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age for a hobbyist
bmoregent 20146 reads

Hi folks,

I was wondering, what do you suppose is the typical age of a "hobbyist"?  I sort of started young (23?), and was curious when did others start?  BTW I've been hobbying for almost 2 years now (off and on), so that should give ya a good idea of how old I am now :)  I guess this is an informal poll.  Thanks for any feedback!

Click on "see past surveys" in the bottom right of the home page, this was a past survey question with the results listed.

I've wondered the same thing. I started a year or so ago at 27. The other thing I've wondered is what percentage of hobbyist are married or otherwisae attached. I'd love to see what the prototypical hobbyist is (age, looks, wealth, personality, etc) and see how I fit in or compare with him from a providers point of view.

theexplorer19226 reads

I never really knew what a hobbyist was, but I guess that I have become one!  I started when I was 29 and I am 34 now.  I have had many experiences since I started.  I started seeing providers because I was in a really bad marriage.   It's not a good excuse, but it is a reason.  At first, I thought of it as an act of desperation.  However, I had my first experience in Los Angeles and it was incredible.  Although she was not the ideal partner in terms of looks etc., she was very sweet and I was hooked (pardon the pun).   I was a kid in a candy store. There is something about calling up a number or, e-mailing someone and you know that you are going to get lucky.  I travel a lot so, I have had many opportunities. I have had varied experiences throughout the country and the world. I have had many bad experiences, but the majority of them have been really special.  The ones that are special I prefer to think of as ex-lovers who deserve to be thought of often. They have become part of me who have helped make me who I am right now.  I am in a great relationship now, but I still get the urge.  I still travel alot so, I must admit that I do act upon it. You will always want something different regardless of you circumstances. However, now I am pickier now about my experience. In other words, I do more research on sites like this one.

The most important advice that I can give you is to not feel bad.  It is normal to want to experience different women without entanglements.  Also, I do believe that Men can separate sex from love.  It's in our genetic make up.  I know that it sounds sexist, but it is true.  So, have fun and always be safe in everything you do.

Good luck.

I am curious as to the percentage of hobbyists that are married also.  So in order to satisfy my curiosity I make it a point to ask every provider I see what percentage of her clients are married.  The answers I get range from 70 to 90%!  (For the record I am not married.  I was married for 6 years and did not participate in the hobby while married.)

curious9261220130 reads

I just started and I'm 28. Attached ofcourse. Thought this would be the best alternative to satisfying my urge to being with another woman with no strings attached than having an affair which is way too much work and way too stressful. Almost got caught before.

I guess I'm the old guy at 43.  Been a hobbyist for 17 years, never married either.

sierra2813571 reads

old? I don't think so, perhaps more experienced!

TiffPhxBBW14334 reads

Just thought I'd share this: The oldest guy I see is 82. I find that impressive!

The Youngest is 19.

lanmark15423 reads

82 years old, eh TiffPhxBBW...

...well, I guess that's hot me beat! I just started a few weeks ago and that means I've got quite a few years to look forward to 'cos I'm just a youngster of 77.

I'm not looking for 20-yr-old's guys, so relax!

towman5218726 reads

Who u callin old????????  I', 50!

Embarrassed to say ...but I was 16!!!!!!  I was visiting family friends up north - they went out for a few hours and I hit the yellow pages looking for Rebecca De Mornay!   Needless to say, I got a nurse that was moonlighting as an escort!  Took a couple years off and went again when I was 18 and got a Penelope Cruz type that sealed my fait!

I also started hobbying young (25 after I lost my virginity, not to a provider).  I hobbied on and off for a few years and took a break while I was married (I didn't want to cheat on my spouse).  Picked it up again after my marriage split up.  Am currently 35 and hobbying away.

I started two years ago at age 34. I was totally single at the time, divorced, and completely fed up with dating. I figured the amount of money I spent on dates where you're not sure if anything will pan out, I could be investing in a more sure thing. So here I am.

Oh I still date, but hobbying has made me more selective and has given me more of an edge when I date, an I-don't-care attitude (which women seem to like), so now the dates work out better. When I'm in a relationship, I don't hobby. But my dream is to find a relationship that's open where once or twice a year we call on a provider to join us. Right! Oh well, I'm a dreamer.

Anyway, for all you newbies, this is a fantastic awesome hobby. After a year or two of doing this, each of us can say we've been with a variety of the most beautiful women in the world and have had some of the best fucks any man has ever had.

Keep in mind: This isn't exact, but I'd say 90% of the girls who have ads are average or worse (so do your research), 5% are really good, 3% are fantastic, and then there's that top 2% who will live in your heart forever. Those are the girls who are not only totally HOT but they are happy, well-adjusted, sincere, educated, passionate people and they have this great perspective on life and what they do.

The only warning I have is that the hobby can get addictive. Spend only what you can afford. You don't have to have every 8, 9 or 10 rated provider. Don't let it control your life. Consider this a treat, a little extra desert that's meant to be savored.

Also, consider it an incentive to make yourself more successful in your business and career. With more expendable income, just imagine the possibilities.

buddyboy19856 reads

Vavoom has nailed it to a "t".  Keep it in your back pocket as a treat that is to be savored and enjoyed.  Good work!

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