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Safe sex a deal killer?confused_smile
dsmith1x 1995 reads

Ok, so I'm a bit of a germaphobe, and getting a BBBJ is something I don't do with women I don't know very well.  In fact DFK, LFK are also off the list.  Maybe this is the wrong hobby for me?  I would like not to worry and engage in these activities with a variety of providers but can't get past the safety issue.  

Do any providers show recent STD test results to put their clients at ease?  I, of course, would be willing to do the same.  What do the hobbyists here do?  Also, would it offend the provider if I asked them to rinse with Listerine and allow themselves to be checked for cold sores in the mouth?  That just sounds so intrusive and offensive that I'd feel like a jerk asking a provider to do that

This isn't the hobby for you.

I'm not sure that stamp collecting is either as if you lick the back you might catch something as well.

Posted By: dsmith1x
Ok, so I'm a bit of a germaphobe, and getting a BBBJ is something I don't do with women I don't know very well.  In fact DFK, LFK are also off the list.  Maybe this is the wrong hobby for me?  I would like not to worry and engage in these activities with a variety of providers but can't get past the safety issue.    
 Do any providers show recent STD test results to put their clients at ease?  I, of course, would be willing to do the same.  What do the hobbyists here do?  Also, would it offend the provider if I asked them to rinse with Listerine and allow themselves to be checked for cold sores in the mouth?  That just sounds so intrusive and offensive that I'd feel like a jerk asking a provider to do that.  

way ti go dude!!!  that's too funny!!!

n i thought i asked stupid questions....

JackDunphy624 reads

As long as your willing to pay $100 an ounce or so. But I'd stop short of asking them to spray Lysol up their cooch. They're funny that way.

Many hobbyists here love the saliva dripping from her mouth into theirs so you might be asking the wrong crowd.  

It's also been said several gals here even engage in BBFS. Thankfully for you, they are easy to spot. All their reviews are 10/10's.

I think you are just a few tweeks (and maybe a thorazine drip) away from feeling comfortable in this world. I'd go back to civvie dating if I were you. It's perfect for ya. No STD risk at all. :D

dsmith1x545 reads

Well, I don't think I'm alone in valuing long term health over a few short minutes of pleasure.  But it must disturb even the most desperate and undiscriminating of hobbyists that a provider may have just seen someone.  I don't think I need to go into details to illustrate the obvious risk of high volume providers.  Perhaps I will look for higher end providers that are more concerned with safety.  

And, as I explained earlier, I feel the same way about civvie dating; I wouldn't be comfortable until I saw STD test results.

Posted By: JackDunphy
As long as your willing to pay $100 an ounce or so. But I'd stop short of asking them to spray Lysol up their cooch. They're funny that way.  
 Many hobbyists here love the saliva dripping from her mouth into theirs so you might be asking the wrong crowd.  
 It's also been said several gals here even engage in BBFS. Thankfully for you, they are easy to spot. All their reviews are 10/10's.  
 I think you are just a few tweeks (and maybe a thorazine drip) away from feeling comfortable in this world. I'd go back to civvie dating if I were you. It's perfect for ya. No STD risk at all. :D

JackDunphy418 reads

To distinguish between "high" volume and "low" volume hookers. All the gals that play here are ALL low volume. At least that's what their nifty websites say.

And get back to me when you ask one of those "higher end providers" for their STD test results. I hear they just love that!  :

But there's a slightly better risk/reward ratio. For LESS risk, you'll PROBABLY get a HIGHER intensity session. So...

VOO-doo430 reads

It reassures me when a guy is obviously cautious about his health/safety, and asks for extra protection.  

Clients who press for unsafe activities are scary to me. It makes me think that they either do not care enough, or are not educated enough, to mitigate the risks of this lifestyle...

I'd be OK with the CBJ, no kissing, and listerine...I would not appreciate having my mouth checked like a horse, tho.  

I'd actually be happy to provide test results for the reason you stated...but if asked before the appointment, I'd be afraid that the reason you were asking, was that you wanted to request bare services.  

Most girls are NOT OK with providing test results.

...You can search for no kissing and covered bj. No she isn't going to let you inspect her for sores. I get the being safe but mouth inspection will get you invited to leave. Test results mean nothing because you could have gotten infected the day of the test after you left the lab. If she shows hers, same thing, they don't mean anything once the specimens are take.

If you are this hung up on germs this may not work for you. We all want to be safe but there is risk. You have to decide what you're willing to accept. Sounds like you won't accept much.  

Evdn if you find a "safety girl" (they are out there) insulting and intrusive will get you asked to leave.

You might try fbsm (full body sensual massage) providers. They usually offer a happy ending with a hand job or a bj. You could ask for the blow job to be covered.

Pay no attention to the smart ass replies you got. They make good points but this board isn't the place for it.

bignuts482 reads

You clearly are paranoid about exchanging body fluids with any woman so I would suggest you not see a provider because after you leave your going to be wondering if her juices touched you.. You should just have her get naked and jerk off..

Oh FYI  providers have the lowest rate of STD of all females unless the are junkies.. They do this for a living and they don't wanna die either and they have lives family children as well.    

So picking up a bar whore isn't always the safest bet .

VOO-doo513 reads

There are studies that have identified providers as having low STD rates...but the the providers on whom those statisitics are based, are the ones who have to be tested regularly as a condition of employment. From what I have heard, there is also a bit less contact in that sector...CBJ is the norm, but maybe somebody will correct me on that as I have no direct experience.

