Newbie - FAQ

SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 318 reads

You are consumed by this issue. Multiple plugs on threads and was your point ever clearly made or addressed? No. Get some drinks, do some recreational drugs, retail therapy, whatever, and get over it already.

As for the reviewer, and you not seeing his advice... The only 10 performance score he'a ever given was of a TS. So unless you are packing a dick in your panties, he didn't like you. And rest assured, your attitude and rants aren't making anyone else like you much either.  

As GaG tried to say, I guess you got this hun. Nothing else to say. I wish you millions babe.

So I got a bad review and nicely (seriously! lol) and professionally explained my reasons for the things which I could justify, the other opinions are just that-- opinions, and told this guy (mondocali, beware girls!!) that he could try another session with me since he so disliked the first one.
It's too long to get into his long list of complaints. I don't care what anyone thinks of my body- I've had 4 kids, at one point with one reached 220 lbs, and I look DAMN good, and DAMN proud I lost all the weight, thank you very much!! :D However, it was really the performance I was actually disputing, a squirter who just lays there? Is such a thing even POSSIBLE?? Plus clearly, he too was awkward, didn't ask questions, etc.
ANYWAY, this guy writes me back an email calling me names, cursing me out, is he SERIOUS?? Can I block him or something? This is totally unnecessary, uncalled for, un-gentleman-ly, un-cooth, and deplorable. So clearly he was a jerk I should have screened out and not seen anyway, but seriously.... he made me lose my business composure and get nitty-gritty b*tch ugly!!  

Really let's be honest-- he didn't get me to squirt and probably got most upset about that and is clearly a crap talking bully. Sorry guy, I can't fake squirting!! But please, someone let me know what can be done because such behavior should definitely be broadcast-ed, not allowed, etc.

GaGambler398 reads

Simply click on the "ignore user" tab at the bottom of your PM page, and poof he will be gone out of your inbox.

As for his review of you, you seem to be making a VERY big deal out of this, and I should warn you that constantly drawing attention to a bad review will do more damage than the  bad review itself.

thanks! that's all I was asking about!
the review is fine, any publicity is good publicity after all, but bullies and name-calling jerks should not be tolerated in any instance!!

GaGambler358 reads

Constantly harping over a bad review will make you look like a drama queen to your prospective customers, right or wrong will cease to have anything to do with it.

If you don't really care how this will effect your business, well then I am sorry, i really don't know how to help you, except to advise you to take this dramafest to your regional board where the locals can get a laugh out of it, and trust me, Laugh they will.  This is where we are required to be nice, there are no such rules that are regularly enforced on the regional or GD board. You will get "lit up" if you do this on your regional board. Just saying...

You've been given good advice here, but what you do with it us up to you.

Listen here, I don't give a rat's ass who the hell u think u are or what u have to be, I will never allow any man or grown up to call me a name to my face!! So laugh it up, yuck yuck yuck, and post it anonymously on the internet because i GUARANTEE NONE of u would have the BALLS to say such things to our faces, and if u DO.... all i have to say is, I WISH YOU WOULD, I DARE YOU!!!
No problem being the martyr.  
Running a business is one thing.
TRYING to insult somebody is something completely different!!
Never been much of an ass-kisser and definitely not to an immature, spoiled, emotionally stunted man!!

GaGambler304 reads

I can't force you to take it.

and you have made my point about becoming a drama queen.

To all the other new providers looking for advice from this board, This is exactly what NOT to do when trying to create a board presence here.

Does anyone now find themselves saying to themselves "this a woman I would like to book some time with"???

The point of my post was to try to help new providers how to best use this site to their advantage which I assume for most of you in to "increase" business, not chase off prospective customers. The OP illustrates my point in spades. I hope at least "someone" learns from this as it appears the OP already knows everything and has nothing to learn from the veterans here who try to help.

Stickythong335 reads

There isn't an Iowa regional board. She has that going for her. Lists 5'10" 170. Corn feed Iowa beef.

He is a respected veteran here that gives very sound advice to newbies so they don't get their ass handed to them. You were told to modify this post for good reason. Everyone who has posted on both of your threads regarding this matter have been nothing but helpful. Another word of advice to you is to screen very thoroughly. My heart sank when I read this, search through the board postings and you'll see that the dangers here go way above "saying hurtful things to people's faces". I cannot stop shaking my head...

Posted By: irishart
Listen here, I don't give a rat's ass who the hell u think u are or what u have to be, I will never allow any man or grown up to call me a name to my face!! So laugh it up, yuck yuck yuck, and post it anonymously on the internet because i GUARANTEE NONE of u would have the BALLS to say such things to our faces, and if u DO.... all i have to say is, I WISH YOU WOULD, I DARE YOU!!!  
 No problem being the martyr.  
 Running a business is one thing.  
 TRYING to insult somebody is something completely different!!  
 Never been much of an ass-kisser and definitely not to an immature, spoiled, emotionally stunted man!!

