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Re: Sure...sad_smile
Elessar1382 373 reads

I am having trouble...trying to find someone for tonight.  But no numbers i call are answering...:(  I think i can provide good background info...i am active duty military.

First off I'm new to this hobby and have been with four providers to date. I tried to get into it in the past and ran into some serious problems that scared the hell out of me, ie: provider tried to blackmail me, so I stopped. I did my research and decided the best route was to join a verification site. I joined P-411 and found that some of the ladies are easy going and some, not so much. The problem I'm having is that some providers on P-411 request all kinds of additional screening information after contacting them. This has happened to me twice now when I try and set up appointments through P-411. The provider still requests all my info for "screening purposes" even when I give them references, one of which was an adult film star. I'm on P-411 because I don't want to give out my personal info. I nearly got seriously burned once, so I never give out personal info anymore. I realize no one wants to get busted, or meet up with a psycho, but I'm on P-411 so I'm clearly not the cops and I have very good references, so I'm not a psycho either. Can you help me undestand this, I've missed out on some prime tail because of it and was wondering if there was some way to alleviate their concerns without divulging my info.

Also, on a seperate note, I think that I've found that best way to avoid getting busted, ripped off, or blackmailed. I have a series of rules that I follow and it seems to work pretty well. Now this does cost you extra money, but I'm willing to spend it for my piece of mind. First, I only see girls through a verification site (start off with newbie friendly girls). Second, I only see them during outcalls at my hotel room, even when I'm in my home town (avoids you getting ripped off or anyone knowing where you live, and cops generally don't seem to do outcalls). Third, I never divulge any personal information (so you can't get blackmailed later). Fourth, I only see girls that are visiting, will travel from the next county over, or have them come to my hotel while I'm out of town (never heard of cops leaving their jurisdiction for a prostitution bust). fifth, I only see girls that are well reviewed and the reviewers have a lengthy review history (common sense). So, tell me what you think. I can't see any flaws with my system.

Zangari603 reads

Sound idea: Using P411 (or any established screening service) and seeing those providers only. When a P411 provider asks for additional info, that defeats the purpose of a screening service.  She can check your provider oks and contact any of those providers.  Don't furnish any additional info.  As a 'buyer', you have to be able to walk away from any negotiation.  Your privacy isn't negotiable.  

Sound idea:  When seeing someone for the first time, you book the room.  But that adds cost, so unless you book a fleabag hotel, add 60-70 bucks per session.  I sometimes cringe when I think of how much I've spent on hotel rooms over the years.

Fuzzy idea:  "Cops leaving their jurisdiction".  I'm not sure what you mean here.  A cop running a sting can claim to be anyone from anywhere.  And if you walk into a sting, it doesn't matter where you're from.  Whether she travels from 'the next county' or you travel 'from the next county' doesn't matter.    --z

-- Modified on 5/19/2012 10:45:55 PM

...X County will not go into Y County to arrest someone because the crime isn't happening in X County.  In theory he may be right, but cops aren't stupid - they may pretend to be from another county while in reality, they (and you) may be on their home turf to give you a false sense of security.

First off, ever heard of a "Task Force".  It's a multi-jurisdictional thing where LEOs from more than one agency work as a group...  deputized for the other areas.  Don't forget your State Patrol...  they can run enforcement stings as well.

Since you're still new, and you haven't yet experienced this, I've read a number of posts over the years on hobby boards,  where hobbyists booked the room in advance, and then were either ncns'd or the provider called at the last minute to cancel, you know life got in the way. You're on the hook for the hotel room and no one to share it with. Also, how are you paying for the room? If you have an SO, I hope you're paying cash. Hey bottom line, you gotta do whatever makes you feel comfortable.

BTW, I'm an incall kinda guy, I like the provider to feel comfortable with her  surroundings, and incall usually accomplishes that for many providers. If you do your homework, incall  usually is not a problem.

Zangari551 reads

HH: you make some valid points below, but given what we know about the OP:

1.  Lowering LE risk is of primary importance to him.  Incall is way more risky in regard to LE, since their SOP is to place an incall ad  & bust you when you walk through the door.

2.  The OP doesn't mention an SO, so either he doesn't have one or he's not as concerned about it.  Given a loser's choice between getting busted vs SO finding out, I'll take SO finding out every time.  If you're busted in a sting, not only will your SO find out, but so will everyone else.  Imagine your mugshot in the local newspaper.  Imagine your career & reputation ruined.  

3.  It's also possible that a reviewed provider, even someone you've seen before, has been busted & flipped by LE.   That happened in Chicago not long ago,  where LE busted & flipped a provider.  LE stung a number of her clients during her incall.   --z

Posted By: hiddenhills
Since you're still new, and you haven't yet experienced this, I've read a number of posts over the years on hobby boards,  where hobbyists booked the room in advance, and then were either ncns'd or the provider called at the last minute to cancel, you know life got in the way. You're on the hook for the hotel room and no one to share it with. Also, how are you paying for the room? If you have an SO, I hope you're paying cash. Hey bottom line, you gotta do whatever makes you feel comfortable.

