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This may be a stupid question
kellerman69 2413 reads

I have a local lady I have been seeing regularly since October (15+ times).  I really enjoy her company and have no interest in seeing anyone else.  My problem?  She's wondering why I have never written her a review.  I am by far her most regular client she says and she would greatly appreciate me writing her one, because she says it's good for her rep and business, and nobody knows her like I do, etc.  She already has 2 pages of great reviews and I 1.) have no interest in meeting anyone else, so no need for a reference, 2.) don't need the free membership points, and 3.) don't want to share my unique experience with her with the world (no offense).  That idea just makes me kind of sick to my stomach.  She understands and appreciates my business, but am I being unfair?  

Just wanted some feedback.  I felt funny telling her this tonight after an amazing date.  Keep in mind that I am a newbie so my ettiquite (spelling?) may be lacking at times and unintentionally immature.

IMO it is your decision.  

As this is a fantasy, you should do what you want/need to do to keep the fantasy alive in your mind.  Obviously, you feel writing a review would detract or cheapen your experiences (experiences which don't come inexpensively), and as you are the customer, you aren't obligated to lessen your experience for the sake of your provider's business model.

Again, others may disagree, we are each entitled to our own opinion.

tmtlr271544 reads

Like I've told my son since he was little. There are no stupid questions but just stupid

So I hope my answer isn't stupid?? I kinda know how you feel. I have a ATF who I have been seeing at least once every week for over 5 months. She is UTR and although she has a few reviews, I like you feel no desire to write a review. She has never asked me to either or asked me why. We discuss a lot but that topic doesn't come up. If she were to ask me to, I would out of respect for her though.

So if your lady has hinted or asked I think to be fair to her you should. I think part of the reason is you secretly don't want her to see others which is only natural as it seems you have deeper feelings for her. But, this is her income and you have to respect that too. So my advice is if she wants you to then you should. You don't have to go into graphic detail if you do. Just state things on her profile are accurate. I've seen other guys write reviews that way and they actually say out of respect for her they will not give graphic details.

Good luck!..DB8

"Fair" is only a word used by people pitting one sets of needs or desires against another or others.

The correct question would be are your feelings as you describe more important to you than her expressed appreciaton for your writing her a review?

Only you can decide that.

But here is something to think about.

The lady is a provider. She has sex with men for money. Lots of men. You do not possess her in any unique way, no matter how you may feel. The things she does with you, says to you, shares with you, she does with others. If she felt that your particular "relationship" was unique, something to be held separately from her regular business of providing, she would

not be accepting your money


not asking you to write a review.

Please do not make the mistake that so many of us have when our turn came, of getting emotional about a provider. Keep it in perspective. It's a business for her, that's why she wants the reviews. And it should be a fantasy and nothing more for those of us in this sport.

Good luck and Best Wishes

There are two good reasons to write a review and getting the two weeks of VIP is not among them.

First and foremost, it is good to assist your fellow hobbyist by indicating who is worthwhile seeing and who is not.

Secondly, it is good to help a good provider because without our support, how will they continue to be succesful?

If you decide that your distaste for the practice outweighs these, then like I said, stick to your guns; but at least consider the above points first.

As for your the level of your maturity, it would seem very adequate based upon this post.

what you feel is a special relationship with a provider.  You must keep in mind that your relationship is only about the envelope, and sometimes that can be difficult to do.

If you are not comfortable sharing in a review, just tell her, she should understand.  You are not being unfair or immature in my opinion.

... you must do what you feel is best for you.

As many have already stated, the business aspect of these relationships is often overlooked when one gets "involved" emotionally. We can develop strong attractions to a lady, have a great time and even want to see them exclusively, but the fact remains that it is a business. Both of you must feel O.K. about your meetings, and you must feel comfortable if you have reservations about writing a review.

I never write reviews, mainly because I see UTR ladies and am asked not to write one. When I do see a well reviewed lady, I am up front about not wanting to write a review and explain why - I simply do not want the intimate details on a public forum (although I WOULD write one if it was a bad experience, but I haven't had any of those at all).

This is not a stupid question, as you seem to be taking all aspects into consideration and also seem to have the lady in mind ... courtesy does go a long way. Explain to her why you are reluctant to write a review ... I'm sure she will understand.

This is about sharing. Why would you not want to add a review for her? You would be doing everyone a favor by doing so. Her, by getting another review which she obviously deserves, and also letting your fellow hobbyists know more about her.
If you found the provider on TER, that would mean you reaped the benefit of others. No harm in paying back.

Reveiws are completely up to your discretion and only if you want to do one, and if she's a good provider she should understand this and leave it alone when you tell her you don't write reviews, but remember this and keep this in the back of your mind, What if she discontinues doing this, or something comes up and she moves or what ever other scenerio might happen, or you and her have a falling out and you stop seeing her, it could happen you know, and you want to continue in this Hobby?? you need references to see others usually, if she's the only one you've seen time and time again, don't you think it would be a smart move to secure your place as a Hobbyist and get whitelisted at least or simply write a begine review, not mouth watering details but a simple review showing you've enjoyed her and actually was with her?
Just a thought!

It is your decision whether you write a review or not. However, the reason is not for you (your list of reasons), but as a thank you to her (or warning to others).

My situation is pretty much along the same lines...except i've only seen her 3 times but plan on continuing seeing her every 3-4 weeks...However i did write a review after the meeting, all you have to do is keep it short and simple in a positive light and she'll appreciate i will admit i have not updated my review after the 1st meeting because i to have had some wonderfully unique i agree and disagree with 2 cents

Well, I have said many times on here that reviews do help us ladies out alot. They really do. For one, anytime a new review goes up, our name goes to the top of any search that our profile fits the criteria for. Also, long breaks between reviews can lead some men to wonder if we are still active. I tend to see alot of regulars, so sometimes there are huge gaps between one review and another. It has happened twice now, that when I got a new review after a long gap, I've recieved e-mails saying "welcome back!". Ummmm, I was never gone :)

So yes, they do help.

However, having said all that, it is STILL your choice. If you really feel uncomfortable writing a review, and it honestly bothers you to spill all those intimate details, then don't. You aren't obligated to your lady in any way. If you tell your lady that you simply prefer not to "kiss and tell" she should respect that.

I would never ever do anything to hurt that relationship and asking for a review is doing just that..

No gentleman need ever write a review although it is damn important for us ladies..You are doing more than your part with this lady and need not feel bad that your not into the review process. Many feel just as you and would never say word one about a lady they enjoy.

You have mentioned your feelings and need not say another word to this provider about it..You are under no obligation to put any words on TER that you do not wish to share with others..

By the way, my spelling is not the best either..Thank you TER for bringing the edit button back

Kisses Haley

I say you post a good review for her, and keep the naughty secrets all to yourself. You can easily leave the review to everyones imigination but we depend on our reviews to boost biz, and also let guys know we are safe.   and she will probally be super happy when you told her despite your feelings you posted a review for her anyways beause you love her service ect......

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