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search TER for new phone number
Lonely Hand 1944 reads

If you were able to contact her via the phone number you saw everywhere and she has TER reviews.  I wouldn't be too concerned, but would still do a check of the new phone number on various places to make sure it doesn't come up with a picture of someone different.

A-Bit-Spooked3862 reads

a provider who has the same phone number on all directory listings including her website but...the phone number she supplies is different.

I am not a newbie here but thought this would be the best forum for thoughts on the issue.

Not unusual, at all. Most providers I know have multiple #'s.
As long as she is reviewed and established, I would not give it a second thought.

Many providers have someone else answering their website/ad number or going to voice-mail while using a different phone for those she wants to talk to.

Lonely Hand1945 reads

If you were able to contact her via the phone number you saw everywhere and she has TER reviews.  I wouldn't be too concerned, but would still do a check of the new phone number on various places to make sure it doesn't come up with a picture of someone different.

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