BTW, I'm an incall kinda guy, I like the provider to feel comfortable with her  surroundings, and incall usually accomplishes that for many providers. If you do your homework, incall  usually is not a problem.

most hotels insist on a Credit Card number.  Occasionally guys who pay cash interecpt a promo in the mail that they have trouble explaining to the SO.
Never leave a provider in possesion of a room you booked!  If she proceeds to use it as an incall, your name is on it.  If she or someone she invites in, raids the mini-bar, it's on your Credit Card.

Some providers need absolutely NO information to see you, and that includes a ref. Your cell number is enough for some to say "Come on over." Others, will gladly accept references from any lady with even one review, while some require more than one from only established providers with an actual review history and a professional website...that would be me ha ha. Finally, there are girls who know that no matter how many refs you have, it won't save them from ending up in a suitcase cut into pieces...only knowing who you are can prevent or at the very least catch the person who did it.

When I travel I only require 2 good refs, but when I am at home I want it all. What is the difference? Well, I am well known in my home town and want to make sure I am not running into a guy from work, a former professor, or one of my parent's friends. I think your idea to see touring ladies is a good idea because like me, many of those providers are not worried about your personal info. when on the road...some will still require it no matter what.

My point is, don't try to change a provider's way of screening to suit you. Simply find ones who will agree what you are comfortable providing. No one here will be putting themselves at risk for the other, so it's a moot issue trying to change it. It's not going to happen.

-- Modified on 5/20/2012 4:58:25 AM

I have completely stopped even trying to pay cash at hotels now because that is one of their top clues to watch for when looking out for illegal activities and le is training hotel staff of this.  The last time I asked to pay cash, the desk clerks mood totally changed from friendly to "monotone get out of my hotel whore" and suddenly he wanted a $200 deposit for incidentals + my credit card info on file.

I'm not saying that any one part of my system is flawless, but when I follow all my rules combined, they add up to the best system that I can come up with. And yes, I have been stood up and left paying for an empty room, like I said my system does cost me more. And no, no significant other (anymore), that's why I'm trying the hobby again. I currently have no desire to get into any kind of relationship for a while. I also use a burn phone and pay for it in cash. Any e-mail or reviews, I do from the phone.

From what I can tell about the cops mentality they seem to want the quick bust. I understand that they could organize some huge task force to bust a bunch of guys for misdemeanors, but it's unlikely. I have never seen a news article about cops making busts on outcalls while using an informant, and I'm pretty sure that they can't use an informant on a bust like that. They aren't allowed to use civilians in that way (if anyone has information to the contrary, please share). They seem to concentrate on possible underage girls and trafficking victims. That's why I stear clear of younger providers, and besides I have more fun with the more experienced ladies, I think most will agree with that.  I also only go with well reviewed providers that have been doing this for a while and have plenty of photos posted. If they don't match the pics, see ya.

Also keep in mind, if something makes you feel off about anything, you can simply not open your door. If the cops show up you can say you don't know what they're talking about. They can't bust you for prostitution if you never even open your door. I have also checked for local news stories of the area I'll be travelling to for any busts they've done in the past and found this to be very educational. I also think that most providers will agree that no talk of sex or what you want them to do in any conversation will only protect you. Some guys actually see providers for simple companionship and someone to talk to and have dinner with. Also, It's not illegal to pay for a strip show, start off with that and if they start gettiing weird about it, abort. Could be your own little LE check. Think about it. Never mention sex in your conversations, just maybe what you want them to wear. When they arrived tell them you want a strip show and you can even pay them at that point, your not commiting a crime. If something feels off, simply say that's all you wanted, thank you.

I really do like when the provider never even asks for the money, simply grabs it on the way out. Very professional and reassuring. Makes me feel much more comfortable right away.

i think thats the way most hotels are though now a days...back when i went home last april for a visit, i clearly had my kids and husband with me (now ex husband) and it was VERY late by the time we got there and when i wanted to pay cash, they still wanted my cc info for in case of damage. i don't honestly think its simply because of illegal activities though it certainly could be "on the safe side" for the hotels.

I have no idea how some hotels would know you're a hooker, but I have never had an issue in 4 years. I pay the same deposit each guest has to be in case you order room service or make long distance calls. I also don't show my face and never have. If you list a phone number on the net and are dumb enough to give that same number to the front desk...well, I think we all know the rest. If they google it, you're fked. I use two different numbers and emails for bookings and I fly twice a month. Some hotels run every single person for a warrant in their city as well, so if you don't have problem. The person who checks in should not look like your escort ads brainer. You also should not be seen with several men in the bar or lobby during your stay...begging for attention.

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