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Re:What do I do about a provider that is Psyco?
zooming975 1 Reviews 2900 reads
1 / 17

I'm fairly new at this and found a provider on CL that I've seen three times.  She always upsold or tried to get more money but I wasn't too concerned with it, we had a good time.  First mistake.  The third time she brought a friend that I wasn't into at all but went along with it.  After that time I figured it was time to not call her anymore.  But she kept calling me, constantly.  I finally told her to stop calling and I'd call her if I wanted to hook up.

The calls stopped but a couple of weeks late she showed up, uninvited, knocking on my door at 5am!  She told me she wanted to be with me and gave me a bunch of BS.  When I told her to leave she asked if she could at least have cab money.  When I told her NO and to leave she asked for a glass of water.  Knowing that something was up and my wallet was on the table, out of site from the kitchen I told her to stand where I could see her and I'd get her a glass of water.  As soon as I went into the kitchen she walked towards the table and I could see in the refletion of my TV that she was going after my wallet.  I quickly went after her, she stuck my wallet in her jacket and claimed to do nothing wrong.  After a couple minutes of telling her to give it back I grabbed her and stuck my hand in her jacket and grabbed my wallet then escorted her to the door.  

I didn't know what to do.  She kept telling me this "wouldn't end up good for me" so I called the cops.  They came, I filed a report and I hoped that would be the end of it.

Last night she called and left a message to the effect that someone has been flagging her CL ad and that she thought is was me.  She said that unless I wanted to move I'd need to pay her for money she has lost.  

I haven't called her back and don't plan to but I afraid she'll show up again in the middle of the night, break in and cause damage, or even worse.  

What do I do?  The Cops didn't act like this would go anywhere.  Should I get them involved again?  Any suggestions?

Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 2149 reads
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Thanks for reminding me again why I never do out call to my house. I think you've got a major problem on your hands. If it where me I would make sure she understands that you have filed a complaint with local LE. I don't know how much good this will do but it's really all you have...outside of moving and changing your phone number. Hopefully you have learned a lesson or two here.

little phil 37 Reviews 1931 reads
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Please read this guys post over and over again until you can recite it in your sleep.  If you're new, CL isn't a nice place to shop.  If you want a lady to visit your home, make absolutely certain that you know how many ways this could go wrong.  Research, reviews and back channel conversations all help DECREASE those risks.

If you think a provider is a whack-job, no matter how hot she looks, run far and fast in the opposite direction.

OK, now please re-read that post 20 more times.

jazz32 24 Reviews 1675 reads
4 / 17

zooming, sorry to here about you troubles.

The contributors on the Legal Corner may be able to help.

SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 2016 reads
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Wow sweetie, I am so sorry to hear about your troubles. This one is a noodle scratcher for sure. While hindsight is 20/20 that doesn't do you much good trying to solve your current problem. The only option I might suggest would be to speak with a lawyer about getting a restraining order against her. Explaining why you need one might be uncomfortable, and I don't know that it would actually do any good, but it may be an option for you. Wish I had better advice to offer.

On another tangent though, I sure wish your post could be carved in stone and made into required reading for every newcomer - both hobbyist and provider alike. While I sincerely empathize with your predicament, I also hope that at least one person will see this and learn a hard lesson the easier way by avoiding the same results.

Tori Of ATL See my TER Reviews 1580 reads
6 / 17

I do hope any gentleman in the hobby would read this with care… I have long contended that the bottom line of:

Know your Provider (*and her reputation)

is because of such situations as this one. (*If you were in Atlanta I’d recommend one of a few attorneys to protect you & your best interests*)

Again I am so sorry to hear your experience, hopefully by posting it you will save others such stress. Best wishes that your situation gets resolution quickly....… Kisses ~Tori

WoodbridgeDude66 4 Reviews 1505 reads
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Considering how stupid I was a few weeks ago, I'm lucky that this didn't happen to me.

Probably the advice to consult a lawyer is your best bet.

And for everyone else, acidom was %100 on the mark.  I've re-read the post 20 times to remind myself.

sgandolfs 63 Reviews 1768 reads
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on your dilema.  Good advise above - definitely see a lawyer if she resurfaces - and as said above, also seek some help on the Legal Corner board.
Maybe next time she does call, you should tell her you have to see your parole officer first... try to out psycho her.  Probably bad advise, but it did cross my mind.

stilltryin25 16 Reviews 1686 reads
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A similar circumstance happened to me some years ago, but it was not nearly as bad as yours. There are many ways that she can pull you don into a sewer. She likely have identified you a a nice guy that she can pervertedly count on during hard times. I would guese that she does not have that type of person in her life.

My advice to you is that you have to throw your nice person instincts into the background and deal with her on a hard basis. The advice about consulting a lawyer is right on. The lawyer can give you some guidance. I suggest that you fish around a little and look for a lawyer that deals with somewhat sleazy clients, that person would have seen it all and would not raise an eyebrow when you explain why you need to use the service of a lawyer. The lawyer should be able to giv you advice on how to best deal with the situation. Act quickly, you do not know what the woman that is stalking you is capable of. BTW, if you are ever around someone that you do not trust alone with your wallet, take the thing with you and do not leave it to be picked up.

cfm44nh 2091 reads
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Don't we all run this risk with a provider that states "only call from a land-line"? (It's not hard to google an address from a phone #...)
-Nervous in Boston... -

keystonekid 114 Reviews 1806 reads
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lvnnfstln 1461 reads
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You know, Florida has recently changed gun laws in favor of the honest citizen, minding his/her own business and the right to protect and defend life and property.  Get yourself a Remington 580 and keep it close by at night.  Never, never bring a provider to your home until you have formed some sort of relationship and understanding of trust first and you will avoid such predicaments. Isn't the trouble you're in now worth the price of a room?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1493 reads
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rockhard 140 Reviews 2185 reads
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sorry to hear of your situation.

This is a great example what not to do.
We've all done mistakes, we're human. But we need to learn from lessons
This story has many lessons.

I'm not single but I'd never have a girl over to my place for the first time if I didn't trust her 100%. Your mistake was to leave your wallet, your spiderman senses told you that you should have not left your wallet on the table.

80-90% of the girls out there are legit and trustworthy but if you meet up with the 10-20%, you're screwed and not in the sexual sense.

Just like giving out your personal info, work info etc.
80-90% of the time, nothing happens.
BUT if you're in a high profile job, married, have lots to lose, better to be safe than sorry.

You can either do it the legal way and protect yourself but that's smoke and haze.

If it were me, I'd hire muscle to scare her and make it a point not to fuk with you.

Since she's already made a veiled threat against you.
Unfortunately she knows where you live and you're at a disadvantage. She can come fuk up your car, throw a brick through your window...etc.

Good luck


zooming975 1 Reviews 1644 reads
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Thanks for the advice everyone!  It's good to know that there are people out there who want to help.  To the gentleman from Florida, I have a shot gun and it is sitting next to my bed, I would just rather not have to use it.  Thanks again everyone!

zooming975 1 Reviews 2682 reads
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.....Oh and yes I have learned my lesson.

Mhntrz3r0 1946 reads
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Oh, hellll no. Geez am I glad I read that. That is precisely why I don't think it fair not to ask only to call from unblocked numbers. I'm seriously thinking of ponying up the gas money for incall from now on, mapping my exits, taking only what I need, etc.

Sorry about your predicament, bro.

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