Newbie - FAQ

Re: TER ALLOWS aliases.Whining maggots complain about it ! Fuck 'em!
shudaknownbetter 2100 reads

I often share my TER "handle" during the verification process, which allows the lady to see the reviews I've written.
I use one "alias" for the discussion boards.  

Ok, this is probably a really stupid question, but I don't want to violate board etiquette.

I've been trying to learn as much as possible using the search function, etc...

I've seen several posts ripping on people for using an alias.  But isn't everyone on here using an alias of some sort?  Is anybody using their real name to post?

I have been unable to clarify this point using the search or FAQ functions and I don't want to piss people off when I post because I'm using an alias.  What is meant by don't use an alias?

Since you are a newbie, there are no stupid questions...well, sorta.  To answer your question, your handle, i.e., your main alias, is your name on the boards.  If you are a VIP member, posting under it lets eveyone know who you are.  You can be reached via PM for further info, responding to questions you may have that s/b kept confidential, or to tear you a new one if you posted something offensive.  Using a secondary alias is useful if you wish to maintain anomynity in posting or responding about certain issues, but use of alias' is often abused in order to flame or attack other posters, and is often seen as cowardly. Also, use of an alias here asking questions as a newbie is suspicious...our first impression is that Uncle Leo (LE) may be in our midst...

followme1657 reads

The way I see it the term alias AS USED on this board is any name other than the one on your TER birth certificate.
For the purpose of this board The name on your TER birth certificate is your "real name" and any other name you use is an alias
As for me, I suppose,technically,  you could say I  have numerous aliases, however since the Followme family is so large I allow my cousins and other family menbers to sign on using my TER log in name then go to their names such as
to name just a few of my family (there are many others )
So technically these are aliases , however in my case they are all real  members of the followme family.
To the best of my knowledge they do behave themselves.

I hope this clears it all up

Thank You

Ass-2-Mouth1771 reads

Aliases can be used in a plethora of fun ways by TER VIPs. Enjoy aliases, and embrace aliases. There is nothing wrong with using an alias. Don't let some mamby pamby school marm wimp tell you otherwise.

Happy Hobbying!

shudaknownbetter2101 reads

I often share my TER "handle" during the verification process, which allows the lady to see the reviews I've written.
I use one "alias" for the discussion boards.  

ClaudeMonet968 reads

I only use an alias when I think I might get into trouble with what I am about to say.


followme915 reads

So why the alias now?
You have not said anything to get in or cause trouble.

Thank you

-- Modified on 7/4/2008 7:06:31 AM

Please understand that your TER given name stands for your reputation here. If you are in need of any information for your comfort and safety such as : LE questions about an area, info on a lady you would like to see while on your travels do expect to get flamed if you use and alias. This is a very important thing for every newbie to understand. Your local board posters do protect each other and will not take kindly to an outsider asking questions. TER is about keeping each other safe so hope I have added to your comfort level.

Now guys who has the paddle???

   Kisses Haley

-- Modified on 7/2/2008 7:01:08 AM

CD and Haley are right on. To put it in more personal terms, I do not have a problem with a post from an alias, however, I usually skip over it, and I usually do not respond to questions from an alias, nor do I open his/her attachments or links. I didn't start out with the above strategy, but developed it while having read posts for a little less that a year.

GaGambler1277 reads

The song outdates the series by about 22 years.  Maybe you're not young, maybe I am just old. lol

FWIW I mainly agree with you regarding aliases. They can be funny, but too often they are used to flame away anonymously. IMO if you can't take a stand under your "real" fake name, why should anyone take you seriously?

Actually, I'm nearly 60. I just lost my music acumen once I started raising a family and never really caught up. I miss the days when you could hear a song on the radio and the announcer would tell you the name of it and the recording artists. Not so today. Was that a song by the "Who?"

GaGambler1163 reads

All three CSI show's theme songs are by the Who. Some music is timeless.

Thank you to everyone for all the responses and clearing this up for me.!

I plan on just sticking with this one name, because I really don't need multiple personalities.

"I plan on just sticking with this one name, because I really don't need multiple personalities"

Lucky for you as people that use multiple aliases usually have a personality as mixed up as their aliasses..

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