Newbie - FAQ

Re:When is a newbie no longer a newbie? 29 Reviews 7747 reads


The term "newbie" is very subjectively used in this and most any online forum. So until one is familiar with each boards' policies, procedures, vernacular terminology, and personalities, it still might be very possible to be considered a "newbie"(at least by certian members) to just that particular forum, regardless of your time involved or experience level. You will undoubtedly have a much shorter learning curve, as you only will need to familiarize yourself with the online aspects.

As I attempted to state in my other post, this "newbie status" is simply a way to convey to the rest of us, one's familiarity, experience and comfort level with the subject at hand. It really means nothing and should not be worried about.

We're just glad you found us and are here participating, all are welcome. best regards,

SillyBaldMan9390 reads

I visited my 4th provier last week. Am I non-newbie yet?

I've been "hobbying" for years, mostly when I travel.  but I just discovered this smorgasbord of resources--TER, redbook, is INCREDIBLE!

does newbieness refer to the number of sessions we've had, or to our use of these resources in the process?


The term "newbie" is very subjectively used in this and most any online forum. So until one is familiar with each boards' policies, procedures, vernacular terminology, and personalities, it still might be very possible to be considered a "newbie"(at least by certian members) to just that particular forum, regardless of your time involved or experience level. You will undoubtedly have a much shorter learning curve, as you only will need to familiarize yourself with the online aspects.

As I attempted to state in my other post, this "newbie status" is simply a way to convey to the rest of us, one's familiarity, experience and comfort level with the subject at hand. It really means nothing and should not be worried about.

We're just glad you found us and are here participating, all are welcome. best regards,

I'm not sure that this is something one can qualify by number of ladies, or by how many days and weeks have past by; it is determined more by experience with the hobby and your comfort level. This would vary greatly from person to person as well since we all participate differently; some could see a new lady every week while others only hobby once a month, etc.

Regardless of the semantics, the wonderful part of TER is that all are welcome here. I am always surprised that the more I am involved and the longer time goes by, I am still learning new and different aspects of the hobby, you can kind of grow and evolve with it I guess.

... and exactly when do I become a seasoned veteran, ahh who cares just go out and have fun. Still tryin' to figure this out,

When you start becoming more of a resource to others and start actively participating in threads, you're probably not a newbie.

-- Modified on 11/25/2004 8:19:49 PM

When you have some reviews next to your name ? :)

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