Newbie - FAQ

Re: Yes, this covered on the LF board, but it is a frequent concern of newbies...regular_smile
sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 1639 reads

if that is the case, just by posting in an erotic section or an escort mall space where there is  $$ involved I'd assume they could prove you had criminal intent otherwise you wouldnt be reading ads for that. So I'd just research and research some more. No matter how hot the lady you are looking at is if she isnt reviewed shes too "hot" to touch. And there will always be another one even hotter who is reviewed as well. Safety first and stop letting your little head do the thinking in these matters. Where safety is concerned don't even ask his opinion.

-- Modified on 4/20/2008 5:01:22 AM

Plats2985 reads

Hello all, yes I am new and I've searched this topic under various keywords but have had no luck.

I am curious the myth that LE adds online do not or can not contain nudity.

So is it a vaunted Myth and LE really does use pictures with nudity and able to prosecute or is this at least a somewhat (nothing is 100%) safe way to get to know some newer providers?

so why not answer the question here?!?

And the answer is YES - it is a myth that LE can not use nudity in ads to entice unsuspecting men.

What LE can't do induce or persuade someone to commit a crime that he had no previous intent to commit - that would be entrapment, and conviction under such circumstances is barred by law and precedence.

Many LE agencies don't use skin in their traps simply to avoid reasonable doubt issues at trial, (you never know when a TER member, or a true libertarian, will be on the jury).  But you can NEVER assume that an ad that shows skin isn't a trap.  The fact that it among other similar ads, on you responded to it, indicates that you had criminal activity in mind.

if that is the case, just by posting in an erotic section or an escort mall space where there is  $$ involved I'd assume they could prove you had criminal intent otherwise you wouldnt be reading ads for that. So I'd just research and research some more. No matter how hot the lady you are looking at is if she isnt reviewed shes too "hot" to touch. And there will always be another one even hotter who is reviewed as well. Safety first and stop letting your little head do the thinking in these matters. Where safety is concerned don't even ask his opinion.

-- Modified on 4/20/2008 5:01:22 AM

What Jazz said is correct.  An entrapment defense only works if LE initiates the criminal conduct in question, i.e. they come to you with it.

However, they can give you the opportunity to attempt to commit illegal acts on your own volition by using nude pictures or any other enticement.


Is that there is a legal way to go about and hobby that will let us not get caught.

There isn't.

True, with enough resources, time and a very good lawyer, you may beat the rap, but so what?

So you can avoid the $1,000 fine and court costs?

Think about what you spent to get to that point:

1.  Your name in the newspaper for your boss, co-workers, bowling league buddies and don't forget all the nice people you see at church Sunday morning.

2. Relations with the meme-sahib:  Think criminal court is expensive?  Try divorce court.

3.  That great ride downtown and wearing braclettes; what a fun memory.

4 $10,000+ in legal and court costs.

My point is this:  Rather than scheme to find that legal argument that is 100% full proof to win in court, just do the everyday common sense things that keep us off of LE's radar in the first place:

1. Get a TER VIP membership.
2. See only well reviewed gals.
3. Stay off Craig's List unless you really know what you are doing.
4. List to your guts and if they say "danger" heed the warning.
5. Don't discuss sexual acts or money in phone calls or emails.
6. Don't see anyone who discusses those same things when you talk or email.
7. Read up on everything in the Newbie manual above and stay tuned to your local board for information regarding LE activity.  (Your local newspaper is also not a bad place to get wind of things.)

These steps will keep you LE free.  They work.
Leave the fancy legal theories to the writers of LA Law.

Assume you are a newbie, either hobbyist or provider, doesn't matter.  You find yourself alone in a room with a room with a member of the opposite sex with whom you are ready to conduct a transaction of cash for sex.  Some people in this situation believe that they can simply ask their visitor "are you a cop?" before the transaction, and if he/she is LE, he/she has to respond truthfully, and money hasn't changed hands, everything is safe.  NOT TRUE!!!

Crimes related to prostitution are not frequently prosecuted, and when prosecuted, it is politically motivated.  But there is always a risk, and there are no guarantees!!!


Jazz is absolutely right.  They do not have to tell you they are law enforcement.  Ya know the old rule, you have to have 2 cops to catch one in a lie!



There are a ton of LE myths... too many to count, but read up on the ladies you want to see and if they've got a lot of reviews, you'll be fine.


-- Modified on 4/26/2008 2:42:30 AM

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