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Re: Things may be very different in Italy or Europe as a whole.
donbecker54 19 Reviews 559 reads

Thank you for that detailed reply.  

I would pay her full rate to meet at a restaurant at the airport. I don't expect any discounts, and I would be clear in advance that I would pay her full rate to meet.

It's maddening, but relatively few providers on the site I'm using (the largest for Italy) specify CIM on their menus. Lots of CBJ, certainly more than on TER. And lots of BBBJ with COB or COF, which leads me to believe there's no CIM if they only mention the first two.  I don't have time to compare to TER, but I think the percentage who do CIM is lower on the Italian site.

The provider in question doesn't have a menu with prices and services. About half the providers do, half don't.  

There are 1250 providers with ads on the site for all of Italy. Of those, only 225 are Italian. Of those 225, just 52 specify CIM. Most of the 225 would be TER 7's or 8's.  

This particular provider is a classic Italian beauty (at least in her photos). Given the amount of Photoshopping in European ads, I would want to see her or any Rome provider first if possible before flying from Palermo back up to Rome for a session

If all goes as planned, I'll be going to Italy in a couple of months. I'll be there for nine days, not counting the two days of flying.

I'm going to Sicily, and will spend my time divided between touring Palermo and some of the smaller hill cities to the south.  

I want to hook up with a native-born, native-speaking Italian provider. Because of the incredible influence of the church in Italy, the number of native Italian women in the profession is very low. Most of the good-looking providers are eastern European. They're gorgeous, but I want Italian. Also, I want a TER 9 or 10. That shrinks the pool further.  

Palermo is completely lacking, so I may wind up taking an hour's flight from Palermo to Rome or Milan. See the provider, spend a day or so in the city, and go back to Sicily.

One provider I'm interested in is in Rome. I'll have a 5 hour layover in Rome on my way to Palermo. I've thought about asking her if she'd like to have an on-the-clock lunch at the airport. That way I can get firsthand look at her, and see what she's like. A lot of the photographs of European providers are heavily retouched.

If we really hit it off, I'd see about spending an entire day with her.

There's just a couple of things. She doesn't have a menu like many providers do, where services are checked off, so I don't know if she offers CIM. That's very important to me. I'm not going that far out of my way only to just sploosh on her boobs or in a plastic bag.  She also doesn't specify rates for an entire day.

Is it odd to ask for a paid meeting at an airport for lunch? I shouldn't think so. Is it appropriate to ask about specific services at such a meeting? That I don't know. I'm not sure about asking about full-day rates, either.

As for providers in other cities like Milan, I wouldn't book with them unless they specified what I want on their menus.

Thanks for any replies.

Thanks, BigPapasan. Some real beauties there.

Don't know if you noticed, but the link in the first review at your second link leads to Escorts of Italy, and all of the women are Russian. ;)

I did look through those reviews weeks ago, though, and am considering some of them.

I can only answer from my own experience here in this country.  Some ladies have "social date" rates on their sites but just because she doesn't, that doesn't mean she won't do it.  

But make sure you are agreed upon the amount.  Some men feel this type of meeting should be heavily discounted, while some women charge the same as their escort rates.  

Posted By: donbecker54

  Is it odd to ask for a paid meeting at an airport for lunch? I shouldn't think so.
From talking with other providers here in the US, it seems that this is more commonly requested of the higher-end, courtesan types than the average escort.  Even back when I did social dates and outcalls, I was asked to do this sort of thing very rarely.  And to be honest, I often thought of these men as window-shoppers.   They usually didn't want to pay very much for my time, instead emphasizing the fact that he'd be paying for a very nice/expensive meal and if I lived up to my own hype there would be much more $$$ in it for me.   It seemed like they wanted me to really turn it on, and sell them into spending more time/money with me.    
So if I had ANY other offers for that same time slot, I'd definitely go with that person rather than the high-maintenance window shopper.   But that's just my perspective and opinion. :-)
Posted By: donbecker54
Is it appropriate to ask about specific services at such a meeting? That I don't know. I'm not sure about asking about full-day rates, either.
Personally, I don't think that this should be asked in public.  Asking direct, specific questions could cause her to leave.    

