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Re:engaging an escort for multiple days
bootleg 2946 reads
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is there an "industry standard" for how this works? is it all decided (how much activity) when you meet. it seems a risky thing for the money invested. just wondering if there's some experienced travelers that have had multi-day things


Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 2118 reads
2 / 9

There are as many options as there are providers. My experience has been that, most of the time, if you have to ask you probably can't afford it. Remember, you are not paying for activity, you are paying for her time. If a lady is spending two or three days with you it's not only about how much activity the two of you are going to engage in. She will be looking to be compensated for the time she isn't able to spend with other clients.

bootleg 1735 reads
3 / 9

that i understand. the money is not the issue. in a single session you know what you're getting. what i wanted to know is what you can expect during the days. if you've paid money for the company for 3 days, is there an industry standard as to how many times you have sex?

WildTurkey-101 141 Reviews 1917 reads
4 / 9

There again, as Bostonguy pointed out, there are many options. First and foremost the provider will want to be compensated for her time, how much revenue will she lose from not seeing X number of clients. Once you have compensated her for that, she probably is not going to be too concerned that you are going to outdo the several clients that she did not see.

Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 2348 reads
5 / 9

...That you are dealing with an industry that has very few "standards".

jazz32 24 Reviews 1738 reads
6 / 9

I've met my share of very well educated providers, and those not so.  One thing they have in common is an understanding of the Econ 101 concept of "opportunity cost".  If you choose to do "x", you only win if you gain more money or pleasure than opting for "y" or "z".

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1973 reads
7 / 9

I just couldn't get it up any more times than that!  :o)

Seriously, are you thinking like every hour on the hour or something like that?

I you can truly manage that, then you deserve a medal, but I think at least three a day spaced around afternoon before dinner, bed time and a wake up call should be amenable to all.

Best bet is always to discuss it before hand.

I just managed this on an extended over night (2 PM till 10 AM, dinner and breakfast included.) It went pretty well and I was pleasantly surprised at how this bucket of old bones did; of course a lot of credit goes to the fine woman I was with.  I don't think I could keep it up for several days in a row however.

ELLE_york See my TER Reviews 1414 reads
8 / 9

I don't think there is a standard.....I went with a client/friend to a golf resort for the weekend and we only intimate time twice (which was by his choice)......But he was gone most of the day golfing as I was getting my free facials/massages.....We both had a lot of fun and the perks (facials etc) were a real bonus to me as well.......Now I could be wrong but I would think if you think a provder is going to be "intimate" 24 hours of each of the days you are wrong.....Just make sure you talk to her (face to face preferably) about this fact........I do remember my client/friend stating 8 times in a weekend which I could accommodate but it just didn't end up that way..those damn anti depressants of his LOL...........

sgandolfs 63 Reviews 1888 reads
9 / 9

the circumstances.... I have done this twice, both for business trips and we just planned ahead for dinner/date times and personal time - when I had to be in a seminar/training and she was free to do what she liked.
Putting a number or frequency for having sex is a turnoff for me anyway - spontaneous is much better.

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