making a request to meet.  Sometimes info that is posted is contradictory to other info.
........ if the information you're attempting to verify is regarding her rates, and that's something she won't talk about, then you have your answer.   :-)


Many providers are flooded with messages on a daily basis. E-mailing directly may make it easier for her to respond in a timely fashion. Better yet, use the contact form on her website (if she has one).

....or follow whatever contact method that she prefers.
And yes - some providers are just rude assholes that don't reply to simple non-objectionable questions. Just put them on your own DNS blacklist and move on to someone else. I wouldnt want to schedule with anyone who refuses to reply to my email. They would probably be a lousy date anyway.

-- Modified on 12/30/2015 10:08:27 AM

A provider can be rightfully suspicious that you are LE, and therefore would never reply.

Also don't overdo it about asking about her appearance.  If you are looking for something too far from what they are, they might just figure it is a waste of their time to correspond.

Always be genteel and discreet when contacting a provider.  In most cases, if you are, they will contact you

However even if the guy is obsessive over appearance, if she feels he is too high maintenance, a simple "sorry I do not feel we would be a good match" would suffice.. Then he can spend his time to find someone else.  

With me, if I have to send one of those emails, I will block the guy after because if he replies with a "why not" never goes well. He got one reply and that is all that is required professionally.

Where I am located (United States, planet Earth), it's the HOLIDAY SEASON and many businesses are in holiday mode, and many people are on holiday vacations. "If this is an emergency, please contact ..." is a common response.  

What is your timing on this stuff? Did you contact her on Christmas Eve?  

Maybe you should just wait until after the new year and give her a chance to catch up on things

babes_only498 reads

Please read the thread before posting.

Posted By: impposter
Where I am located (United States, planet Earth), it's the HOLIDAY SEASON and many businesses are in holiday mode, and many people are on holiday vacations. "If this is an emergency, please contact ..." is a common response.  
 What is your timing on this stuff? Did you contact her on Christmas Eve?  
 Maybe you should just wait until after the new year and give her a chance to catch up on things.  
-- Modified on 12/30/2015 3:36:12 PM

GaGambler520 reads

Why is it everyone seems to be assuming the worst about this poster?  

I am one of the biggest assholes on this board, why do I find myself needing to give the rest of you a lecture on acting like considerate mentors to a newbie instead of giving him grief on the one board where there is supposed to be no such thing as a dumb question. Far be it for me to get all morally superior, but all of you fuckers owe the OP an apology. He asked a simple and legitimate question, he didn't ask to be accused of bad behavior, shame on all you, and I would like to extend my apologies to the OP on behalf of the board for the very bad treatment he has gotten here today, and to the rest of you MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS, now act like it.

To the OP, there dozens of legitimate reasons why she did not get back to you and of course there is always the possibility that she is simply not very professional. Either way, I hope you don't let it, or your treatment here today,  get the best of you. My advice is to simply move on and hope that she contacts you later with an acceptable excuse.

Posted By: babes_only
Please read the thread before posting.
Yes, you PM'd her and then saw that she had logged in at some time after your PM but she did not reply to you.

I get swamped with stuff in my life and work ... No, I'll use TER as the example. Yes, TER does not display logins to other users, but that doesn't matter.

Sometimes I log in to TER but only have a couple of minutes (or less!) to look something up or read a PM. I just don't have the time to tend to every post, reply, PM, or ad and I have other priorities.  

Sometimes I log in to TER and spend a long block of time reading and replying to the Boards. And sometimes I stay logged in, or purpose or by accident, for many, many hours but not doing anything or paying attention to the browser.  

Yes, I saw that you said her calendar said she was available. Sometimes, life gets so busy that there isn't even enough time to change the calendar to say NOT available.  Or, "I got a last minute offer to spend 10 days traveling in Europe with my best client. Should I pack my bags and get to the airport or should I update my calendar and spend an hour replying to PMs?"  

I didn't check to see your (her) location. Were you or was she in one of those blizzard, flooding or other natural disaster zones? Cut some slack for that!

I get no sense of the time frame from your post. It sounds to me like you should be more patient.  

Happy New Year

There are a few reasons why some of us may not respond to a PM/email/text. Most commonly, that's because the correspondence mentioned sex acts/money, asked questions that are already answered in our ads/websites, or were rude/crass/unintelligible. Just something to consider.  

The other possibility is that she's going to catch up on her inquiries in bulk when she has the time. It's still the holiday season, after all.

babes_only562 reads

There was a contradiction on her profile when she would see clients during the day.  After 4 pm, but then states mornings too.  I just wanted to know how early she is willing to see clients.  That's it, nothing disrespectful.  She's probably overwhelmed by clients because she is so desireable.  I won't mention her name.  Next time I'll just request an appointment and she'll have to respond.

Posted By: babes_only
There was a contradiction on her profile when she would see clients during the day.  After 4 pm, but then states mornings too.  I just wanted to know how early she is willing to see clients.  That's it, nothing disrespectful.  She's probably overwhelmed by clients because she is so desireable.  I won't mention her name.  Next time I'll just request an appointment and she'll have to respond.
Most ladies try to respond to all emails but to be frank, there is a hierarchy. Existing clients are usually first, followed by specific (day/time/length) appointment requests from verifiable new clients who send all requested screening info. Next are potential new clients who express serious interest but need guidance for verification. General questions are answered last (if at all). Asking how early she is willing to see clients (a general question) puts you dead last on the list of people to respond to.

If you have a specific time in mind or if you can be flexible, send her a serious appointment request or email your request directly. She will likely respond with her available times.

I ask whether you read her website or P411 profile because ladies often list how they want to be contacted on their site and P411 profile. She may want an appointment request via P411 or she may want a direct email to let her know you're serious about booking.

-- Modified on 12/31/2015 5:05:43 AM

Go with whatever is on her website and/or what she actually typed into her profile. Sometimes those checked boxes are accidental.

People ask questions here because they want an honest answer, and not be treated like an idiot.  So, if you are not going to give a respectful helpful answer to any thread, don't post anything.  I can't make you be nice, but I can tell admin if your posts are not appropriate for this board.

To the OP, apologies if you feel any of the posts on your thread are not what you expected.  To answer your question, some providers will just ignore inquiries that they do not wish to see.  That sucks, but it's a fact.  If they get a better offer, such as a multi-hour date, than yours, it's possible you will be on the back burner.  Also true, some providers have so many requests, they really can't answer all of them if they do not have an assistant to book her sessions.

BTW, I am the host of this board and will be happy to give you private replies if you want.  Just PM me, if you can.


the hobby is different from the real world in a number of ways... it took me awhile to come to terms with that.  In my experience, though, the vast majority of providers will eventually respond even if we're not a good match.  As for communication, different ladies can have very different tolerance levels for what is acceptable to them.  I especially appreciate those who are friendly, open, and understanding and, fortunately, they seem to be the majority.

Posted By: babes_only
If you send a private message to a provider and she doesn't reply, is it me or is this rude?  I might be guilty of asking a dumb question but how hard is it to be nice and send a reply?  Do they really get that many messages that they just blow you off if they don't like what they see?

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