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Re:DATY Risks?!
odb4life 8284 reads

I saw a couple of providers recently and enjoyed DATY on them.  From what I've read, it's pretty low risk and even lower risk of something really serious.  They seemed like really sweet girls and...I just went with it.  Don't know how open I would be to doing it again.  Hell, I can't afford this hobby every weekend, so I guess my frequency of exposure will probably determine how far I'll go in the future.

While I love to DATY, I'm concerned about HIV from such activities.  The few providers I've been with are lovely, but it's obvious that that area has had a lot of exposure.  

High cost doesn't seem to insure-safety?  what's your opinion?

AliasAliasAliasAlias9180 reads

Even if a provider is low-volume, all it takes is that one hobbyist to catch something.

As for Daty, you can always cover it up with a wrap, and lick away to your desires. Lets face it, THERE ARE RISKS, although miminal, but still ARE RISKS, whenever anything is exposed.

What makes me shake my head, are those who claim by only seeing someone low volume, or higher priced, that they are sure the providers are "safe" from std/hiv. How incorrect!

I actually know of an older guy, who for the first time, in the hobby, actually caught v.d. some years ago (has taken medicine for it). He now demands any provider that he sees to cbj and use a wrap down below for her, when doing DATY. He feels, once you catch something, you sober up fast and come back down to reality.

Again, all it takes is one person(hobbyist/provider), no matter how clean they are, married, low-volume, they claim to be. A person can copy and paste statistics all they want, but we all need to realize that if we stick around long enough in this type of business/hobby, there ARE STILL RISKS! The question you must answer yourself: Are you willing to take the risk?

I also wanted to add on to paragraph II (above): Also, just because a provider may claim she is low volume (it seems that most will state they are-but are they really?), it doesn't mean she is doing a regular check-up (but, this goes to the hobbyists, as well). The only way for a piece of mind, for boths parties: is to swap their check-up sheets when meeting. To me, that would be the only way for even myself to feel at ease.

-- Modified on 11/21/2004 1:37:23 PM

In the context of DATY:

A barrier between the hobbyist's tongue and the female genitalia, placed there to prevent exchange of fluids.  Latex is the best (latex dental dams are popular for this), but I've also heard of guys who have used saran wrap or something similiar.

Sa007Ta0076106 reads

You're absolutely correct, but who provide the supplies (wrappers or covers)the hobbyist or provider?

odb4life8285 reads

I saw a couple of providers recently and enjoyed DATY on them.  From what I've read, it's pretty low risk and even lower risk of something really serious.  They seemed like really sweet girls and...I just went with it.  Don't know how open I would be to doing it again.  Hell, I can't afford this hobby every weekend, so I guess my frequency of exposure will probably determine how far I'll go in the future.

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