You should be able to inquire about full-day rates in advance.   When communicating prior to your lunch visit, subtly let her know that you are hoping you both hit it off and could spend an entire day (be specific about how many hours) together but did not see the rate for that on her site/ad.   Also tell her then that there are questions you'd like answered, but don't know how to do that without being explicit....   and see how she responds.    

As already suggested, doing as much research as possible and sticking with ladies who either advertise CIM or have reviews stating that they do this, is probably your best bet.  ;-)


---Modified for typos! :-P

-- Modified on 9/22/2015 10:14:15 AM

Thank you for that detailed reply.  

I would pay her full rate to meet at a restaurant at the airport. I don't expect any discounts, and I would be clear in advance that I would pay her full rate to meet.

It's maddening, but relatively few providers on the site I'm using (the largest for Italy) specify CIM on their menus. Lots of CBJ, certainly more than on TER. And lots of BBBJ with COB or COF, which leads me to believe there's no CIM if they only mention the first two.  I don't have time to compare to TER, but I think the percentage who do CIM is lower on the Italian site.

The provider in question doesn't have a menu with prices and services. About half the providers do, half don't.  

There are 1250 providers with ads on the site for all of Italy. Of those, only 225 are Italian. Of those 225, just 52 specify CIM. Most of the 225 would be TER 7's or 8's.  

This particular provider is a classic Italian beauty (at least in her photos). Given the amount of Photoshopping in European ads, I would want to see her or any Rome provider first if possible before flying from Palermo back up to Rome for a session

GaGambler547 reads

and before anyone jumps on me for being indiscrete, please keep in mind that prostitution is perfectly legal in Italy, those kind of questions are only considered indiscrete in jurisdictions where prostitution is illegal.

My suggestion is to simply ask the lady in question for a list of what are her dos and don'ts.

Direct and to the point.

"Hey, Maria, can I come in your mouth or what?"  ;)

Thanks for the help. Seriously.

GaGambler534 reads

It takes a while to get used to it when brought up to use code words, beat around the bush, or just take your chances like we do here, but after a while it's no big deal to ask a woman right out loud if she will do BBBJ, Greek or allow CIM.  

One other word of advice on the subject, remember not to do the same thing here at home where you will immediately have communications cut off by asking the same questions of a providers you've never seen. Maria in Italy, Costa Rica or Brazil will be just fine with it, but Mary right here at home won't be so open minded about it. lol

Meeting on day of arrival is cutting it damn close, what if your outbound flight reschedules, would she still be compensated even if she can't make it out to the airport when you DO arrive?

It's an hour from Rome to the FCO airport whether you do bus, taxi, or train.  Sure, the actual trip may be 40 minutes, but she'll still need to reach a station.  And then it's the same amount of time back home again.  Lunch will be an easy 2 hours, so you're on the hook at four hours of her time.

Likely better to get a hotel room at the airport (so you can shower!) and spend time on a test drive.  Should be close to the same cost, you get to see what a real date would be like, and can always have a meal together afterwards (off the clock) if interested in setting up a future day-long event.  If her menu isn't up to what you like, then at least you had a fun time finding out.

I saw you posted on the regional Europe board, so it looks like you're doing good research.  Wish I was of better assistance, but I've run into the same roadblocks you noted for that area.

What's the difference if I pay her for lunch and she's running late, or I pay her for hotel and she's running late?

I figure I'll be pretty run down after all of that time.

If she's running late then it's on her to make things right and keep a good client relationship.  And as DebbieNoonerGirl noted, a lunch date takes back seat to a hotel date - so if you book lunch but she gets a hotel offfer at the last minute, you're dining alone.

As for being wiped out after the flight it's a concern, but manageable since you appear to be departing from the US East Coast.  Keep drinking water on the flight, avoid caffeine and alcohol, and drink some fruit juice upon arrival.  I've found multivitims are worthwhile if you travel a lot.
Finding a way to sleep on the flight will help dramatically.  An eye mask to block lights, earplugs to block people, a window seat to avoid being bumped, stay up late the night before, maybe take a sleeping pill on the flight.  If you do the pill route, be sure to try them out at home ahead of time to see how you react.

