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serious question about Salad Tossing
Daniel Larusso 28 Reviews 4859 reads

where does this term come from? no one else on the web or in real life seems to know.

Built2Spill3432 reads

While I'm no a scholar on the subject, I do believe the origins of the phrase come from the fact that many people enjoy eating ass with some syrup or other sweet substance.  Hence you use your tongue to ... well, you get the point.

Rapacious Rimmer3064 reads

Why anyone would want to adulterate the sweet ambrosia of a properly scrubbed sphincter totally eludes me.

-- Modified on 4/30/2006 10:17:05 PM

who makes this shit up. Bukkake (sp?), salad tossing, felching, snowballing, etc. Is there some sort of government think tank in charge of puting a funny label on weird sex acts or something?


skisandboots4592 reads

What is "felching"?  I'm familiar with all the others, but this one I've not heard or seen before.

Felching: sucking semen out of vagina or anus; or inserting animals into anus or vagina.

Believe it or not, that's from Google. Gotta love those Google guys, they can find anything.

No, I've never had a 'Felching' experience, just a term that a bunch of dipshit teenagers like us used to throw around 20 years ago.


The Advisor3677 reads

Toss the salad -- Anilingus, tongue in the anus.

But you still have not explained why its called toss the salad.

Built2Spill3946 reads

Butt (pun intended) if you are, re-read my answer to this most serious inquiry.

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