 The escorts in this sector are largely invisible, statistically. I dont know any girl who has ever disclosed her line of work to any agency or entity, even a healthcare provider (I personally explain my need for testing by saying that I am a swinger)...and I know quite a few who just do not get tested, at all, unless something is wrong.

Some providers take on more risk in an attempt to earn greater reward, as Mr. Dunphy has already pointed out. Everybody wants to live, sure...but the 'It wont happen to me' mindset is alive and well. Including here...hell, especially here.

It is impossible to extrapolate any conclusions from existing studies, about STD rates among online escorts.

Posted By: bignuts
You clearly are paranoid about exchanging body fluids with any woman so I would suggest you not see a provider because after you leave your going to be wondering if her juices touched you.. You should just have her get naked and jerk off..  
 Oh FYI  providers have the lowest rate of STD of all females unless the are junkies.. They do this for a living and they don't wanna die either and they have lives family children as well.      
 So picking up a bar whore isn't always the safest bet .

However, like several other responders, I'm not so sure this hobby is the right one for you.  If a provider is well reviewed here or somewhere else, she is likely safe.  I don't know if providers would be willing to show proof of STD test results.  Unless the test was done within the last 24 hours, it's not a sure thing, as she has probably seen several guys since the test was done.  I don't think too many would object to the mouthwash thing, but if you asked to inspect their mouth for cold sores, I bet you'd be shown the door real quick.

As someone mentioned, you are probably safer with a provider than the civvie girl you are dating unless it's an exclusive longterm relationship, and esp if you have picked some girl up in your local bar.  Are you going to ask her for an STD test, make her use mouthwash before you kiss her, or try to inspect the inside of her mouth?

Also pointed out, for many of the providers, this is their sole source of income.  If that's the case, they will go to great lengths to maintain their health and safety, which probably includes regular STD testing.  They can ill afford not too be careful.

One last question, are you going to get an STD test every time you decide to see a provider?  The testing ain't free, ya know.


VOO-doo435 reads

There has been so much talk of late, of the correlation between 10/10's and BBFS, that it really doesn't make sense any longer to say that well-reviewed = safe/cautious/healthy. Yes, this is the sole source of income for some women - meaning that, if they can raise their review scores, or get more regulars/clients by taking more risks - some absolutely will. Some won't.  

I know many providers who choose that quick and easy paycheck over health and safety. Some have an 'It will never happen to me' mentality, some are just really uneducated - I know one who was convinced, and tried to convince me, that if you squirt spermicide up your hoo haa, you are immune to STD's. Not naming names, but this was no fly-by-night or BP girl. Not young or inexperienced or ill-reviewed, either.  

An STD really wouldn't slow a girl down, so much, IMO...some guys are scared enough to leave a bad review. How would it be handled? Would they out themselves as having been infected, by posting under their real names on the boards? Post under an alias? PM people? Either way, most people would likey assume that it was a smear campaign, or at least take the message with a grain of salt. Imagine the train wreck, if it's a well-known provider. But anyway, without concrete proof, it will likely be considered a rumor, and any post made would be removed. So the effort would be wasted....probably would even backfire.  

Some civvies I'd feel safe with, some I would not touch with a dog's ass. I can personally say the same for providers. I am glad the ones YOU see are cautious, but that is not true for all girls out there, by a long shot.  

Also, have to point out that even IF the test was taken within 24 hours and she hadn't seen anybody in that does not take into account the incubation periods for many STD's. HIV's incubation period is 3-6 months; prior to that it will show up as a false negative.  

I think the best advice for newbies, is: STD's are out there. Decide what your own risk tolerance is, and protect your self accordingly. Don't assume you're safe because she has the magic number of reviews or charges more than some 'safe' rate. I would personally never, EVER tell a client to assume that a woman is safe because she has a good rep on TER, or even because she is high-end.

Just my .10 but I had to say it.  

-- Modified on 4/9/2014 9:47:03 AM

dsmith1x457 reads

Thanks for the reply; it's great advice.  I am in a science field so I have a pretty good awareness of what acts can give you what STDs.  So it is a little unsettling when a provider I'm interested in lists analingus on their P411 profile as well as LFK and DFK as a "turn-on".  So I'm supposed to ignore the fact that your tongue was possibly in some guy's asshole just a few minutes ago and start making out with you?  Yeah, no, that's not happening.  I wouldn't make out with you if your tongue was just in MY asshole.  Same thing with BBBJCIM.  Nope, no thanks, no kissing for me - I'm good.  

Now, with the rise of drug resistant gonorrhea and other bugs, I think everyone has to ask themselves if it is worth the risk.  Not just with providers, but any hook-up.  Even BBBJs can get you a case of gonorrhea.  And, as mentioned, she may not even know she has it.  Listerine can be a way to reduce this problem if the provider uses it both before and after an BBBJCIM encounter.  It's not 100% effective, but it will kill many of those bugs.

Engaging in risky behavior and not getting tested is not only foolish for you, it is dangerous for everyone around you.  If everyone were safer, the incidence of these STDs would be very low.  As it is, the US has the highest STD rates of any industrialized nation.  That is not only due to backwards thinking from politicians, but poor self-control from the citizens here.  

So I'd say it is in everyone's best interest to get tested often when sexually active.  Better to be safe than really, really sorry.

I suppose you both could get a TTS done... It is required in the Adult industry every 14 days to film because that is the incubation time of the covered results. Go to their website... $155 in Miami or LA but about $240 everywhere else due to pull/ ship fees.

BTW you cannot cheat / alter those tests because the bar code allows for scanning which sends your browser to the TTS servers for verification.

Good Luck!
Angie Noir

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