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Re: This is a bit of a rush...or high...
Sexybldbbwfl See my TER Reviews 1537 reads

I am glad you picked up on that. Damn I love ice cream.

weazer733273 reads

What finally pushed you over the edge to join the hobby?  

Did you wake up in the morning and say, "You know I'm going to get a provider today"?

Wife Does Not Fuck!2585 reads

I get fucked more in one morning these days, than I got from the last 7 years of marriage.

I read the Playboy article last year that mentioned and gave a brief description of TER.  I couldn't believe that it could possibly be this easy to find someone.

I checked out and registered on TER, bought the VIP status, started reading reviews, looked at a lot of the CV pictures and tried to get a feeling for what I might get out of this. I also bought a pay by the minute hobby cell phone and took care of other details to insure my safety and privacy as suggested in the Newbie Guide.  

I honestly can't think of any one thing that led to the call for my first provider.  I just did everything in preparation to make it possible and sent out some emails one day.

I decided to take the plunge because there are several things I want to try to make sure I experience before shuffling off this mortal coil. So far, no disappointments. Having relations with pretty young women who enjoy what they do remains high on the list.

Well. I have been married (once, briefly), and have cohabited with SOs several times. The rule for the SOs is that they had to understand that I hobbied, and I would be safe, discreet and give them all the lovin they wanted. Why do I hobby? I get to spend time with a lady who does not inflict me with any feminine drama. No trying to suck approval out of me, no winging about stuff, no trying to control me, no possessiveness, no jealousy. Just quality time focused on mutual pleasure. If I had found an SO like that, I probably still would have hobbied, just for variety's sake!

I've gotten into the hobby to fulfill my sexual needs mostly but perhaps just as much, the intimacy needs. This is why I really look for a GFE Provider. As I have gotten older and started suffering the effects of ED, my SO fairly quickly stopped taking care of those sexual needs of mine, which in turn has also impacted our intimacy. Vitamin V does not always provide satisfactory results. It was, and she said this, too much effort as far as she was concerned and she was never that sexual to start.

Now before I catch the heat, yes, some of the responsibility lies squarely on my shoulders. Our sex life was never really that open and I found it hard to really have an open discussion in that area with my SO. So like many hobbyists, after so many years of not getting it at home I have looked elsewhere. So it was not just one thing. There was no straw thaat broke this camel's back. More of an accumulation of things. Then I had an opportunity to start while traveling and the rest is history.

Kinda lenghty and deep but there it is.


-- Modified on 8/24/2008 11:41:14 AM

I just want to say thank you to all the married guys out there. Without you none of this would be possible.

(Link changed by moderator, see below)

-- Modified on 8/26/2008 12:40:10 PM

Just an FYI - if you want to post a link to your personal site on any of TER's boards, your site has to display the TER badge or banner on one of its opening 2 pages.  It is an easy fix.

In the mean time, you can post a link to your profile.



Thank you Jazz! I just did it. I can't wait until I get access to the provider only board!

I recently started to hobby when I decided that my life without sensual kissing and oral really is not worth living!

There is no edge. Take a trip to to another country where you don't speak the language. Let that country be Islamic. Try to find a girl that is willing to have sex for free. Let me know how that turns out.

zukman41676 reads

Haven't exactly "joined" the hobby yet, at least not in Arizona (still researching and I have to be extra careful here, unlike when I travel abroad).

But to answer your question, I woke up one day and told myself that 3 years of being denied sex by my SO was enough time for her to "work out her issues."

weazer731559 reads

Anyone ever regret there decision?  Or just do it and don't look back??????

I've had an astoundingly good time and learned a lot about myself. I can see how it could be difficult to manage the addictive aspects of the hobby, though, so watch that.

I am not a married man but I can tell you what I have heard. They have no reason to lie to me. Say you really love peach ice cream and you SO does not. In the beginning, she would let you have it all you wanted and as much as you wanted and back then she even had a little in her mouth too then she slowly started letting you have less quality ice cream. She is not having any ice cream now and because she is intolerant of peaches and cream, you should be too. Bullshit. You will ask her, beg her buy jewelry ect but at last you long for that sweet kiss on your lips and the pure rush of tasting for the it seems like the first time again. Everyone loves ice cream, find your flavor or sample a few. You have a need. Get it taken care of. Always follow the rules. Ice cream is not to be used as a tool or a weapon to get what you want. Ice cream is for sharing carefully and enjoying. Everyone needs to feel young and sexy again. Have a beautiful day.

It's rare, but there are times that I wonder if the home life would be different if I took some of the energy spent here and plowed it back into the relationship.

But, life is complicated and we make our choices.  This one isn't HORRIBLE, lol.

zukman41808 reads

None. She cut me off and I waited a long time to see if she would get over it. The fact is, sex dwindled over a period of years, so by the time she cut me off I really had only been getting 1 - 2 times per year for 5 years already.

Regrets? Yah, but not from this. If anything, it is one of the things keeping me from booting her to the curb.

I'm older now - good things have come about, like high blood pressure, ED and other fun things.  So my only regret was not to have started sooner!  I have missed out on so much and not much time ( or money ) to catch up!!!!! This is my regret!!!!

One day I woke up (actually it was midnight and the romp with the 1st wife had just finally ended) and said, damn.... if she won't make me cum in her mouth, someone will.  It was a lot easier and simpler to go to a professional and spend about what a dinner date would cost to get the job done magnificently with no strings.

The only regeret I have after-the-fact with a provider has been the amount of money I spent on a world class lady.  But I can live with it.  


I began hobbying 20+ years before TER’s inception. A couple of co-habitation experiences as well as two marriages have shown that for what ever the reasons the female usually loses interest in conjugal sex and the male is left to involuntary celibacy or looking elsewhere for it.  

shudaknownbetter1631 reads

I realized that there were certain experiences I wanted to experience in my life...  and were never going to happen with the SO.  Unless I acted to change things, so I did.

Dave731592 reads

Being denied too many times, and never wanted ask again.

Wife is very plain vanilla, and infrequent.

I started with strip clubs, stumbled into an AMP, visited a brothel legally, and here we are.

I had a SO as hot as any provider; she was INTO greek, CIM, gived great head...but like other replies in this thread, I became fascinated with the sheer variety of having a new, sexy, articulate lady who enjoyed the same acronyms as myself...and my SO.

For me it was the lack of oral at home, and to me oral is like ice cream, to use the analogy of a previous poster.

TER is like 31 Flavors, make that 3100 Flavors!!

Regrets - Yeah, that I'm not filthy rich so I could hobby everyday!!

I am glad you picked up on that. Damn I love ice cream.

EroticLicker1663 reads

I've always been like looking around, and it's not a case at least in my case where we aren't doing anything.  I'm not married per se, but you know, six years with someone, counts for something.  I don't know what to say. I've always had a thing for asian ladies, and while my lady is asian, I still am so attracted to darker complected ladies?  Part of it must be the allure of just doing it, and that I can find a lady that won't mind being very freaky on the spur of the moment, and not wonder if you're being judged?  If she does judge me, I don't have to worry or think about it day in and day out, and if it'll cause a permenant ripple in things.  Does that make any sense?

I lasted 5 years without sex. Divorce isn't a real possibility. Affairs can be messy. Then I rationalized that really, everyone pays for sex one way or another. I can't meet my wife's price.

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