Newbie - FAQ

Search your old information
DJ1985 21 Reviews 249 reads

Use the review tab and search for your old reviews using your old provider name, phone number or email. If you find them Email TER using your old email and ask them to link your old profile to your new user name.

SassySSS1656 reads

I was on TER a long time ago and am wondering how to have you all find that account and merge them for me.  In lieu of that, how do I get verified confirmed, reviewed, etc???

Use the review tab and search for your old reviews using your old provider name, phone number or email. If you find them Email TER using your old email and ask them to link your old profile to your new user name.

combine your old profile name with your new one, so guys can search for you with either name.  Use the 'contact us' button and explain your situation to admin once you have located your old profile.  When they do this, both names will appear at the top of your profile.


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