...If you've done all you can do you need to drop it. Like GaGambler said it does more harm than good to keep bringing it up. You can put his PM's on ignore but it's obvious he isn't changing his mind. It's time to drop it and move on.

that's literally all i'm asking about because he PM'd me again and the review helps me, don't care about that..
thought my other post was gone
regardless, i will make a big deal over bullies and jerks that call names!!
and the first time was about the review, this one is about him being an obnoxious name calling jerk, totally different!
maybe i shouldn't have explained WHY we were emailing back and forth, but mentioning the review, who cares? it's the first one you all see anyway lol!!
furthermore, yes, i do still think it's audacious to review someone when they can't retort, explain, or review back, which is why i mostly stick to humaniplex. it's quid pro quo there!

-- Modified on 5/6/2015 11:15:38 AM

This guy may very well be a complete jerk - but moving on, seeing other guys, and getting good reviews is the way to diminish his impact and put him in the rear view mirror.  All reviews are not going to be pleasing, quite the contrary, so learning how to move-on past the bad ones is critical.

The email name-calling was over-the-top, and rather asinine - but if anything, it should have just demonstated it was time to move on and forget about this guy.

-- Modified on 5/7/2015 7:58:21 PM

I am not sure as to why you posed this to the newbie board since the advice that was given you don't want and have issue with accepting? The newbie board is designed to help the ladies and gents so name calling and cussing rarely ever happens.  

I don't think you get it. The review system is not for the ladies. Period. TER is for the hobbyist, whom allow us ladies to play, which in turn makes their lives easier. So no, you cannot rebuttle, the system just is what it is. You can learn to use it to your advantage or you can chose to de-list, contact admin to do that, all of your reviews and profile will be deleted.

Hooking is not an easy peasy job sometimes. If a little criticism or a guy being pissed and cussing at you upsets you that much, it is going to be really tough. I would also suggest you modify some of your posts...

As for the reviewer, his scores and experiences are consistent. His content was not overly wrong, his assessment is sound advice and he doesn't owe you anything else. I don't see an issue with his review. If you can get board handles when screening, and have VIP,  you would be able to view what the guy is anticipating and also his preferred type. If you aren't "feeling" his type, it is often wiser to decline then to try and impress.  

-- Modified on 5/6/2015 3:55:07 PM

AGAIN, my ONLY was question was about how can I block him, etc!!!

I appreciate the sentiment, but these guys DO need to stop and think, for one, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all! And also, would THEY like to be critiqued in such ways?? And if you wouldn't say it to one's face, why say it on here?? That's petty and weak!! Or on the flip side, would they prefer positive feedback only, as it IS possible to tell somebody something they took as negative or bad in a positive way!! (Aren't a lot of these guys supposed to be in business, business owners, managers etc? Shouldn't they know this??)
Also on the flip side, he could have also just left since my first appearance didn't impress him, being as seasoned as he is he should have known that everything from there would be downhill. Instead of enjoying my cheap newbie rate then complaining about it!

Also, his review advised me of NOTHING, missing the point there.... some of the things there were reasons for, some flat out lies (obviously) and his scores and experiences don't seem consistent to me at all. I'd say something else that should be a given but might be advised to "modify it". Truthfully, I don't even want to see any guy who would even believe half the crap that guy said. Too old and don't have time for B.S.

I only said ANYTHING about the review because I wanted to know if I could block him or warn others against him, don't know what was misunderstood about that!!

You are consumed by this issue. Multiple plugs on threads and was your point ever clearly made or addressed? No. Get some drinks, do some recreational drugs, retail therapy, whatever, and get over it already.

As for the reviewer, and you not seeing his advice... The only 10 performance score he'a ever given was of a TS. So unless you are packing a dick in your panties, he didn't like you. And rest assured, your attitude and rants aren't making anyone else like you much either.  

As GaG tried to say, I guess you got this hun. Nothing else to say. I wish you millions babe.

GaGambler400 reads

Take a breath, step back from the keyboard, and LISTEN for a change. You might just learn a few things, I mean that is why you are on the Newbie board, right?

As for your original question of how to block him from PMing you, I already answered that question in my very first response to you, a simply thank you would suffice.

OTOH if you simply want to argue and dismiss all the very good advice you are getting here, you will find your time here on TER to be very unproductive and not very enjoyable to boot. Everyone buy you are on their best behavior here on the Newbie board, you won't find the reception so polite on any other board on TER if you choose to remain so argumentative and combative.

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