Taking a shower upon arrival is just golden.  I mean a real one, not a sink bath & shave in the terminal bathrooms.  FIO has two lounges with showers but both are airside (departure) which can't be accessed upon arrival due to passport control, and you'd have to be a member of PriortyPass anyway.  However, with your connecting flight to Sicily later, you CAN reach those lounges if you want to.  The cost of membership & entry fee is likely close to the price of a hotel room though.

GaGambler554 reads

Personally, especially on a long flight, I drink at least one bottle of wine during the meal, pass out during the second movie and snooze the rest of the way there. Works for me.

I really see no good reason to do a non BCD lunch date in the first place, unless of course the OP doesn't think he will be up to a session after his flight. I stick with my original advice which is to simply articulate his wishes and his questions to the woman in question. There is no need to be coy in most European countries and his questions will not seem rude or indiscrete if asked politely.

FWIW, I have done a lot of session on layovers much shorter than 5 hours. It's a very simply mater to have her arrange an incall location near the airport and they can "order in" for lunch. There is no need to make this any harder than it needs to be, communication is the key here.

I haven't flown in 25 years, as I hate to fly. I used to be afraid to fly, so I'll find out on this trip if I still am. A 19-hour flight is a bad way to find out. ;)

I may well be stressed from the flight, and then stressed from being in a foreign country and not understanding 90% of what people are saying. I'd be concerned with setting up a BCD meeting and missing the connecting flight. I know it's five hours, but on a busy traffic day, five hours from O'Hare to a hotel and back could easily make you miss your flight.

I'm still not understanding the point about her preferring a hotel booking to a lunch booking. If I'm paying her full rate for an hour at lunch, wouldn't that be preferable to having to fuck or suck or whatever for an hour? Isn't lunch less work?  

-- Modified on 9/23/2015 7:02:25 PM can get up and take a walk to stretch your legs without bothering your seatmates.  Also, I'm not really claustrophobic, but I don't like sitting under the overhead compartments as you do in the window seats.

As GaG said, booze works but I find melatonin does as well.

I'm an alcoholic. Well, I think GaG is, too, but I had to stop. ;)

I'm not afraid of being in a plane in the air, but I hate public transportation, being stuffed in with other people and having no control over where the vehicle is going. Flying is pretty much the worst of all that (except for the NYC subway at 5 pm). That's why I think I won't be in very good shape by the time I get to Rome.

GaGambler539 reads

but yeah I get the point.  

I certainly hope you are not flying coach as that many hours in a tiny seat is a long time for even the most seasoned travelers.

I really don't mind flying, but then again I don't subject myself to a dozen hours or more stuck in the "back of the bus"

I can understand why you might be loathe to schedule a "real" session, given your long flight, but IMO if the cost is the same, why not have "lunch" with her in her hotel room? It might be just what you need after a long flight.

I joined Alcoholics Anonymous. I still drank. I just used a fake name. ;)

I'll have to think about the BCD thing. I do long drives (700-900 miles/day) and long motorcycle rides (500-700 miles per day), and I'm not good for anything at the end. I suspect I'll be the same after hours and hours in the air with people I will hate by the time the flight ends

Don't know your connections, but change for shorter times if possible.  Think of it this way - if the cost of a bar tab is more than the change fee, then take the shorter flight.

Airlines made the seats smaller and closer together since your last jaunt, so try to get Economy Plus seating or better.  You might get lucky and have 120volt power at the seat to keep a laptop running, depends on the fleet.  Some flights have wifi-for-pay if you want to surf the internet, and at least United will stream videos to your device during the flight if you install their viewer software.

I'm an aisle guy as I wander when I can't sleep, and will stretch in the kitchen area, drink some water, or chat with the flight crew.  Sleep is difficult for me on planes.  Tried the alcohol method, but it's not very effective; about the same as sleeping pills - haven't combined the two though!

As for her pricing lunch versus a romp in a room, that's something only she can answer.  I like what GaG said earlier: just ask her in an email.  It's legal there; worst case you've sexually trafficked yourself.

It's actually 19 hours to Palermo. The Rome-to-Palermo flight is one hour. The rest of the time is the flying and layovers.

I have a bit of experience in Italy and much more in other parts of Europe.  If she is with an agency it is likely easier to ask.  If she is with an agency, which one?


Agencies are illegal, right? Not that it makes any difference. I'm sure that the police find ways of harassing the legal independents, too.

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