Newbie - FAQ

Re: You're welcome, Todd.
Duplicitouslust 24 Reviews 566 reads
1 / 14

You can always go on P411 and ask a question during normal business hours and they will tell you.

Todd82 8 Reviews 2873 reads
2 / 14

I just got a P411 account. But few ladies put "Newbie friendly" there. Most of them have basic + 2 references, or basic plus. That means there is no way they will schedule an appointment by a newbie? Ladies and gentlemen, what are your experience on p411regarding this ?

Blowing Chunks 425 reads
3 / 14

A. A Basic P411 membership means that you have been screened by us, a Basic Plus membership means that you have been screened and you have at least 1 Provider OK.

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 394 reads
4 / 14

I was lucky and a lady saw me who did not advertise as being newbie friendly (I actually found her on Eros, but she was well-reviewed here.  Her booker agreed to take me if I got screened by P411, so I joined).
So you could try introducing yourself to ladies who only ask for one okay and you might get lucky like I did.
But of course, your best bet is to start with a lady who advertises as newbie friendly.
After that first okay, the world will open up for you.

riorunner 347 reads
5 / 14

To what DA wrote, which was a good explanation, if a woman's profile says she'll see men with basic + 2 then that means that she requires at least two "okays" for you to be considered.
     There is a search feature at P411 and it allows you to search for "newbie" friendly. Also, when I was a new member there without any okays I still sometimes contacted a woman to ask about seeing her. If you come across well, then sometimes a woman will agree to see you regardless of what her profile might say. It never hurts to ask politely.
                            Good luck......RR

Todd82 8 Reviews 469 reads
6 / 14

This place has been very helpful!

Todd82 8 Reviews 333 reads
7 / 14

A follow up question. in addition to P411 membership, some providers also ask for real first and last name. The reason I got p411 membership is that I don't want to give my name around. would you give out your first and last name?

DJ1985 21 Reviews 335 reads
8 / 14

There are plenty of ladies that dont need your full name but others need it to feel safe meeting you. It's up to you to decide how much information you are comfortable giving. You may have to skip meeting some ladies but never give out more personal info than you feel good about giving. Some guys will give it all up, some wont give anymore than their P411 and still have a great time.

swimtrekr 58 Reviews 401 reads
9 / 14

This is the forum to ask questions where you don't have to worry about getting flamed or insulted by others.  Me, the host, and my highly unpaid assistants are here to help everyone new or experienced in their quest for knowledge about this wonderful experience we are involved in.

If you ever have a question you want to ask in private, feel free to PM me and I will try to help you out.  And that goes for anyone else with a question you want to keep private.  That's why I am here.


Todd82 8 Reviews 447 reads
10 / 14

That's tough. Just saw a provider with exotic beauty, so attractive to me. But she requires Basic+ and full name.  

Posted By: DJ1985
There are plenty of ladies that dont need your full name but others need it to feel safe meeting you. It's up to you to decide how much information you are comfortable giving. You may have to skip meeting some ladies but never give out more personal info than you feel good about giving. Some guys will give it all up, some wont give anymore than their P411 and still have a great time.

Todd82 8 Reviews 314 reads
11 / 14

Thank you Swim! Everyone has been patient and helpful to my newbie questions.  

Posted By: swimtrekr
This is the forum to ask questions where you don't have to worry about getting flamed or insulted by others.  Me, the host, and my highly unpaid assistants are here to help everyone new or experienced in their quest for knowledge about this wonderful experience we are involved in.  
 If you ever have a question you want to ask in private, feel free to PM me and I will try to help you out.  And that goes for anyone else with a question you want to keep private.  That's why I am here.  

DJ1985 21 Reviews 345 reads
12 / 14's tough, but don't be tempted into risking more than you can afford to lose for a few hours of fun. Most of the time your info will be safe with a well established lady....but you never know for sure. Try as you might you can never take the information back.

looking64 24 Reviews 310 reads
13 / 14

A lot of fish(providers) in the sea!!.  If you are not comfortable giving out your real name, as I am not also, ...then pass.  I have many times.  I also will not give out my TER name either....drama.  Don't ever do something you're not comfortable doing.  Providers use the same motto.  Be safe.

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 293 reads
14 / 14

the temptation of the moment (or month for that matter) will go away (been there myself).
You will NEVER be sorry if you stick to your comfort level.
So many great ladies to meet, don't ever let yourself get obsessed with "needing" to see one in particular.

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