Newbie - FAQ

Newbie here
Broker2000 8818 reads

I was happy to find a new hobby. Here are my 2 questions. 1st, is VIP really necessary and 2nd, for providers that are outcall only is it OK to meet at a bar and then take her to your home or hotel? Thanks.

The answer to your first question is an emaphatic YES!!!  VIP membership provides so much more information, and allows you to do much more specific serches for the right companion for you.

The answer to your second question is a conditional yes.  Some providers, usually the more upscale ones, desire/require a safe meet-and-greet to check you out before the fun begins.  Just remember that you are paying for the provider's time, whether it is in the bar, or in the bedroom.  If you are willing to pay for her time at the bar, and in transit to your place, then go for it.

I hope this helps.

-- Modified on 10/18/2005 11:57:28 AM

I would stay away from "home games."  Taking a lady to your home is a huge risk, even if you are single.  Do incall or use priceline or some other service to get a hotel room.

Yea, the only risk I see is getting caught. Besides I would only use my basement apartment.

The primary reason is gossip of nosey/observant neighbors.

1) My mom lives in a senior mobile home community.  At least one of the old gents there enjoys the occasional visit of a lovely lady.  Trust me, everyone in the park knows who, when, and how often.

2) Most quality providers are discreet, however I would be hard pressed to provide an innocent sounding reason why a fantastic looking woman, dressed to party and driving a hot car, would show up at my door.

Of course, the primary reason I prefer incall sessions is - I don't what anyone to know just what a slob I am!

tokai6150 reads

To be frank, some of the ladies are not the most professional. As they say: I don't pay the lady for sex, I pay her to leave.

Let's say you like a lady and see her a few times. Your tastes change, and you have a new lady you like. Let's say that Lady #1 feels neglected because of your new found friend. It's one thing for her to be pestering you on the phone. It is another to have her show up knocking at your door.

Mainly it is a privacy thing. Don't take more risks than you have to. It could be worse than you have ever imagined. Especially if you are a newbie.

LVP6059 reads

I've got a visit schduled at my home next week. I've read on the boards that some guys do it and I've never read any horror stories. I don't do incall b/c I like to have some control of the evironment.

If you're single and she's professional, it'll be fine.  But for the newbie that's thinking he can save money on a room while the SO's at work, he's on thin ice in a firestorm.

great because I can be about as freshly showered and cleaned up as I can possibly be.  I feel comfortable in my own place.  I don't have to drive in L.A. traffic.  I can serve my lady friend food and drink.  I can control the music.  I can pretend I'm an escort when they ring the bell and hide behind the door in skimpy lingerie and the best of all:  When we're done, I can just stay naked and wallow in the joy of a great visit.

I don't invite someone I haven't gotten to know a little bit.  I am single.  And my neighboor situation doesn't worry me.

I'm not new to the hobby, just new to TER.  I can vouch for what Tokai is saying from personal experience in regards to some of the ladies not being very professional.  Though I've never had one visit me at my home, I think that it is best to keep some distance.  When things do go wrong, it really can be worse that you ever imagined.  The worst thing that has happened to me so far was that a gal who did not like the review I wrote (on another board) called my wife and "outed" me for
being in the hobby.  How about those apples?

Them apples are exactly the reason I haven't written an accurate review of a nightmare session I recently had....

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