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Re: Swim is a big boy and he can take the heat
Panthera12 353 reads

Swim understands. I'll just toss him that life preserver if he needs it.  

I don't have the time right now, but I will have to look for those GaG mistakes. Surely I busted you chops if I noticed them, lol.

Is there a board or forum that providers discuss clients that we do not have access to?

...they have 3 reviews. TER decides if access is granted. FYI: There is a reviewers only board. You must have 10 reviews and request access by contacting TER.

The providers only board, there is also a reviewers only board.

Posted By: angelokings
Is there a board or forum that providers discuss clients that we do not have access to?

But rare if any discussion of clients.  The things you guys imagine... ;)

Once you have 3 reviews, you contact admin and request admission.  I believe you must have demonstrated that you can post within the posting guidelines.  On your first review, you can request limited VIP and to have your profile linked to your handle, which will make it easier for guys to see your profile.


Panthera12438 reads

It helps to read the posts before commenting.  

Posted By: swimtrekr
Once you have 3 reviews, you contact admin and request admission.  I believe you must have demonstrated that you can post within the posting guidelines.  On your first review, you can request limited VIP and to have your profile linked to your handle, which will make it easier for guys to see your profile.  
 Swim we all (okay, maybe not you) have read a post quickly, and misinterpreted it.  I know I have, many times.

Hugs and Kisses,

GaGambler368 reads

I got a hell of a lot worse comments when I modded this board and made a mistake, but in my defense I usually only made mistakes when PUI. lol

I am sure Swim will reread the post, realize that he made an error and move on without dwelling on it.

But actually after rereading Swim's post, although he was incorrect in his assumption that the OP was a provider, there was nothing technically incorrect about anything he said. lol

FWIW Panthera is an asset to this board, as are you.  So I wouldn't get too bent out of shape that  Panthera busted Swim's chops a bit.

Panthera12354 reads

Swim understands. I'll just toss him that life preserver if he needs it.  

I don't have the time right now, but I will have to look for those GaG mistakes. Surely I busted you chops if I noticed them, lol.

GaGambler360 reads


Of course you know coming from me, that is actually the highest of praise. lol

Panthera12367 reads

Perhaps you have misinterpreted my post. Go ahead and reread it a few more times.  

Bugs and Hisses

...for the time he spends as host here, which is a lot more time than mrfisher, GaG or I spend here put together.

Believe me, I've done my share of picking on swim on another board.  But he's very much like mrfisher in that he very rarely responds in anger.

Panthera12412 reads

Access is always questionable though.

just in a hurry, trying to catch up.  Shit happens.  Thanks for correcting me, and thanks for sticking up for me.  Some days I don't always get much time to be online, so I have to rush thru threads.

Appreciate all the help I get on here.


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