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Re: Tipping is a complete waste of money
angel103002 See my TER Reviews 1714 reads

I liked what you said there Hardy5456, well said. The key there is to "repeat" to show more appreciation. :)

I'm new to the hobby (visted 6 providers so far). Is tipping suggested or expected by providers or are providers more than statified with the stated fee paid to them.

I'd say that I get tipped by maybe one in ten guys.. It is always much appreciated and a really nice token at the end of a session, but is certainly not expected and it doesn't happen more often than not.

I'd say the most common and appropriate situations, in which a tip is OFTEN warranted, are as follows-

At the end of a session that you found really exceptional, to let her know you enjoyed it- use your own discretion.

To an agency girl, who has to give up a part of the donation to her agency.

To a woman you plan to see again regularly or use as a reference, so she remembers you and to express your gratitude.

To a woman who did something above and beyond for you during the session- for example, if you made a special outfit request and she wore it, if she provided a service that was atypical for her personally or for most providers in her category (ex. provided a CIM or greek or swallow when she doesn't usually, stayed a bit over time, etc. - Do not EXPECT her to provide something extra, but if she chooses to do so at her own discretion, it's nice to show you appreciated it), or if she schedules you on short notice or accommodates you in some other way that goes above and beyond.

Another option is to give her a gift from her gift list, an outfit for her to wear, or a gift card as opposed to cash- both are appreciated, but a gift can be a more personal touch, especially for an ATF or someone you plan to see repeatedly.

And situations in which a tip is NOT usually warranted:

If she gave a poor effort or attitude.

If she gave an average or satisfactory performance but you didn't find the experience merited special recognition.

If she leaves before your time is up or tries to upsell for a tip during the service.

Everything else falls in a somewhat gray area. Overall, use your own instincts and judgment. Tips and gifts are always appreciated and warmly received, but no one will begrudge you for not leaving one- tips tend to be the exception and not the rule.


edit for spelling

-- Modified on 9/17/2007 9:27:55 AM

Thank you Marea,

I appreciate the thorough response. This will help me with my meetings with other providers.


and the opinion seems to go to the extremes, but for what it's worth, I do tip when the circumstances seem to call for it and I am happy to be able to do so.

goosebbv1233 reads

Go with your gut.  If you are happy at end of session, you got your moneys worth.  If you think she was way better than you expected and you plan a return visit, go with the tip.  
Its a service industry, if the service is better than average, show some love.

i tip maybe 30% of the time. usually it is for good performance, but it might also be after a nice time, but where I have seen the provider before (or expect to again). I also might tip, selfishly, if I expect to use them as a reference in the future.

A lot of times I'll bring a gift of wine, flowers, candles, etc.  One of the best gifts is to make another appointment.  Repeat visits same a lot of stress on the ladies.

I usually bring a gift to my appointment, it seems more personal and I enjoy watching the lady open the gift. I could just give a little extra cash but a gift is a nice touch, especially if you know things she likes.   If the session is above and beyond a typical session(in the case of being a regular), then an additional tip or gift might be a good idea.  Never required or expected, however.


BangfortheBuck Benny1640 reads

special needs or requests; I feel a tip is customary.

For general good service I feel repeat patronage says it all.

Thanks everyone for their insights into this. Now I feel more comfortable about seeing the next provider.

I have been a hobbyist for 10 years and have a real problem with tipping providers for service. I know, most of them say tipping is appreciated but not required, but I am thinking to myself why would anyone consider tipping at all?? This is not like a restaurant, where waiters and waitresses are receiving below market wages because it is expected they will receive tips from customers to make up the salary differences. I presume providers are charging rates that will cover their overhead (i.e. hotel room, travel expense, and their necessary profit to pay for other bills and personal expenditures). They don’t need extra money to cover losses in wages; presumably the fee paid by the gentleman is more than sufficient. If the money they receive is not enough, than the lady should charge more to make it work.

Also, I am tired of the argument that you will get better service the next time if you tip. The service is all due to the ladies personality. If she is sweet and friendly, a true GFE, than you will receive that type of service every time, whether you tip or not. What is an extra $50-$100 going to do for you next time???? How much better can the lady be if she is already a GFE??? If she talks nasty to you by telling you to "pound her wet pussy" if you give her a tip is she going to now yell the next time you see her to "pound her sopping wet pussy". Makes no sense.

Also, you get the argument that providers dont bill you for their preparation time to get ready for a session (i.e. doing their hair, nails, etc.) Okay, next time your lawyer bills you for only 10 hours, make sure you pay him for 12 (after all he did research for you that wasnt billed)....exactly, not happening.

Now you are going to tell me tipping is a nice gesture, showing that you appreciate her service. I'll tell you how to show you appreciate her service: Come back for another visit, and shell out another $400 or whatever she charges for the hour. The bottom line is to repeat; that's the biggest compliment one can give a provider.

Next time a provider tells you that tipping is appreciated but not required, tell her that a free 1/2 hour is appreciated but not required. See how far that gets you.  

-- Modified on 9/19/2007 1:08:06 PM

I liked what you said there Hardy5456, well said. The key there is to "repeat" to show more appreciation. :)

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